Teen Wolf has, sadly, been on hiatus for months now, and while we are not so patiently waiting for the next season, I thought it would be a fun idea to go through each season’s best moments. From Stiles and his sarcasm, relationship moments, and “my mom usually does all of the grocery shopping” there’s no denying that along with the murders and dramatics, season one of Teen Wolf did a great job of mixing the right amount of hilarity, drama, and supernatural scary stuff. Here’s a look back at some of the best moments of the premier season when we were introduced to Scott McCall’s world.
1×01: Wolf Moon
Ahh, the introduction of one of the most popular relationships on the show, and they’re not even together! Not even remotely close to being together in this particular scene. This is just when we first learn of Stiles’
crush love for the strawberry blonde, and that Lydia has no idea who Stiles is. “You’re the cause of this you know? Dragging me down to your nerd-depths? I’m a nerd by association. I’ve been scarlet nerded by you.” Stiles says to his best friend Scott as Lydia walks by, ignoring him once again.
Here we have the introduction of what is possibly considered the best relationship of the show; Allison and Scott. It’s Allison’s first day, and Scott is instantly drawn to her. With his new werewolf hearing, he even hears her own her phone when she’s outside and learns that she forgot a pen. So, when she sits down behind him in class, he offers her his pen without her even asking. So sweet.
This scene speaks for itself. Definitely considered the best line in the entire series, I’m sure. When Scott suddenly becomes one of the best players on the lacrosse team, Jackson automatically concluding that Scott must be doing steroids. Scott, being the innocent puppy that he is, is clueless as to what Jackson is talking about.
1×02: Second Chance at First Line
Stiles is such a lovesick puppy for Lydia, and she just does not care or have any idea who he is. That doesn’t stop him from trying though. When he runs into her at the hospital, he works up the courage to give this big speech about how he thinks they have this unspoken connection and that they should get to know each other better. The whole time, Lydia looks like she’s listening and agreeing with him, but then she reveals that she was actually listening to the person she was on her blue tooth with. Bummer. 🙁
Allison and Scott’s FIRST KISS. In the dark, boys locker room. After he had lost control on the lacrosse field and almost shifted in front of everyone, including her and her father.
1×03: Pack Mentality
Even though Scott and Stiles have been best friends since they were kids, Stiles doesn’t seem to have a key to the McCall house… yet. So, he climbs through Scott’s bedroom window, scaring Melissa to death. This particular moment is funny because in the premier, Stiles is trying to climb the lattice to Scott’s room and Scott thinks he’s an intruder and goes after him with a bat, just like Melissa does here.
1×04: Magic Bullet
There’s no denying that Stiles and Derek have some of the best back and forth banter on the show, which is probably why a lot of people actually ship them as a couple, but I personally don’t see it… at all. To each their own though. Anyways, the banter is at its prime in season one, and chock full of it in this episode where Derek is on the verge of dying and Stiles is forced to help him while Scott is preoccupied and trying to get the bullet that did the damage.
Stiles: “Oh. My. God. What is that? Oh is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out.”
Derek: “Start the car. Now.”
Stiles: “I don’t think you should be barking order with the way you look. In fact, I think if I wanted to, i could probably drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead.”
Derek: “Start the car, or I’m going to rip your throat out… with my teeth.” Stiles starts the car.
Mutual hatred makes for excellent television, y’all.
Also happening in this episode, Allison has seemingly decided to take her relationship with Scott to the next level, but Scott has been more worried about trying to get the bullet that Kate shot Derek with so he can save Derek. He manages to find and take the bullet from Kate’s bag, but just as he’s leaving, Kate stops him and confronts him about her bag being open and him being the last one in the room. When Kate and Argent insist that Scott show what’s in his pockets, Allison comes to the rescue and admits that she was the one that took something and pulls out a condom like it’s no big deal. Scott’s, Kate’s, and Argent’s faces are priceless. When Scott finally gets out of the house and starts to get on his back, what just happened hits him and a goofy grin appears on his face as he realized what Allison taking that condom meant.
1×05: The Tell
Lydia is all doped up on medicine to help her relax after witnessing a werewolf attack at the movie rental store with Jackson the previous night (even though neither of them know what the thing was). When she doesn’t show up at school, Stiles goes to check on her at home (because he’s in love with her obviously). When Lydia’s mom says that a Stiles is there to see her, she responds with “what the hell is a Stiles?” That probably had to be a dagger to Stiles’ heart a bit, but he didn’t care. He still stayed to try to talk to her and see if he could get any information on what she saw the night before. He was out of luck though because she was just too out of it.
1×06: Heart Monitor
Aww when Scott realizes that he’s in love with Allison because she’s his anchor and helps him gain control over shifting. This scene is also particularly funny because while Scott is all giddy about realizing his new love for her, Stiles is seemingly already fed up with his giddiness because there are more important things to worry about. “I love her.” “That’s great… now moving on.” “No no no… really, I think I’m totally in love with her.” “and that’s beautiful, now before you go off and write a sonnet, can we figure this out please?”
This episode is also full of Stiles being mad at Scott for letting his dad get hurt the night before. He tries to ignore him at first, but as he so eloquently says, “your crap has infiltrated my life, so I have to do something about it.” So he spends most of the episode trying to help Scott figure out a way to control his shifting so that he doesn’t have to go to Derek for help. He also manages to take out some of his frustration on him while doing so. When they get stuck in detention together, there’s a nice moment where we get a better look at just how much their friendship means, and how Stiles doesn’t want Scott to lose sight of what Scott’s new abilities mean.
Scott: “Dude, you’re my best friend and I can’t have you being angry at me.”
Stiles: “I’m not angry anymore. You have something, Scott. Okay? Whether you want it or not, you can do things that nobody else can do. It means you don’t have a choice anymore, it means you have to do something.”
Scott: “I know, and I will.”
1×07: Night School
When Scott, Stiles, Allison, Lydia and Jackson are trapped in the school being chased by the alpha, we kind of see a different side of Stiles: worry. Jackson tells Stiles to call his dad (the sheriff), and Stiles refuses because he doesn’t want him getting hurt. While we get to see the usual sarcasm, we also get to see his aggression come out for the first time really when he punches Jackson (which he’s had coming for a long time at this point in the show).
1×08: Lunatic
After what happened in 1×07 and Allison broke up with Scott, he’s feeling the heartbreak, and since he’s a werewolf, those feelings are escalated even more. “I looked at her and it was like someone was hitting me in the ribs with a hammer.” “Yeah, it’s called heartbreak. There’s about 2 billion songs written about it.” You gotta love Stiles for his honesty.
I think we can all agree that Dylan O’brien as Stiles has some of the best facial expressions and reactions of any television character (maybe I’m just a tad biased though). One of my favorites is when Coach is calling out those who made first line. He gets his hopes up when Coach starts to say a name with an “S”, but then sad when he decides that it’s actually a “B.” But when Coach says “Bilinski” Stiles has no problem showing his excitement for finally making first line.
Coach: “Bilinski! Shut up.”
Scott: “Stiles…”
Stiles: “It’s Biles. Call me Biles or I swear to God I’ll kill you.”
1×09: Wolf’s Bane
We all love Stiles introducing Derek to Danny as his cousin Miguel, which only annoys Derek even more than he already always is with Stiles. What makes this entire scene though is how Stiles uses Danny being gay to his advantage once he notices that Danny is attracted to Derek. He makes Derek change his shirt since there’s blood on it and Danny gets distracted. He does all of this to get what he wants out of Danny, him to trace a text, which he ultimately agrees to.
Stiles: “You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don’t ya Danny boy?”
Danny: “You’re a horrible person.”
Stiles: “I know it keeps me awake at night. Anyways, about that text…”
Derek: “Stiles! None of these fit.” -Danny decides to trace the text.-
Teen Wolf has done a pretty good job at including and showing off strong female characters. This particular scene is just the beginning of that for Allison. After being trapped in the school and feeling terrified, she decided she wanted a change. She wants to be able to defend herself, and not feel afraid to do so. Little does she know that she is more than capable of doing so.
1×10: Co-Captain
Family moments are some of my favorite moments on this show, especially Stilinski family moments. When Stiles and his dad share a heartwarming scene, I can’t help but feel all of the emotions. While the beginning of this scene is pretty funny because Stiles is getting his dad drunk (without him realizing it) so that he can get more information on cases, the end of it will hit you right in the feels. Papa Stilinski is two sheets in the wind on Jack Daniels, and Stiles feels like he’s gotten the information he needs so he walks away to make a call as his dad says that he misses talking to him. It’s not until the sheriff states that he also misses Stiles’ mom, that Stiles stops in his tracks and asks what he just said. Instead of answering, his dad reaches for more JD, but Stiles stops him. It really is a sweet moment because the sheriff has a history of reaching for the bottle too much after his wife died.
Ahh… Allison is finally shown what is going on in this new town she lives in, and also learns of her family secrets all thanks to her aunt Kate. This was one of my favorite scenes, cinematography wise, because it’s really well shot/directed. I like how it’s all dark in the tunnel as Kate and Allison are talking and then Kate reveals Derek by turning the spotlight on him and we see Allison’s expression, then it pans to Derek all werewolfed (not sure that’s a word, but oh well) out, chained up, and roaring at them. I also like that Allison is finally in the loop on everything after being out of it for so long, although she still doesn’t know that Scott is a werewolf… none of her family does.
1×11: Formality (my favorite episode of season 1 probably)
Let’s face it, Scott and Allison are hardcore Stydia shippers. They know that their best friends would be happy together, and they want it to happen. Allison wants Lydia to finally get over the jerk that is Jackson and move on to Stiles who has loved her since 3rd grade. Scott wants his best friend to finally get the girl of his dreams. It’s as simple as that, and Allison makes it obvious when she makes Lydia go to formal with Stiles after Lydia made out with Scott in Coach’s office. I love this because Allison is clearly proud of her idea. Stiles is his awkward self, but clearly excited. And Lydia is worried, but my Stydia shipper heart believes she’s secretly perfectly happy with this idea, but she’s afraid to let anyone know that. I mean, it’s not too far out there because Lydia is very good at hiding who she really is and how she feels, i.e. that she’s one of the smartest people in their class and that she does actually care that Jackson broke up with her.
STYDIA! I think it’s safe to say that every Stydia shipper was probably doing the exact same thing as Stiles is here when we got this scene. Stiles has waited his whole life for the moment to take Lydia Martin to a dance, and when he finally gets the opportunity, they’re just sitting at the table. Well, he is having none of that. After a few attempts at asking her to dance and her passing, he’s had enough. He stands up and gives a big speech that ultimately wins Lydia over:
Stiles: “Lydia get up. Okay? You’re gonna dance with me. I don’t care that you made out with my best friend for some weird power thing I don’t know. Lydia I’ve had a crush on you since the third grade, and I know that somewhere inside that cold, lifeless exterior, there’s an actual human soul. And I’m also pretty sure that I’m the only one who knows how smart you really are. Uh huh. And that once you’re done pretending to be a nitwit, you’ll eventually go off and write some insane mathematical theorem that wins you the Nobel Prize.”
I mean, how can you say no to that??
Here we have Allison finding out that Scott is a werewolf, which is a huge moment in their relationship obviously, and poses many complications to that relationship. I mean, when you’re from a family of werewolf hunters, and you’re in love with a werewolf, it’s bound to make for some tense family discussions. They’re like a modern day Romeo and Juliette I guess you could say.
This is another one of my favorite scenes, not just because of what’s happening, but because of how it’s directed. The way it’s lit with presumably just the headlights of the SUVs trying to run Scott down between the buses. How Scott is in human form and then he jumps up to avoid getting squished between the two cars, and then he looks up at Allison and he’s in werewolf form. Her reaction. His reaction. It all serves as a very dramatic ending of the episode.
1×12: Code Breaker
I love this moment when Allison really looks at Scott as a werewolf for the first time, and realizes that she still loves him, no matter what her family says. Like I said, they’re like Romeo and Juliet. I also love that he transforms back to human as she gets closer, proving even more that she’s his anchor back to humanity.
Scott: “Why’d you do that?”
Allison: “Because I love you.”
So, a big part of this season was Scott wanting to be the one to kill the alpha so that he could be cured of being a werewolf so that he could be with Allison without any problems. Derek agreed to help Scott kill him, if Scott helped find him and figure out who it is. Turns out it was Derek’s uncle Peter, and he killed Derek’s sister. Talk about some family drama. Anyways, this all comes to a climax in this episode, and Scott finally gets the opportunity to kill the alpha. As Derek is standing over Peter’s scorched body, about to go in for the kill, Scott attempts to stop him. Derek contemplates it for a minute, but then goes against Scott’s wishes and slashes Peter’s throat.
“I’m the alpha now.” He says as he looks back to Scott with glowing red eyes, setting the tone for season 2.
It’s funny because when Teen Wolf first aired, I had no interest in it at all, but when I went back and binged watched it after getting hooked in the middle of season 3a, I fell in love with the whole show. Now I watch the series from the beginning during every hiatus, and I still haven’t gotten tired of it. I still find the humor and the sadness in every scene warranted. That’s why I had to enlist a little bit of help in narrowing down the best moments, otherwise, every other scene would be listed. I can’t wait to share the other seasons with y’all!
Featured Image from teenwolfonline.net
GIF credit: blakesgrffin, therentgirl, teenwolfedit, dylanobrizen, daniels-gillies, dvlanobrein, wolfsbanegifs, crystalreids