#SleepyHollow Season 3 | Episode 15 Crane and Abbie need to cooperate with their most detested foes when a supernatural event shocks the witnesses. Joe and Jenny try to restore their relationship.
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Captain Frank IrvingDiscussionEntertainmentFOXIchabod CraneJenny MillsKatia WinterKatrina CraneLt. Abbie MillsLyndie GreenwoodMatt BarrNicole BeharieOrlando JonesPostcastRadio ShowRadio Talk ShowRecapReviewSeasonSleepy HollowSleepy Hollow FOXTalk ShowTom MisonTV SeriesTV ShowTV TalkVairety ShowVarietyVariety Radio Online
Captain Frank Irving, Discussion, Entertainment, FOX, Ichabod Crane, Jenny Mills, Katia Winter, Katrina Crane, Lt. Abbie Mills, Lyndie Greenwood, Matt Barr, Nicole Beharie, Orlando Jones, Postcast, Radio Show, Radio Talk Show, Recap, Review, Season, Sleepy Hollow, Sleepy Hollow FOX, Talk Show, Tom Mison, TV Series, TV Show, TV Talk, Vairety Show, Variety, Variety Radio Online
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