As you can see – THE D TRAIN stars Jack Black and James Marsden. If you decide to watch the movie – you’ll see that there are quite a few faces you’ll recognize. It’s a pretty sweet ‘comedy’ cast.
THE D TRAIN is about a dude named Dan Landsman (Jack Black) – who in high school…wasn’t exactly the coolest kid in school. Now all grown up – he leads a few of his high school classmates on an adventure. What’s this adventure I speak of?! (lol) The adventure of putting their 20 year high school reunion together. One night…Dan sees a TV commercial – – in that commercial is Oliver Lawless (James Marsden) – the MOST popular guy from his high school!! He’s now the face of a national Banana Boat ad campaign. Dan is now on a mission – – to go to Los Angeles…find Oliver…and bring him back to the reunion. If all goes as planned – DAN will be the coolest guy in town. (lol)

My thoughts on THE D TRAIN…
THE GOOD! 🙂 I really liked this movie people. Let me just get this out of the way. When I asked my wife if she wanted to watch it. She says to me, “Who’s in in?” I say, “Jack Black.” She says, “Ahhhhh I don’t know. Jack Black can be really dumb.” I say, “Just watch it and be quiet woman!!” (Ok, I didn’t really say that part) Either way…after it was done – She liked it!! If you watch the trailer – – it just gives you a snippet of what really happens in this movie. (lol) Everyone in the movie was great. You will laugh. Be prepared though – – when watching this – – some of you might say, “WTF JUST HAPPENED??!” – – – just go with it. (lol) It gets pretty hilarious…then border line dark…then back to happy go lucky. (lol) Just wattccchhh the movie people. Hmmmmm…what else did I like. Oh. The soundtrack – the movie’s got some really good tunes. I also liked the 80’s feel I got – almost like a John Hughes movie. (lol) I’m old – what can I say. (lol) Oh…one more thing. James Marsden. I’m not exactly a fan of the dude – he just never stood out to me – but in THE D TRAIN. He’s solid. He’s officially on my radar…in a good way. (lol)
THE BAD! 🙁 No complaints. I like it all. (lol)
I give THE D TRAIN… 4 out of 5 popcorns. Like I said before. I thought it was a really good movie and deserves a watch. It’s not your typical Jack Black movie that’s for sure. This one definitely shows his acting chops. Watch it people!
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THE D TRAIN opened in Houston last Friday – check out your local listing – heck, you might wanna check VOD.
Mike “The Movie Guy” Pierce