Daenerys arrives at the living quarters of the wives of the dead Khals. Varys finds out information on the Sons of the Harpy. Arya trains as No One. Ramsay receives a gift. Tommen meets with the High Sparrow. Jon adjusts to his return.
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Arya Stark, bran stark, Cersei Lannister, daenerys targaryen, Emilia Clarke, Game Of Thrones, gilly, GoT, got cast, HBO, High Sparrow, iwan rheon, jaime lannister, Jon Snow, Khaleesi, kit harrington, lena headey, lord varys, Maisie Williams, mother of dragons, nights watch, nikolaj coster waldeau, Peter Dinklage, ramsay snow, rickon stark, samwell tarly, tommen baratheon, Tyrion Lannister
About the Author
From television shows and movies to music and plays, Brancey has a love for all things entertainment. She currently lives near Atlanta, Georgia and despite being a full time college student with a part-time job, she always makes time to discuss what she is watching. She has a Netflix history a mile long and, while she considers many shows and genres to be her favorites, the show Supernatural will always have a special place in her heart.
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