Let’s be honest, Teen Wolf never holds back in their finales. We always get the action, the feels, and the cliffhangers. Season 5’s, “Apotheosis”, was no different. It was a doozy! Literally so much happened that it was hard for me to keep up at times and fully take it all in. I had to re-watch so that I could make sure I didn’t miss anything in this recap. It’s that good, y’all! Action, lots of feelings, cliffhangers, and plot twist after plot twist! Let’s talk about it!
The episode picks up where it left off sort of; hellhound Parrish is chasing Sebastian on foot while Gerard and Argent follow behind in a car. It is here that Gerard reveals that he has the cane one of the Dread Doctors used. That cane also just so happens to be the pike that Marie-Jeanne used to kill The Beast all those years ago. Therefore, that’s one of solutions to killing it again and saving Mason.
We’re then taken to the animal clinic where Stiles and Deaton are going through Mason’s hospital files and talking about how he became a chimera by vanishing twin syndrome. That conversation gets paused for a bit because Scott and Liam walk through the doors carrying a Dread Doctor that’s still alive… but barely.
Remember last week when The Beast pushed Theo to the side? I guess it did it with his claws because Tracy has to help carry him into the Dread Doctor lair. They collapse on the floor, one thing leads to another and they start making out (I’m not going to lie, I totally had a feeling they’d been hooking up this whole time). Theo is in too much pain though, so Tracy suggests that they stop and take a few days to think about it. Theo doesn’t like that idea, but she says he needs time to heal and she can’t help take his pain away like the others. Theo, being his evil self, says that it’s okay because she can give him her power. He doesn’t even give her a chance to respond before he digs his claws into her back, she tries to fight back, but he just presses harder until she’s dead. He now has her Kanima power. Oh Theo… I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt and continue to have hope for you, but you just keep doing evil things.
After the opening credits we get (I think) Parrish laying in the middle of the road knocked out. A few feet over, Sebastian is in a car and has no idea how to even start it. He channels Mason (his alter ego apparently), and Mason basically shows him how to drive off.
Last week we left off with Malia stuck in the McCall house with her ever so loving mother, the Desert Wolf while Braeden posted up with her gun right outside the front door. We pick up right where we left off with that. Malia is upstairs, preparing to call Stiles, but DW (Desert Wolf) can hear her, so she encourages her to call him and all of her friends so she can kill them too. This prompts Malia to shut her phone of instead.
Back at the clinic with Deaton, Stiles, Scott, Liam, and a Dread Doctor on the table; as they are trying to figure out how to get him to talk, a voice comes out of nowhere. “Come. Come to me. To me.” They’re looking around, trying to figure out where it came from when the Dread Doctor rises up, makes a deafening noise as he gets off the table and practically destroys the clinic. Liam tries to take him, but the DD uses electromagnetic force to toss him to the side. He walks outside and uses his electromagnetic force again to close the doors and bring all of the furniture in front of the door to block them from getting out since it’s all electrified.
Outside, the DD falls to his knees as Sebastian walks up to him, takes off the mask and reveals a nasty, old, decrepit Marcel! Yes! The guy who tried to cover for Sebastian all those years ago (I think I got him mixed up in that recap with the guy Marie-Jeanne fell for and had help her kill The Beast). Marcel confesses that he did all of this (he’s The Surgeon Dread Doctor that created all of the Doctors and chimeras) for Sebastian and that the Argents have the pike. Scott and Liam heard everything he said, so they know what Sebastian is looking for. Marcel kills over.
On the streets of Beacon Hills, Argent and Gerard catch up with Parrish and he admits that he lost Sebastian. They know that Sebastian probably knows they have the pike, and make a plan to lure Sebastian to them.
Back at the McCall house, Braeden attempts to take a shot at the DW as soon as she steps into view, but misses. Malia starts to make her way towards the stairs, DW hears, and Braeden tells her not to move.
In the clinic, Scott, Deaton, Liam, and Stile learn more about Mason’s chimera condition and how they can save him. Apparently, his twin wasn’t entirely gone, so that’s what made him a genetic chimera because the DNA was still there. Deaton says that the DNA of Mason could still be in Sebastian as well. They also realize that The Beast finally remembered his name, Damnatio Memoriae, which is what the Dread Doctors wanted. Deaton asks Scott about the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name. Scott says that it turns back to human, but it can’t be just anyone. It has to be Lydia, the Banshee.
Sebastian shows up at the Sheriff station looking for the Argents, and Stilinski is quick to sit him down for questions. Stiles sends him text after text, telling his dad about Sebastian, who realizes he knows. He says his weapons won’t kill him, and Stilinski states that his 9mm will do a lot of damage. Sebastian threatens that he can walk out of there with his hands clean or drenched in blood; it’s Stilinski’s choice. As he starts to walk out of the office, Stilinski keeps his gun on hand, and Deputy Clark notices. She is the first one to start shooting at Sebastian. He gets shot multiple times, but it doesn’t seem to faze him. He sees Lydia come in and goes straight for the attack, but she screams and throws him to the all, but it was too late as he had already clawed her neck, and she falls to her knees with blood gushing out. Hayden then comes in and he immediately recognizes her.
Stilinski carries Lydia into the hospital yelling for Melissa.
At the McCall house, the DW entices Malia to come down the stairs, and a shootout happens between Braeden and the DW. Braeden ends up getting shot and Malia finally makes it down the stairs.
Sebastian made Hayden take him to the DD lair, where she sees that Tracy is dead and he is mad because he can’t find the pike. He asks who the demon on the left in the portrait is, and Hayden tells him that it’s the hellhound. He uses his alter ego to remember that it’s Parrish. Hayden then attempts to stick the Kanima venom in him, but he is faster than her and jabs his claws into her. He leaves her there after hearing the Argent emitters.
Deucalion and Theo climb down to the tunnels, and they can hear the emitters. Deucalion knows that they are trying to draw in The Beast, and tells Theo that he’ll need to back full capacity. To test it out, Theo electrocutes Deucalion, to which Deucalion responds with: “someday your willingness to stab anyone and everyone in the back may turn out to be your downfall.” Buurrrrn… but it doesn’t bother Theo one bit.
We get a sweet scene where Stiles visits Lydia in the hospital (I feel like this has happened too much this season, no matter how sweet it is). She wakes up as soon as he holds her hand. When he asks if she’s okay, she struggles to ask if they found a solution, and he responds with a yes, that it’s her. I just love these two so much.
Argent has to convince Parrish to stay and help even though he knows Lydia is hurt because, “if we don’t stop Sebastian, she will die. He’s not just coming for the pike. He’s coming for anything that stands in his way, and right now that’s all of us.” Parrish is eventually convinced and turns hellhound.
At the hospital, Liam asks Scott if Lydia is okay and he tells him that she’s going to be fine, but she can’t really talk. Liam believes that it’s over and there’s no hope in saving Mason. Scott excuses himself to check his voicemails from Kira (how is he just now getting those), in which she says that “if anyone can save Mason, it’s him… it’s us.” This encourages him and he tells Liam that this isn’t over. He has a new idea.
They bring Melissa to Lydia’s hospital room, and she states that this has to be between them because it could get her fired. It’s a cortisone shot that will bring down the inflammation. When Melissa starts to pull the bandage off of Lydia’s neck, Stiles says that he’s going to have to leave before he faints, but Melissa tells him no, to hold Lydia’s hand J, and he does. Liam ends up fainting instead hahaha.
They are leaving the hospital with Lydia when Stiles starts to leave to go get Malia. Scott stops him and hands him something that he’s been working on for a while to give to Malia. “Is it plan B?” “It was plan A.” “Plan A never works.” “But this one will.” Scott has so much faith and positivity, I love it so much.
Hayden shows up at the animal clinic severely injured, saying that they told her he (Deaton could help them when they get hurt.
At the McCall house, Braeden is bleeding pretty bad. Malia gets ready to fight, but then Stiles comes through the back door and the DW sees him. Malia throws him out of the way, and a fight starts between Malia and her mother, breaking the glass coffee table.
Scott, Liam, and Lydia are now in the tunnels, but there is water on the ground and they can all hear electricity. Liam yells at Lydia to get out of the water, Liam and Scott get electrocuted, and Theo grabs Lydia and pushes her down a hole. Scott manages to grab her hand, but Theo sticks his Kanima claws in him to paralyze him, and Lydia falls into the hole.
Hellhound Parrish is fighting The Beast when he hears Lydia scream and it distracts him. The Beast hits him and he falls to the floor as Sebastian walks off.
Malia and the DW are still fighting when Stiles tries to get up, but the DW sees him and throws him onto the broken glass table. Malia sees that he has a giant glass shard in his chest. Stupid Desert Wolf.
Scott and Liam are out on the ground, and The Beast is coming. Theo goes into his werewolf form, and digs his claws into Sebastian in attempt to steal his power, but it doesn’t work. Sebastian goes Beast and knocks Theo down, goes back to human form, and follows the emitters. Theo is yelling no, when Deucalion shows up with Scott and Liam. Turns out he’s been playing Theo this entire time. He’s been on Scott’s side. He’s not even really blind. He tells Theo that stealing The Beast’s power could have worked with Valasko’s talons, then breaks his neck. It didn’t kill him though. Talk about a plot twist!
As Deucalion, Scott, and Liam start to walk off to find Lydia and save Mason, Gerard shows up with Argent and shoots Deucalion. “This is a surprising alliance, Scott. You and Deucalion? How long have you been planning this clever little double-cross?” To which Argent responds with, “about as long as he and I have been planning this one” and throws the pike to Scott. Gerard asks what he’s doing. “I knew when I brought you back, it would never be about saving lives, only about immortalizing your own.” The both pull a gun on each other, and Argent tells Scott to go, then we hear a gun shot. Talk about some family drama, man!
Meanwhile, Malia attempts to get to Stiles, but the DW grabs a gun and starts shooting Malia. Stiles tosses the jar with Valasko’s talons to her. The DW digs her claws into Malia in attempt to steal her power back, but Malia digs her fingers with Valasko’s talons on them, into the DW, “I want my family back.” She steals the DW’s power, and Braeden knocks her out. “Someone please come take this gigantic shard of my chest. Please.” Gotta love Stiles for making tense moments a little lighter.
Liam tells Scott that he’ll stab the pike into Sebastian/The Beast, but Scott says that they aren’t killing his best friend. Then Sebastian shows up wanting the pike. Scott says he’ll get it back if he gives Mason back. Sebastian says he doesn’t know how to do that. So Scott and Liam go werewolf and tell him that he’s going to have to come and get it if he wants it.
Lydia is trying to break out of the hole when Kira cuts through the wall with her sword, apologizing for being late. I just want to know how she knew Lydia was down there.
Scott and Liam are fighting The Beast, and it has the upper hand after throwing them against the wall. Sebastian grabs Scott by the neck, and Liam attempts to stab Sebastian with the pike against Scott telling him no, but Sebastian just tosses him away. Sebastian’s claws then dig into the back of Scott’s neck, and without realizing what he’s done, he sees Scott’s memories of Allison (CUE THE TEARS, Y’ALL!). “Marie-Jeanne?” He says and takes out his claws. Scott pushes him off.
Lydia and Kira show up, and Lydia calls out Mason’s name, but it wasn’t loud enough. So she yells his name this time as Sebastian has just transformed into The Beast, but Mason quickly appears from it. Corey comes out of his invisibility (seriously. Dude has been hiding there all night???) and grabs Mason. The ashes/shadows (whatever you call it) of The Beast tries to escape, but hellhound Parrish stops him, Scott throws the pike directly at it, and The Beast vanishes.
Scott asks if everyone okay, but Theo shows up electrified and yells not everyone. He attempts to shoot electricity at them, but Kira stops it with her sword and informs him that the Skinwalkers have a message for him, “your sister wants to see you.” She cuts through the floor with her electrified sword, and his sister comes up from the ground and drags him down with her as he screams for Scott’s help. The floor magically closes back up. UMMM… EXCUSE ME, WHAT?!?
Deaton has managed to stabilize Hayden’s injury, but since she’s a chimera, he doesn’t know how or if she’ll heal. Scott says that she can go to the hospital, but she doesn’t want to go there since she’s already died there once. Liam tells her that it’s her choice (to become a werewolf or not), and she choose the bite. Scott gives it to her and she is now his new beta.
We get a cute little cheesy scene where Liam is overlooking the city, he turns around, sees Hayden glowing her yellow eyes, and he does the same, then they kiss.
Earlier this season, Stiles killed Donovan (in self-defense), and he just couldn’t get over it. His pops told them, that he could slowly heal from that by saving someone else’s life. Well, he (helped) saved a lot of lives since then, and Stilinski mentions that in a nice little father-son scene at his office. Stiles said it felt good for a while, but he wants to feel it again, and his dad proudly says, “Welcome to your future career in law enforcement.” Parenting done right, my friends.
Now that the big bad of the season is dead and gone, the McCall pack can seemingly rest easy for a bit (let’s hope so at least). It’s a new day and everyone is back at school. I guess, they got all of those repairs fixed SUPER fast. In a nice little ending montage, we get a lot of moments that sort of reflect on things.
Malia is waiting on Lydia in the parking lot, then the look around with smiles, link arms and walk into the school
Scott and Kira are making out in the desert because she made a deal with the Skinwalkers. She said she’ll be gone for as long as it takes, and that this isn’t for anyone but herself. She hands him one of her tails, and tells him to keep it safe for her.
In probably one of my favorite montages of the series, Stiles and Lydia leave class together talking about when Kira will be coming back. Stiles mentions how he was stressed about everyone going their separate ways after senior year, but now he’s not really worried about it because they all seem to follow each other anyways, even Allison. Lydia didn’t know what he was referring to, and he tells her about how she saved Scott when Sebastian saw his memories of Allison and it looked like Marie-Jeanne. At this, they smile a little and then walk off towards the library to meet Scott after he goes back to the bookshelf where he signed his and Allison’s initials at the beginning of the year. It ends with them sitting at a table studying together with smiles on their faces.
The whole thing was really sentimental and such a tribute to Allison/Crystal Reed, which Jeff Davis even says was the intention of the last few episodes. I’m glad they finally did something to sort of honor her since we never got a funeral or anything like that.
Anyways, the episode/season ends with a cliffhanger of sorts (like they always do). We get a scene that shows the Nazi alpha werewolf that the Dread Doctors were keeping alive, is seemingly out of the tube, and then we see (oil?) footprints walking away from it. Jeff Davis confirms that was our tease for one of the Big Bads next season, the Nazi.
What an episode, y’all! Like I said before, SO MUCH happened, so there was a lot to recap. If you stuck with this whole thing, major props to you!
What did y’all think of the episode??
- What damage will the Nazi bring to next season?
- Are we ever going to get Stydia? Jeff Davis teases “something big” happens with them in the first episode or so of season 6. I can’t wait!
- Is Kira a Skinwalker now? Jeff Davis says not necessarily.
- What about Theo? Is he actually dead? Because I’m definitely going to miss Cody Christian’s face and terrific acting. Jeff Davis says, not necessarily once again.
Until next season, Wolfies! hopefully we won’t have to wait too long 😉
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