By Anna (@traveller15)
Joe and Cisco head to Starling City and asks for the help of Captain Lance to find answers on Wells. Meanwhile, a meta-human can transform himself into everyone he touches.
Eddie, Caitlin and Cisco are at Joe’s place waiting for Barry to return. He has gone off to Coast City to get pizza. They are strategizing over the next steps in the investigation of Harrison Wells. Joe and Cisco plan to go to Starling City to investigate the car accident of Tess and Wells. They have one problem, Caitlin is not onboard with their theories that Wells is the Reverse Flash.
At the Gold City Bank the safe deposit boxes are being robbed by an employee. Eddie has her in custody but she swears she was not at the bank even though she is seen on the TV footage. Eddie thinks it may be a meta-human who is involved. Iris arrives at CCPD looking for her father as he hasn’t been home for a couple of days. There is a lot of tension between Eddie and Iris.
The robber is trying to sell the stolen diamonds at Abbotts Jewellers but the jeweller has a list of the stolen goods and calls the police. Eddie goes after the robber but is made by him. Eddie tries to arrest him but is taken down. As the Flash arrives he shapeshifts into the body of a girl and escapes.
At S.T.A.R Labs Barry tries to talk to Caitlin to make her see the truth about Wells. She wants more proof. Caitlin covers for Cisco with Wells that he is helping is brother Dante and is having a few days off.
Barry goes back to S.T.A.R Labs to let Caitlin and Wells know they are dealing with a shapeshifter. The shapeshifter only has to touch a person and it will transform into that person. Barry will have to be careful not to be the Flash if he gets touched.
Joe and Cisco go and visit Captain Lance (Paul Blackthorne) at Starling City Police Department to see the evidence on Tess and Wells’ accident. Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) arrives and is introduced to Joe and Cisco. Laurel realises that Cisco works at S.T.A.R Labs and would like to talk to him privately. Laurel tells Cisco that she knows that Barry Allen is the Flash and also knows that Oliver Queen is the Arrow. He is curious as to how she knows when she tells him that she is the Black Canary. Cisco is like a big kid with this news. Cisco tells Laurel that he loves her. Now that he has come back to earth, Laurel needs some technical advice on how to get Sara’s sonic device to be modified.
Wells arrives at his home and is able to walk around. Caitlin goes to his house to visit. Wells gets back into his wheelchair to answer the door. Just as he is about to answer the door, the Flash whizzes Caitlin away. Caitlin wants answers from Wells but she can’t let him know that they are all on to him. She needs closure about him as her entire life would have been a liar while working at S.T.A.R Labs if Wells is not the person he is supposed to be. He was her mentor. Barry pulls the ‘dad’ card that he won’t be able to get him out of prison he Wells finds out. She agrees to stay quiet.
Eddie and Barry go to visit Hannibal Bates’ grandmother regarding the whereabouts of her grandson since he was involved in the first bank robbery. Bates had transformed into his grandmother and takes off and shapeshifts. Eddie chases after her but has transformed into himself and shoots two police officers. Eddie has been taken into custody for the shooting. Iris finds out and wants to see Eddie.
Back at Starling City, Joe and Cisco are at the scene of the car accident. Joe and Lance talk about their respective daughters and the bond they have with them. Cisco uses a tachyon detector and finds traces of tachyons, little bits of time travel in the soil.
The DA questions Eddie regarding the shootings. Barry has evidence that Eddie did not fire his weapon. Eddie tells Barry he has to clear his name and in order to do it he has to find Bates. Barry goes home to change and Eddie turns up at the door saying he has been released. It’s the shapeshifter as Eddie who has now taken over Barry’s body. Not a good sign. Caitlin turns up and tells him that she knows how to stop the shapeshifter by creating a serum to stop him from shapeshifting. Barry acts strange around her, definitely not himself.
Cisco digs up a skeleton. Lance wants to call it in to the station but Joe wants him to keep it quiet or it will cause a lot of problems.
Caitlin takes Barry back to S.T.A.R Labs. Barry is infatuated with Caitlin and kisses her. Iris turns up at the Lab looking for Barry. Of course, Barry has no idea who she is as he is really Bates. She tells him she has some information which may help Eddie’s case. They watch the video footage of Eddie shooting the police officer in which it shows he is not left handed. Barry produces a gun but Wells arrives and tasers him. Iris wants to take Barry in with the help of Caitlin to prove Eddie’s innocence. Iris tells Caitlin that she knew a reporter that kept a file of all the unexplained events in the city and believes Barry (Bates) should be in it. Iris also says that the file contained information on the Burning Man. They are interrupted by a girl screaming in the back on the car in which Bates has transformed into. The girl gets away.
Caitlin goes and finds Barry unconscious in the closet at his house.
Joe and Cisco are wrapping up their investigation to head back to Central City. Joe tells Lance to make amends with Laurel. Cisco has been able to upgrade the sonic device for Laurel. Cisco says she should call it the “Canary Cry”. As promised, Laurel in return gives him a photo of him with the Black Canary.
Bates is at the airport and it is time for payback and gives him the serum. Barry locates Bates but he transforms into Caitlin and sprays maze into the eyes of the Flash. Bates then transforms into Iris then Eddie and lastly as the Flash. We now have the Flash fight himself. The Flash manages to inject the serum into the fake Flash and he morphs out of the various bodies. Barry shows video footage to the DA who then releases Eddie. Barry gives the DA a list of all the people Bates had transformed into so their names can be cleared. Iris is at the Precinct to see Eddie. She is so glad the charges have been dropped and reconnect with each other. Eddie wants to tell her why he has been lying to her and tells her the reason why is that he has been working with the Flash. How is she going to take that?
Hannibal Bates is taken and locked up in the pipeline.
Caitlin is still uncertain about Wells. In Barry’s Lab that shows Caitlin the real body of Wells. Barry says that Dr McGee said after Wells’ accident he became a different person and of course, he did become a completely different person.
Wells turns up at CCPS to see Eddie. Wells asks Joe about his visit in Starling City. Joe asks Wells about his time living there.
Cisco is running a 3D model on the plans of S.T.A.R Labs which he built after the particle accelerated exploded to help pin point the malfunction. He is looking for an area where Wells could hide something. They locate something that shouldn’t be there. They go searching and Cisco’s tachyon device find tachyons and they enter the secret chamber. What do they find? The yellow suit as well as a newspaper which says “Flash Missing Vanishes in Crisis, April 25, 2024”?
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