By Anna (@traveller15)
Last week the Flash reset the timeline and we have the return of Captain Cold and Heat Wave who are back to wreak havoc on Central City bringing along with them Snart’s sister.
So this week’s episode begins with the Flash resetting the timeline one day before causing Rogue havoc. Barry is told by Cisco to get the Central City Morgue where the coroner has been murdered. It’s déjà vu for Barry as he repeats the day again. So all the events that have happened will be wiped out as we start the day again. Cisco is alive and Iris will not know the identity of the Flash.
At S.T.A.R Labs Cisco and Caitlin discuss his brother’s birthday party which he doesn’t wish to go to. Caitlin offers to go with him for moral support.
We learn that the Clyde Mardon has a brother, Mark Mardon (Liam McIntyre) aka Weather Wizard. Wells realizes that Barry ruptured the time continual and as only a day has been disrupted not too much damage could be caused. Wells doesn’t want to know what happens in the future. Wells tells Barry is has to play the day through exactly how it happened and not tell anyone. Mind you Wells is also thinking of himself if this upsets his plans for the Reverse Flash to get back to the future. Wells goes to his secret chamber to check if the future has been altered.
At CCPD Barry has flashes of the tragic events that happened at the precinct. He decides to go to Mardon’s hideout and captures him and takes him back to be locked up in the pipeline. Wells is not happy that the timeline has just been altered as the next incident could be worse.
Our old friends are back Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold and Mick Rory aka Heat Wave and are brought before the head of the Santini family. Snart wants to take over the city so takes out Santini and his men.
Cisco takes Caitlin to his brother’s Dante birthday party (Nicholas Gonzalez) who is supposed to be the handsome and charming family favorite who is a gifted pianist. Dante puts Cisco down at his career and so Cisco leaves.
At S.T.A.R Labs Barry is trying to recreate the same speed to see if he can go back in time. Joe arrives and asks Barry when he was going to tell him about Mardon being locked up. Joe notices that he is acting weirder. Barry is called away for his lunch date with Linda Park (Malese Jow).
Barry meets Linda at Picture News where they have a heart to heart about where their relationship is going. Linda knows that Barry feels for someone else as she looks over at Iris sitting at her desk and breaks off their relationship. Barry then goes to ask Iris out on a coffee date. As Barry walks pass Mason Bridge’s desk he tells him that he is wrong about Wells’ connection with Stagg’s disappearance.
Barry meets Cisco at a bar and tells him about the breakup with Linda. A beautiful blonde comes over to Cisco and asks to buy him a drink. We learn she is Lisa Snart, Leonard Snart’s younger sister who is sly, charming and a little sadistic and uses who sexuality to get what she wants. She is wild as she wants to prove to her brother that she can be in his gang. She tells Cisco that she is a structural engineer and lures him back to the Santini mansion where Snart is waiting. Snart is after heat and cold weapons. Snart has kidnapped Cisco’s brother, Dante, as leverage for Cisco to make the guns. Dante doesn’t believe that Cisco can save them. Lisa wants a gun also a gold gun.
Barry meets Iris at Jitters for coffee. Barry is really happy as he knows what happens in the future between them, but Iris has no idea of the events that happened. She tells Barry that nothing has changed between them and that she loves Eddie. His love life has gone down the tubes.
Joe calls Barry to tell him that Snart is back. Snart and Lisa head to the Santini casino to take control. The Flash arrives and holds Lisa prisoner but has to release her when he learns that Snart has Cisco as a hostage. So Flash has to let them go.
Joe and Eddie arrive at the casino to investigate. Eddie comes up to Barry and punches him and tells him to stay away from Iris.
At S.T.A.R Labs, Wells and Barry are trying to locate Snart. Barry knows he screwed up the timeline and the timeline is screwing with him. Barry needs to talk to Wells about what happened. Of course, Wells as we know is the wrong person to talk to as he has his own motives. Barry would like to travel back in time one day so he can save his mum. Caitlin interrupts them.
At the Santini mansion, Cisco and Dante are still held hostage being watched by Rory. Under the circumstances Dante tells Cisco he is jealous of him that he has pursued his career and that he was too scared to go after what he wanted in life. So Dante breaks the table leg off and tries to attack Rory but gets knocked out. Before Rory can take out Cisco, Snart intervenes as they need their hostages alive for now. Snart freezes Dante’s fingers to get Cisco to tell him who the Flash is?
Cisco arrives back at S.T.A.R Labs and tells the Team that he revealed Barry’s identity to save his brother’s life. Cisco plans to leave the Team. Wells has a heart to heart with Cisco in the containment room. Instead of killing Cisco this time, Wells tells Cisco that he is human and loves his brother and that the Team want him to stay. Wells tells Cisco that he is like a son to him. Caitlin interrupts as she has found out that the casino was not Snart’s target. Snart wanted the casino money to be moved to make it easier to steal rather than at the casino. On a deserted road the money van is attacked by the Rogues but the Flash arrives taking them out. Snart tells the Flash he knows he is Barry Allen and blackmails him that he will livestream his identity if Barry doesn’t let him be the criminal he is in Central City. They come to a compromise that Barry will leave Snart alone as long as he and any of his Rogue Gallery do not go hurt anyone or go near any of his friends and family again or he will put him away. Barry’s identity is safe for now.
Joe visits Iris at Picture News and tells her that Eddie punched Barry at a crime scene. Joe wants to know who Iris loves. Iris needs to tell Eddie she loves him.
Barry arrives at Jitters to be greeted by Eddie who gives him a huge hug and apologies for punching him. Caitlin told Iris and Eddie that Barry was going through a lightning psychosis after his recent lightning attack causing mood swings, outburst of affections and other lapses of judgment. Caitlin says this is why Barry spends so much time at S.T.A.R Labs as they are doing tests on him. Nice save for Barry.
Mason Bridge is still looking into the disappearance of Stagg. He is paid a visit by the Reverse Flash. Reverse Flash wants the information Mason has on Harrison Wells. He kills Mason, destroys the information on his computer and takes his body.
Barry questions his reasoning for letting Snart go. Wells hopes the timeline is kept in tack. As Barry goes to ask Wells about Mason, a news report flashes on the computer screen of his disappearance. Barry now wonders about Wells. Barry asks Joe to meet him at CCPD to tell him that he thinks he was right about Wells.
So our timeline is back on track.
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