First…#TheFinalProject opens today in Houston. If you need other theater locations – check out thefinalprojectmovie.com
Now…lets talk about this movie.
6 college students decide to make a documentary for their graduation project – A documentary about one of the most notorious haunted houses in America…Lafitte Plantation. They pack all their ghost hunting equipment (which is not a lot) and all their camera gear. Once it goes dark…all hell breaks loose!
: I can’t brag about anything. I really wanted to like this movie. ☹️ I’m not saying I hated it. I guess I just expected more from the trailer is all. I was hoping to get freaked out or scared…but…nope.
: For me…It took too long to get to the plantation and when the killings started…those were too quick. No blood. I needed blood…something. I would have liked seeing some of the plantation items killing those fools…that would have been cool. It kind of felt like The Blair Witch Project meets Paranormal Activity…but I’ve seen that already…I was just hoping for something different…something taken to the next level.
Keep in mind folks…if it didn’t work for me…it doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. If you check it out – let me know.
I give THE FINAL PROJECT…a 2 out of 5 popcorns. Man. I really wanted to like it more.
Mike “The Movie Guy” Pierce