What does any pack of supernatural friends do after rescuing one of them from a psychotic mental institution (yes, I said psychotic mental institution) and have a killer Beast on the lose? Participate in a charity lacrosse game of course! Teen Wolf’s “A Credible Threat” has the McCall pack back at school and participating in Beacon Hill’s favorite sport once again after a long hiatus of not playing at all. It’s okay to be a little rusty during a game for charity, right? Let’s talk about this episode that finally brought back so many qualities about Teen Wolf that I missed dearly.
The episode starts off with Parrish sleeping and Chris Argent watching over him with his gun locked and loaded. Sure, this may seem creepy, there’s no way I could sleep if I knew someone was watching me sleep, but Argent has good reason: he’s simply waiting for Parrish to go all Hellhound and go fight the Beast. Good thing he was there too because that’s exactly what Parrish did!
Argent follows Parrish all the way to the school where he meets up with Scott, Stiles, and Liam. As they roamed the school looking for Parrish, all they had to do was follow the dead bodies. They were everywhere! The trail leads them to the busses, where one was full of MORE DEAD BODIES, and one even asking for help, but Hellhound Parrish stops them before they could and says it’s trap. Good thing he did too because the Beast emerges from the shadows inside the school bus (how he fit in there, no one will ever know) and roars his deafening howl. The Beast is smarter, but Hellhound Parrish is smarter it seems.
Before anyone has a chance to think twice, the Beast busts through the front window of the bus (the school’s insurance rates must be through the roof at this point) and Hellhound Parrish takes off after him into the dark woods.
Meanwhile, Braeden and Malia are held up in the McCall house because Malia’s murderous mom could show up at any moment and try to kill Malia again. Mama McCall is so worried that she throws the mountain ash down for that extra security.
In a weird transition, we get Scott and Kira in her room making out and all that good stuff. Kira’s parents must be pretty chill to let her boyfriend sleepover. Anyways, the next morning Kira wakes up and starts playing around with her sword, and Scott wakes up and watches her with a worried look on his face. Clearly he is still concerned about her inner evil fox, and he has every right to be.
Next we get Mason and Corey in the locker room as Corey is planning to run away from all of his problems. I really enjoy this scene because here we have a supernatural teenager who hasn’t asked for any of this and he’s scared and scarred, which is something we don’t see too often on this show, and Mason who is just a normal human teen who doesn’t want Corey to leave because he has feelings for him. Mason encourages Corey to stay because kids like him (human) need kids like Corey (supernatural with a good heart) to fight for them. It’s super sweet and I can’t help but root for these two.
On their way out of the school, Mason has a light go off in his head as he realizes that the Beast always shows up around transmitters with high frequencies. Seeing how the charity lacrosse game is getting covered by three local news stations, that meant the Beast is bound to show up and cause trouble…. As a Beast does.
So Scott, Stiles, Liam, and Lydia (who is back to being her fashionable self) gather in the library to discuss the issue and come up with a plan to try to cancel the lacrosse game. But as the guys set off to do their thing, Lydia’s banshee powers call and lead her to a half-naked Parrish who is a clawed up and a mess between bookshelves in the library. How is it that NO ONE noticed him???
Meanwhile, Stiles and Scott were sticking to their plan to get the game canceled. First step (after Sheriff Stilinski refuses to do it): is get Coach Finstock to coach it (he’s been in rehab for the last 7 months “relapsing” once a month so he can stay in there). At first Coach isn’t for it because he’s perfectly happy in rehab where he can’t get shot in the stomach with arrows, but when the guys tell him that all he has to do is forfeit he changes his mind. Oh how I’ve missed Coach!
Back on the Parrish front, Lydia has taken him to the two guys who seem to know everything about the Beast and the Hellhound’s feud: Chris Argent and Gerard. They decide that in order to find out what’s going on, Parrish needs to meet his other side (the Hellhound), and to do that they stick him in some weird machine thing that freezes his body until he’s practically dead. Seems legit. Anyway, while they are waiting, Argent and Gerard give more detail about the Beast: once it remembers who it once was, the teenage chimera currently locked inside it will be gone for good. Poor kid. So once Parrish is in Hellhound mode, Lydia starts asking questions, and we get some more juicy details. Turns out that Parrish actually died when an explosion went off on him while in the army, which just so happens to be the exact same time Scott, Allison, and Stiles sacrificed themselves to find their parents in 3a. Remember how Deaton told them that would cause Beacon Hills to be a sort of beacon to the supernatural again? Yeah, well it’s also what caused the Hellhound to exist within Parrish. This just keeps getting better and better I tell ya… Once Parrish finally gets back to himself he says he realizes what he needs to do: Leave.
While Lydia is off figuring out what’s wrong with Parrish, the lacrosse game is happening. The pack: Scott, Stiles, Kira, Liam, and Mason (I’m assuming he’s part of the pack now) convene in a classroom to talk about plan B because Coach is now refusing to cancel the game (I seriously love Coach). There’s a nice moment where they are worried because Scott hasn’t healed, and he shows them that he did once the pack was finally back together after saving Lydia.
The plan was simple: the players prolong the game while Corey, Mason, and Brett’s sister search for the teenager who was the beast by looking for a size 10 shoe with blood on it (seems simple enough in a large crowd), and Malia takes out the transmitters on the news vans. But of course, nothing ever goes as planned in Beacon Hills… even plan Bs.
The first disaster is Kira, who is taking the game waaaay to seriously and is being very aggressive to people who didn’t even have the ball or were in her way. Scott tells her to chill, but she gets annoyed and storms off the field, but not before showing her evil firefox side. Scott gives Brett’s sister the nod to go check on her, which ultimately leads to a huge throw down between a beta and an evil kitsune in the school. Eventually, Scott shows up, breaks up the fight, and yells at Kira in his alpha voice which gets her back to normal (after she threw his ass to the side).
Meanwhile when Malia tries to take out the last transmitter on the news vans, her murderous mother shows up and ruins all the fun. She also discovers the reason Malia is doing all of this, and who her weakness is: Stiles. I’m not going to lie, this annoyed me a little as a hardcore Stydia (Stiles and Lydia) shipper, but oh well. I won’t read too much into it.
Side note: somewhere during all of this Stiles manages to hit his head pretty hard on the bleachers while checking shoes, and is all adorable stumbling all over the place holding his head. I loved it. I’ve missed that Stiles. (I’m also a hardcore Stiles fan.)
There’s a pretty cute moment between Liam and Hayden where she finally chooses to be with Scott’s pack instead of Theo’s (who’s mysteriously missing from this episode. I missed Cody Christian’s face). After that, Liam manages to tie up the game (after they were losing miserably), sending them into overtime and prolonging the game. Too bad the news began broadcasting anyways. The frequency goes haywire and the episode ends with all sorts of cliffhangers:
- The Beast jumps out from behind the busses and Liam going jumping after it all by himself (he’s seriously had some major guts these last few episodes. You okay, Liam?). &
- Everyone scrambles into the school because that’s where you want to be when a Beast is chasing you.
Until next week, Wolfies!
Featured Image from screencapped.net
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Teen Wolf “Apotheosis” Review
Teen Wolf “The Beast of Beacon Hills” Review
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