As fans, I am sure we have all wondered about the history of The Beast; who was it first, how did he or she become The Beast, and who killed it the first time. Well, in this episode appropriately titled “Maid of Gevaudan”, we get all of those answers and more. We welcome Crystal Reed back, but not as our beloved Allison Argent, rather as the Maid of Gevaudan in flashbacks as we get the history of The Beast. In addition to all of this, after a lot of tussle in the high school we finally learn WHO THE BEAST IS! You read that right, wolfies! We finally know who the teenager is underneath The Beast! It’s about time, is all I gotta say, but I’m not too happy with who it is… nor was I surprised. So let’s talk about this revealing episode.
The episode starts in the 1700s with two French soldiers running through woods in the rain from the Redcoats and they find a small cabin to take refuge in. Once inside though, a woman warns them that they are not safe there, that a creature of the night lurks in those woods. It doesn’t take long for the Redcoats to surround the cabin, but they do not last long as The Beast attacks and kills those who are unable to run away.
It cuts to a hooded woman with a bow and arrow running through the snowy woods, to which we learn is Marie-Jeanne. Welcome back, Crystal Reed! We’ve all missed you dearly!
Back in present time, Gerard and Argent are telling Lydia and Parrish the story of the Maid of Gevaudan. Parrish is quick to leave though, saying that he is too dangerous. Lydia tries to go after him, but Argent and Gerard tell her to let him go because Parrish is right because he doesn’t really know what he’s capable of and he’s still learning about what he is exactly.
Remember how at the end of last week’s episode, Liam tried to take on The Beast by himself? Yeah, well, it didn’t work out too well for him. I guess Stiles and Hayden found him carried him into the school with everyone else (because the school is the safest place of course). They have a problem though because Liam is severely injured, in a lot of pain, and not healing. Stiles is barely managing to not pass out from the blood (like he normally does) when he says that pain triggers the healing process and might take the pain away. This makes Hayden remember the time Liam took her pain away by kissing her, so that’s what she does, and it works!
Back to the 1700s, Marie-Jeanne is in a small pub(?) looking over a letter from her brother, Sebastian, who had been missing when the two soldiers from the beginning of the episode walk in. Turns out, one of them is Sebastian, and Marie-Jeanne is thrilled that her brother is home safe. Everyone there starts talking about The Beast, how it’s a werewolf, how it needs to be stopped, and that Marie-Jeanne should be the one to lead the hunt since she is the best hunter around. Marie-Jeanne is a skeptic that The Beast is a werewolf. She’s not a believer of the supernatural. But when someone carries in a dead child, she declares that the hunt starts at dawn.
Mid-hunt, Marie-Jeanne comes face-to-face with The Beast, and is about to be attacked when a man comes out of nowhere and throws a handful of mountain ash around them. Marie-Jeanne has just met her new ally in taking down The Beast.
Back at the school, Malia is running through the hallways looking for Stiles, but is coming up short. So she pulls out her cell to tell Braeden to bring all of her shotguns to the school because everyone is under attack.
Meanwhile, our resident alpha hero saves a random girl in the hallway and locks themselves in a classroom. He blocks the door with his already bloodied body and yells at the girl to escape through the window. Just as the girl escaped, though, The Beast pulls Scott through the door and into the darkened hallways.
Back to the story of Marie-Jeanne, her hero with the mountain ash has taken her back to his place to wrap her injured leg. She notices a number of things mysterious things on his table like Wolfsbane, Mountain Ash, and Mistletoe. Turns out hero-man, Marcel, is a hunter who is also basically the Dr. Deaton of the 1700s with tons of knowledge about the supernatural. Hence, why I mentioned him being her new ally in taking down The Beast.
In present time: Scott has somehow managed to escape The Beast and ran into the library. However, when he turns around he is met a bunch of his classmates and teammates trying to hide from the monster that they have no idea what is. When Scott realizes that he has just put all of these normal humans in more danger and they have no way to escape the monster that is hot on his tail, he tells them all to go upstairs (where this is no exit). It doesn’t take long for The Beast to bust through the library doors and roar his ferocious howl, ready to kill. But Scott is ready to fight this thing! So much so that he goes all alpha and reveals that he’s a werewolf too in front of all those humans!… not that they showed the reactions, which was a bummer. I would have loved to see that.
There’s no denying that Marie-Jeanne and her new ally are smart cookies. They hatched a planned to maybe find out who The Beast was that includes making the town drink Wolfsbane. She thought she had figured it out when one man showed signs of the wolf drug taking effect, but he told her that she would be able to find everything she needed in the basement and when she went, she found a pile of dead bodies. I’m sure she had nightmares for a while. Anyways, she questioned the man and realized that he wasn’t The Beast but rather an accomplice to the real monster, and take a wild guess at who that is. That’s right, The Beast is Marie-Jeanne’s BROTHER, Sebastian. Is your mind blown yet? If not, it will be soon.
When Marie-Jeanne questioned her beloved brother about all of it, he didn’t deny anything. In fact, it was almost as if he relished in it… like he was proud of what he’s become. He told her how it happened (apparently drinking the rain water?), and that if she told anyone, then he would have no problem killing everyone. What a sicko, man.
Brother or not, Marie-Jeanne still planned to kill The Beast. Her and Marcell hatched another plan, this time how to kill the gigantic monster. They put some sort of special arrow blade on a spear, which caused Marie-Jeanne’s blood to spill over it as she pressed it on.
Back in the Beacon Hills High library, Scott is getting the crap beat out of him once again. Can we just give him a break already? Actually let’s give all of them a nice break on the beach or something. They deserve it. Anyways, right before The Beast seemingly finishes Scott off, Liam jumps up out of nowhere and punches The Beast right in the head! Obviously, taking The Beast down wasn’t going to be as simple as that. It was just a mere distraction so Malia and Braeden can come in and kick some major Beast butt. Braeden shoots him (she only needed one shotgun) multiple times until The Beast finally gives up and jumped through the library window. I seriously wonder how the school pays for all the mysterious disasters and gets them fixed so fast.
So Scott is safe, and his friends who saved him basically call him an idiot for trying to take on that monster, but the joke is on them because he got its scent! That a boy, Scott. Now we’re one step closer to finding out who’s underneath that monstrous body!
Flashback to the 1700s and three years after we first met Marie-Jeanne, and The Beast (aka her big brother) is chasing her through the snow. It was here that she finally made her move to take it down. After sliding in snow like sliding into home base, she pulls out the buried spear and drove it right through The Beast/her brother. It wasn’t just any spear though, no, it was laced with and made from Mountain Ash, Wolfsbane, and her own blood that I mentioned earlier because that was the only way to truly kill The Beast. After his death, the town burned anything and everything that had to do with Sebastian: letters, signatures, possessions, you name it. They made sure that he would not be remembered.
You’re probably wondering why the Argents knew so much about this story. Well, as it turns out, Marcel was an Argent! Yup! He and Marie-Jeanne fell in love and had babies, and she is known as the original Argent hunter! No wonder she looks so much like Allison…
Anyways, they told this story to Lydia because they feel that she can play a big part in killing The Beast, but Lydia is quick to say that she’s not an Argent… nor is she Allison (ugh… stab me right through the chest why don’t you). Then she leaves in hopes to get Parrish to change his mind about leaving because she believes he can help.
Meanwhile back at the school, Scott uses his wolf senses to follow the scent that he got off of The Beast. The distinct smell leads him to the trunk of a car, which he cranks open with his wolf strength, and finds a pair of bloody sneakers. But whose sneakers are they?? Because if you recall, the teen with the bloody sneakers is most definitely The Beast, and they needed to figure out who that teen is before he or she is gone forever.
Well, low and behold, Mason appears and asks what Scott is doing to HIS car! Liam and Scott look at him with shocked (and heartbroken) faces. But before any questions could be asked or anything could be done, Corey appears after being invisible against the car, grabs Mason, and they both disappear into thin air and the episode ends!
Ahh! Teen Wolf kills me with their cliffhangers, but I don’t care, I still love it.
Questions, concerns, and comments:
- Is Mason really The Beast?
- If so, I hope they find a way to save him instead of kill him because I love Mason.
- Stiles and Hayden seemed to disappear after healing Liam.
- Where did Kira go after last week’s episode?
- Theo was yet again missing and I still miss Cody Christian’s face.
Only TWO more episodes of the season, Wolfies!
Featured Image from Entertainment Weekly.
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