By: Anna (@traveller15)
The Flash cast had a panel each day over the weekend and I was able to attend two of those panels. The panels were attended by Danielle Panabaker, Candice Patton, Robbie Amell and John Wesley Shipp.
Robbie told us that when Grant Gustin and him fly, they don’t strap them in to fly they use a digital version of them to give the appearance it is them flying. They do harnessing them when they are landing. John Wesley Shipp wished there was digital back in the days when he was The Flash.
A little girl asked Robbie if he likes piazza in real life as much as he likes it in The Flash. Of course, his answer was yes. He goes to Pizza Pizza in Vancouver to pizza which has the best Pepperoni.
There was a question whether there would be a cross over with Supergirl as there is with Arrow. There could be a possibility but with Supergirl filming in LA and The Flash in Vancouver it makes the logistics harder.
All the cast get on well with each other and hang out with each other off set.
Spoiler – We will meet Iris’ mother and Wally West. Season 1 revolved more around the Allen family and this season 2 will revolve more around the West family. A lot will be unearthed in the past with Iris’ past.
The question was asked if there was any Easter Egg – probably a cross over with Arrow.
There was speculation whether Barry’s dad would be released from Iron Heights. The question was not answered but we can speculate yes.
There was a running gag on the panels where a fan complimented a cast member but then would ask the actual question to another cast member. This went on quite regularly.
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