We begin the episode with a flashback of Annalise having morning sickness while she’s pregnant. We see the ‘Keating five’ from ten years previous. Bonnie and Frank are both in the group, while Bonnie is the leading lady in the group. Annalise and Sam have a peaceful conversation between the two of them about the baby, Annalise traveling, and their doctors appointment. This was after ‘Sam got grease on his shirt and had to change,’ which I felt was a lie. Their marriage seems sturdier or, at least bearable, ten years previous.
While Annalise is at the doctor for a checkup, Wes goes to the doctor to get some sleeping pills. Wes is denied his option for sleeping pills. Both doctors offer the option for their patients to talk to a therapist. Of course, both Wes and Annalise deny the option. Wes gives up and as he’s leaving he states, “Just don’t feel bad if I end up shooting myself.” This means that he can’t leave the hospital for at least 120 hours.
The tension continues to build in Oliver and Connors’ apartment while Asher is sleeping on the couch. It’s obvious that Oliver is getting tired of keeping his mouth shut about Asher’s immaturity and disgusting qualities.
The new Keating five think that Annalise hates them, while Bonnie and Frank try to say that she doesn’t. Laurel realizes that Wes isn’t there and starts to get worried. Annalise is the lawyer in a plea hearing for a man is being charged for second degree murder. Joyce Robinson, the mother of the man who was killed, stands up during the hearing. Joyce would like a lesser sentence for the murderer of her son. Annalise didn’t discuss this with her client. The judge decided to postpone the plea case and is making ADA Lee and Annalise Keating hold a restorative justice hearing. Annalise believes the mother is planning on turning on her client as soon as she gets inside the hearing. She asks her students to prep the client and when asked where she’s going, she responds, “To take a nap.” Duh, kids! She’s been shot. Do you really blame her? The tension just continues to build between the kids and Annalise.
In the next flashback, we find that Frank has been a womanizer since the beginning. Annalise asks Frank into her office and finds out he hasn’t booked her flight to Ohio yet, because of something Sam said. And we find out that Frank is Annalise’s ‘secretary’ (or assistant in his words.) “Just think with your big head instead of your little one from now on,” retorts Annalise about Frank staying on track with work. It looks like he never took her advice, did he?
In present time, Laurel gets ahold of Wes and finds out he’s in the psych ward. He asks her not to tell anyone, but to come get him. Laurel continues to lie to Frank about where Wes is. Bonnie chooses Michaela to help her prep the client. The client states that the gun accidentally went off when the guy attacked him. Michaela and Bonnie mention that the victim’s phone went missing, but the client said he never touched or saw his phone.
Laurel tries to get Wes out of the psych ward by saying she is his girlfriend. Laurel tries to use her knowledge of the law to get Wes released, but the resident working that day knows a lot more about the law then most think. The resident asks Laurel to leave so she can talk with Wes a little more. Laurel goes to Annalise and lets her know what actually happened to Wes. While Annalise tells Laurel to let him stay there and get some rest, Laurel believes that Annalise is punishing Wes. Annalise fires Laurel and says that “her old Bonnie’s back, so she doesn’t need Laurel anymore.”
Caleb comes to Annalise to try and get her help to find Philip, because the police aren’t telling him anything. Annalise refuses to help Caleb and asks him to leave. Michaela tries to talk to Caleb before he leaves. “Did she teach you how to do this? How to act the whore in order to play people,” retorts Caleb. Michaela responds, “You’re the whore. You waited until after you screwed me to show me that gun and I fell for it. Even thought about breaking the law for you because I thought I knew you, but I don’t, do I?” “You’re right; I just wanted to get laid. Glad we could clear that up,” responds Caleb. And to me, this scene is so important. In society today, if a woman sleeps with a man – she’s a whore and men believe they are allowed to think this AND state it. While if a man sleeps with a woman, it’s okay that he ‘just wanted to get laid’ and ‘he’s the man.’ Why do we allow this in society? Aren’t we all the same and should be allowed the same actions without derogatory beliefs attached to them?
Flashback to Bonnie staying at Annalise’s to help out even more with all the cases. Annalise is in obvious pain and Bonnie suggests her lying on her side. She states, “it helps sometimes,” which makes me wonder – was Bonnie pregnant in the past? Did something happen with her that we haven’t figured out yet? Annalise and Bonnie used to have a very good relationship. Annalise even recommended Bonnie use her husband as her therapist.
“What are you all still doing here?” asks Annalise to the group. When Connor states that they’re working for her, she tells them to leave because she ‘wants her house back.’ Connor, Michaela, and Asher all go to Connor and Oliver’s place. Asher says he’s going to use the restroom. While he’s gone, the group talks very poorly about how much they dislike Asher. Asher is hiding behind the door where he can hear the entire thing.
Wes explains to the doctor that he did have a dark past with being bullied and his mom committing suicide, but those things have never caused him problems. His problem now of lack of sleep is from law school. The doctor states that part of his issues probably have to do with Annalise getting shot. Wes disagrees with her, but I think she knows better.
Michaela finds a discrepancy on the case. She searched the records on the victim’s phone. The last text he sent to his mom said, “I luv you,” even though he never typed I love you that way. Tyler, the victim, always spelled out I love you, while Jason, Annalise’s client, always spelled love as l-u-v. Annalise goes straight to Jason and finds out that he did send the text from Tyler’s phone. Annalise urges him to never tell anyone that.
During the restorative justice hearing, the mother has admitted being so angry since her son was killed. She states that she blames the world that allows things to be the way that they are. Joyce is deciding to forgive Tyler for killing her son and she wants him to forgive himself.
‘Hedge Fund Heir Charles Mahoney on Trial for Murder’ is the headline for the article Annalise is reading in bed as Sam asks about it in the flashback. Annalise states she only wants tenure because the dean doesn’t want to give it to her. Sam continues to talk to their baby about ‘his mom’ and how she doesn’t want to stay at home ‘wasting her talents changing diapers,’ but he would be happy to.
Annalise and Joyce Robinson run into each other in the bathroom. Joyce brings up a good point that women shouldn’t feel the need to hide themselves when they cry. Annalise tells Joyce that bad people need more than a ‘stern talking to to learn their lesson.’ I believe this is a hint of how she feels about her client.
Jason gives a remarkable performance on how much regret he feels for bringing the gun to the fight. He continues to say that he lied and he shot her son on purpose and that he was the one who text her. Joyce realizes that the last words her son said to her were actually his words. ADA Lee tells Annalise that she’s upping the charge from second degree to first. She’s also going to ask for the death penalty.
Frank goes to Nate to find out more information on Philip. Frank tells Nate that it’s obvious he cares about her and a visit from him might do her some good. All of this is happening while Annalise and Joyce ran into each other. Joyce tells Annalise that her feelings don’t change and she still wants Jason to get a better deal. She doesn’t want to live her life carrying the hate that she could carry.
Flashback: Annalise and Sam go to the doctor for a checkup. The baby is healthy and has a strong heartbeat. Annalise asks the doctor to fly to Ohio and gets his permission.
Annalise tries to get the Keating five to get Jason the same deal he had before. Laurel asks Annalise why she hasn’t cared about Wes’ life in the psych ward. The entire group gets incredibly angry with Annalise once they know the truth. The group says they are done and leave the house.
During the hearing, ADA Lee is trying to up the charge while Annalise is trying to fight against it. Lee decides to forgo the death penalty as long as Jason choosing life in jail. Jason agrees to take the deal, even with Annalise and Joyce telling him not to. Joyce gives her number to Jason and tells him to call her. She tells him that she wants to help him, she wants to know him, and she wants him to know her.
Wes finally talks to the doctor about his past and when he found his mother dying when he got home from school. He told the doctor that she died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. And we were finally able to get some more backstory on his mother’s death. The doctor believes the reason all of this is happening is because Annalise being shot has triggered something in Wes’ mind and that’s why he is remembering everything that happened to his mother.
Flashback: Annalise is in Cleveland, Ohio to meet with Rose, Wes’ mother. Rose left Christophe at the neighbors. Rose believes this is a friendly visit until Annalise shows her the case file on Charles Mahoney. Annalise admits to being a lawyer and tells Rose that she can keep her safe if she doesn’t run away.
The group goes to the hospital to get Wes at the same time that Wes is being released. On the drive home, Wes told them that he just talked about his childhood to get them to leave. Asher finally admits to the group that it would be nice if the group didn’t lie to each other. The group finally open up a little to each other and how they need to lean on one another.
Annalise takes the entire case file from ten years previous to Wes’ apartment and leaves it for him to see. Annalise stays at Wes’ to make sure he gets the file. While Annalise is at Wes’, Nate goes to her apartment with food and wine. He waits there for her, but finally leaves it for her with a note that it was comfort food.
Laurel goes back to Frank’s house and they have an argument about how Laurel lied to Frank about Wes. She continues to say that Frank lies to her all the time. He can’t deny that he lies to her all of them time. Laurel admits that Wes shot Annalise, not her. Laurel goes to leave Frank’s apartment because he won’t open up to her. As she’s leaving the apartment, Frank admits to killing Lila!
As Annalise starts to eat her food, she gets a call from Connor. He tells her that he got an email with a video from the night that Annalise was shot! “I think Philip’s back,” is his final words of the episode.
This episode is HUGE! I don’t think that Laurel can forgive Frank for killing Lila. The murder of Lila is what started this entire thing. And now that Philip is back with a video that could bring the truth of the case out. I’m scared to see where this will lead the entire group. And I cannot wait to find out what happens next! What’s your idea on what happened ten years previous? I want to hear some theories!
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