I actually just finished watching CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR…like literally. I just took off the headphones…climbed out of bed…trying not to wake the wifey…walked through the living room…trying not to wake the dog…who could possibly wake up our ‘almost’ 2 year old son…all this…for Mr. Nick Jonas. (lol)
Did I like the movie?
I did. Any type of movie that can get my ‘WTF feelings’ going – – is alright with me. (lol)
Here’s what the movie’s about – OH…DO NOT watch the trailer. I know some of you girls will be tempted to – – DON’T! Personally…I thought it gave away too much.
Ok – real quick. Nick Jonas plays a young dude named Doug. He comes with parents to a little vacation spot – does a little summer work before heading off to college. One day – he notices a couple moving next door – – – the husband played by 1988’s YOUNG GUNS Dermot Mulroney – – he’s a rich douche who happens to have a super hot wife named Lena, played by the lovely Isabel Lucas. Right off the bat – she’s gives him the old ‘I wanna meet your penis look.’ Well – that’s what it looked like to me. (lol) Instead of playing it smart – – – his penis does all the thinking and decision making for him and well…it gets a little ‘complicated.’ (lol)
You get the picture. Right? Well…I hope so. (lol)
Like I said before – I liked the movie.
20 minutes into the movie I was like, “WTF Nick Jonas?!”
40 minutes into the movie I was like, “WTF Nick Jonas?!”
Last 20 minutes of the movie I was like, “WTF Nick Jonas..you idiot!”
See. This movie got my emotions going. (lol) I thought Nick Jonas did a great job in acting department. It was super cool seeing Paul Sorvino is this. (I’m a fan)
I could see the girls loving this one – – Nick Jonas sexy time. Nick Jonas with his shirt off. Nick Jonas in just his boxer shorts. (lol) Yeah, yeah…he works out. (lol) Personally…my eyes were locked on Lena, the crazy, seductive chick. (lol)
CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR hits theaters and On Demand this Friday. The same day as Nick Jonas’s new album drops – Niceeeeee dude. Nice.
If you happen to check it out the movie – let me know your thoughts.
I give CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR… 3 out of 5 popcorns. It could be a cool solo or date flick…which ever floats your boat….get it? BOAT. (lol)