Based on the real life and achievements of Dr. Kathy Magliato, this unique character-driven medical drama follows Dr. Alex Panttiere (Melissa George, “The Slap”), an outspoken, world-renowned heart transplant surgeon, one of the few women in her field. Stubborn and fearless, Alex always operates on her own terms. She revels in a racy personal life that’s a full-time job in itself, manages the daily demands of skeptical faculty and dutiful interns, and pushes the boundaries of medical science to impressive new heights.
One-hour drama
Universal Television
Executive Producer/Writer
Jill Gordon (“Five,” “90210,” “My So-Called Life”)
Executive Producers
Amy Brenneman (“Judging Amy”), Brad Silberling (“Jane the Virgin,” “Moonlight Mile”)
Robbie Duncan McNeill (“Blue Bloods,” “Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce”)