Switched At Birth with Bay drawing a self portrait for her first and only client. Regina is itching to see it, but Bay isn’t ready to show the artwork off yet. Daphne is really struggling with Chemistry which is a core class in the pre med program. A professor tells her to consider other career paths.
Bay is trying to learn more about Will. They go for hotdogs, but things turn badly when he’s kidnapped by his birth mom who has mysteriously shown up in Mission Hills. And get this she’s Bay’s client!
She begins to grow suspicious when Regina refuses to call the cops after Will’s kidnapping. Daphne confesses to knowing about Will’s mom and tells her about the Atlanta trip which makes Bay furious.
On a lighter note, it’s Lily’s baby shower where Sharee and Daphne meet again. Sharee was having struggle at SLU being one of the few African Americans to attend, she let the fact that no one in her family attended college get to her and drops out. In the end Daphne convinces her to think about attending UMKC. Many friends and family show up including professor Marillo. As gifts are being opened inappropriate comments are made about children with down syndrome and Katherine comes to her grandchild’s defense.
When Melody gave Lily her gift, it’s when Lily finally decided to tell Melody she’s moving to London. Bay over hears and it makes her even more furious. To add even more fuel to the fire she finds out from Daphne that Eric is the one who originally kidnapped Will and about Nacho.
Meanwhile Regina’s situation is worsening. Hope wants to meet with only Regina. Regina has 24 hours to give Hope $100,000 so she can start a new life with her son or she’ll turn Eric in. Regina gives Eric the money. Regina finally shows up to the baby shower. Bay confronts her about all the secrets been keeping and how she always picks Daphne over her. I will say that I agree. Bay has tried so hard to be close with Regina,and while they are, it’s obvious Regina ares more about Daphne.
Because Lily feels bad for leaving the deaf program at UMKC, Katherine takes her place until Melody finds a replacement. Still upset with Regina, Bay tells her parents about Eric.