What do you do when you find out one of your close friends is actually The Beast who has been on a killing streak but then his boyfriend helps him disappear? Have a search party and try to save him, of course. That’s exactly what the McCall pack planned to do in this episode, only Theo’s pack (or what’s left of it) had a plan as well. With next week being the season finale (insert sad face emoji), Teen Wolf didn’t disappoint with the drama and cliffhangers as usual.
Let’s talk about this episode that had me dying of laughter and wondering what the heck was going on.
We start off with a sweet scene of Mason and Corey asleep all cuddled up… in the tunnels of the chemical plant. How romantic, but that is the best place Corey could think of because Scott wouldn’t be able to catch Mason’s scent, who is in denial about being The Beast and can’t remember where he was anytime it’s showed up. Only one problem, the Dread Doctors could locate him by his frequencies, and of course, seconds later that’s who appears. They chase Mason and Corey out of the tunnels and into the rainy highways of Beacon Hills. When Corey and Mason think they’ve lost them, the Dread Doctors once again have them surrounded. Corey makes him and mason go invisible in an attempt to escape (why didn’t he try that earlier??), but it was little to no avail, as one of the Doctors took their cane and hit them both upside the head, knocking them both out. Corey comes to and sees the Doctors dragging Mason’s limp body into the distant, rainy darkness.
After the opening credits, Theo (yay for Cody’s face being back!), Tracy and Deucalion are trying to convince Josh to put on the fourth Dread Doctor Mask. Here we learn more about the Doctor behind this mask, The Surgeon, who manipulated electromagnetic fields to instill the masks with deadly powers. But even though it will give Josh power, he’s not stupid enough to actually put the thing on.
In an attempt to stop Parrish from leaving (after turning in his badge and gun last week), Sheriff Stilinski and Lydia team up (as a hardcore Stydia shipper, I love when they work together) and blow his brand new tires on his way out of town. When they tell Parrish that if he leaves, then the people in his dreams may have more of a chance at dying than if he stays, he has a change of heart.
At the McCall house, Kira helps Scott to his bed because he still hasn’t healed from getting his butt kicked by The Beast last week. He’s worried about finding Mason, but Kira insists that he not go anywhere until he heals. I enjoyed the little moment where he’s reminded that he missed the deadline for a scholarship application. It shows us that these characters are still just seniors in high school.
Once Stiles checks on his best friend, he meets Braeden and Malia in the hallway for a little chat. Malia informs him that not only is her psycho mom after her, but she thinks she might also be after Stiles as well. Stiles then of course feels that since the one who is trying to kill him has a gun, then he should have one too. When Braeden reluctantly tosses him one, he fumbles and drops it, thus deciding that he actually should not have a gun. Stick to your bat, Stiles.
Stiles, Lydia, Malia, Liam and Kira are having a little pow-wow in the kitchen while Scott gets some much needed rest and heals. When he finally wakes up, he meets his pack in the kitchen and assures them that they are going to save Mason. When Lydia asks where else they can look for him, Scott uses his wolf senses and pulls Corey out of his invisible hiding spot in front of the pantry, and says “let’s ask Corey.” It is then Corey admits that the Dread Doctors took Mason.
Back in the Theo’s own lair (the Dread Doctors old lair?), Deucalion rips the machine out of his arm and shows that he’s been faking the whole time. After he does so, he breaks Theo’s wrist and teaches Theo what he’s been trying to figure out; how to take someone’s power: take their pain, take their life, take their power. So what does Theo do? Kills Josh and takes his power, making him able to put on the mask. Oh Theo… I keep getting my hopes up for you.
Kira, feeling the urge to help her friends more, but unable to without her sword, goes to her father to ask for it back. He advised against it since the sword causes the evil FoxFire to come out in her, but she insisted. He informed her that she would need help putting it back together, and not from him or her mom.
Meanwhile, Parrish and Lydia show up at the Nemeton because Parrish wanted to find The Beast, he puts his hand on it, and it glows. While doing so, he gets a daydream of Lydia dead with her throat slashed. (That will come into play in the finale according to the promos).
In what could be seen as a really stupid plan, Scott and Liam go meet up with Theo and Tracy in the school locker room (because that’s the only place they can meet these days I guess?). There’s a funny moment where Theo says he knew they would be back on the same side, and Liam responds with “How about I punch you in the balls to remind you we’re not?” I cracked up at this. Liam literally has no filter and I love it. Anyways, they decide to team up because they all want to find Mason (for different reasons of course).
So, they later meet in the Dread Doctor’s lair, and Theo points out that the creepy man in the tank was missing. He goes on to tell the story of the man: a Nazi who also happened to be an Alpha that the Dread Doctors were keeping alive for his powers. In order for them to get his powers though, they have to have him on a telluric current. So, if they can find where the man in the tank is, they’ll find the Dread Doctors and Mason.
Malia and Braeden are once again stuck in the McCall house surrounded by mountain ash in order to keep the Desert Wolf out. Braeden was enjoying some pistachios, but Malia was worried about protecting Stiles from her mom (the Desert Wolf).
The McCall pack’s plan A’s rarely work out because something always goes wrong.
After Liam reluctantly let’s Theo in on where the scent is, they find Mason in some sort of basement like place. The only problem is that the Dread Doctors have connected him to the tank by his neck/spine, and Mason can feel it in his skull, which makes it impossible for anyone to try to detach him from it.
Remember how earlier Kira was asking her dad for help with her sword and that she would need help to put it back together? Well, turns out that Kira has to go somewhere in order to get that help. She calls Scott and leaves a rambling message informing him that she will be back to help save Mason.
Meanwhile, Mama McCall meets up with Stiles and Lydia at the sheriff’s station with new information just as the duo are talking about how Mason isn’t a genetic chimera. She informs them that he actually is! Turns out Mason was born with the rare condition, twin embolisation syndrome (fetal absorption syndrome). Yup, that’s right… Mason ate his twin in the womb, which gives him two types of genes. Can anyone say ewww!
In the school library, Chris and Gerard are talking about how they’re going to need more “firepower” to beat The Beast. Pun intended or not, Parrish shows up ready to brawl with The Beast.
Back at the Dread Doctor lair, Scott tries to break Mason free, but it’s not working. It causes Mason too much pain. Well, of course the Doctors show up, but they don’t go straight for the kill. Instead, they really tear down Theo’s confidence by calling him a complete failure. Theo argues of course, but the Doctors argue back. They inform him that they learned that if they can corrupt someone so pure and good, then they can make them purely evil, and that is why Theo was unable to turn into The Beast and Mason was (because Mason is just a perfect cinnamon roll, as the people of Tumblr would say).
Next thing we know, as Theo, Scott, and Liam are trying to fight off the Dread Doctors, Mason pulls the thing out of his spine and transforms into The Beast; saying that Mason is not his name. Yes, now we know for sure that Mason is The Beast… well I have my own theory, but we’ll see how that turns out.
Meanwhile back at the McCall household, Tracy shows up out of nowhere and breaks the mountain ash. This of course, allows the Desert Wolf to get in the house and a fight involving guns being fired breaks out between her and Braeden while Malia is upstairs. That scene ends with Braeden sneaking out of the house onto the porch and closing the mountain ash, while Malia and her mother are still inside.
Also, Kira’s little trip is to the Skinwalkers, but they surround her and tell her that they’ll help her for a price. I have a feeling that price is going to be that Kira becomes a Skinwalker.
The end of the episode, is one that leaves you confused and asking so many questions (as every episode seems to do). The Beast goes on a rampage and kills 2 out of 3 Dread Doctors (surprisingly not going after anyone else), and is in the process of killing the third when Hellhound Parrish shows up and punches The Beast. Chris and Gerard Argent are right behind him, guns blazin’ (well Chris is shooting, not Gerard)! They shoot at The Beast multiple times until it runs towards the woods, and finally transforms into its’ true self. However, it’s not Mason! It’s Sebastien Valet! Yes! Marie-Jeanne’s brother whom she supposedly killed centuries ago after finding out he was The Beast, which is who Theo saw after putting on the mask! I guess The Beast finally remembered who he really was, which meant that Mason was gone for good? I hope not. Anyways, Gerard calls out to him and asks if he remembers him, to which Valet replies with “Argent” and runs off into the woods.
Ahh! So much information and action in this episode!
- Where the heck is Mason now??? (I could have sworn it was him that was rolled in on the gurney in the hospital when Melissa told someone on the phone that he hadn’t shown.)
- Are we in for a throw down between Malia and her evil mother next week?
- How does Sebastian Valet know Gerard???
- Is Kira going to have to become a Skinwalker?
Only one more episode left of the season! Let’s hope these questions get answered and we aren’t left with a major cliffhanger until season 6!
Until next week, Wolfies!
Featured Image from teenwolfsource.com
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Teen Wolf “Apotheosis” Review
Teen Wolf – A Credible Threat -Blog Review
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