By Anna (@traveller15)
The Weather Wizard is out to avenge his brother’s death, Cisco questions if Dr Wells is hiding something about Reverse Flash and the Flash uses time travel.
We begin with a flashback one year ago when Clyde Mardon and his brother Mark Mardon (Liam McIntyre) were trying to escape from Joe West. They take off in a plane but are caught up mid-air in the particle accelerator explosion and Clyde is thrown out the plane and killed.
Back in the present, Barry and Linda (Malese Jow) are on a date at the bowling alley where they bump into Iris and Eddie. They make it a double take. Apparently, it is one of Barry and Iris’s favourite places. Iris and Barry flirt with each other and it does not go unnoticed by Linda and Eddie.
Mardon walks into the coroner’s office wanting answers of the cop who killed his brother.
At S.T.A.R Labs, Wells and Cisco are watching a Buster Keaton movie.
The coroner’s office silent alarm is triggered and Eddie gets the call to leave for the morgue and Barry goes as well. Barry arrives at the Morgue to find the coroner dead. Barry investigates and there is ice and water all over the floor. Barry thinks he was killed by hail. Eddie finds a voice recording of the coroner giving the name of Joe West to Mark Mardon as the person who killed his brother. Mardon is out to avenge his brother’s death.
Back at S.T.A.R Labs, Cisco calls Mardon the Wizard Weather. They are trying to work a way to take his powers away from him. Barry discusses with Wells that when he was running to the Morgue he saw another Flash running beside him. Wells says it is a speed mirage and shrugs it off until after they resolve the Mardon case.
At CCPD Captain Singh places Joe on desk duty for his protection. Iris visits and Eddie is giving her the cold shoulder. She confronts him about it and he is unhappy with the way she was hanging around Barry at the Bowling Alley. Eddie is sensing a change between Iris and Barry and he is not ok with it.
While driving in Joe’s car, Barry asks Joe for some relationship advice with Iris. The rain comes pouring down but Central City is having a beautiful day. They are about to run into Mardon who is controlling the weather with a storm. Lighting hits the car and Barry manages to get Joe out in time before it explodes. Joe is confined to the Precinct for his protection.
At Central City Picture News, Mason develops a theory about Simon Stagg who went missing and that Wells had a hand in it as he was the last person to see him. Mason wants Iris to start digging. Iris bumps into Linda and apologizes for interrupting her date with Barry. Linda tells Iris that she noticed that Iris has feelings for Barry in which she tries to deny. So Iris meets Barry at Jitters to ask him for some information on Wells and the disappearance of Stagg. Iris asks Barry how well he knows Wells. Barry defends Wells that he is a good man but I think it gets him thinking.
At S.T.A.R Labs, Cisco has invented the Wizard’s Wand which is an active lightning rod to suck up whatever energy particles are floating around. Barry tells Cisco and Caitlin about the disappearance of Simon Stagg and that Wells was the last person to have seen him. This gets Cisco thinking about Wells.
Cisco takes the Wizard’s Wand to Joe at CCPD in case Mardon shows up. Cisco tries to ask Joe about the death of Barry’s mum but he doesn’t want to talk about it at the moment. Meanwhile Mardon exits the elevator at the Precinct while Cisco steps in. Cisco immediately calls Barry. Mardon and Joe have a standoff. Before Joe can reach for the Wizard’s Wand, Mardon creates a storm in the Precinct. As Mardon releases a lightning bolt at Joe, the Captain pushes Joe out of the way taking a hit. The Flash arrives grabs the Wizard’s Wand and uses it against Mardon, but Mardon escapes. The Captain is seriously injured and the Flash rushes him to the hospital.
Cisco asks Caitlin if she thinks Wells could be involved in Stagg’s disappearance and reveals his suspicion about Wells and Nora Allen. Cisco would like Caitlin to keep Wells out of S.T.A.R Labs while he fishes around.
Joe and Barry are at the hospital to see how the Captain is and they are given bad news that he may never be able to walk again. Joe feels bad and wants to end things with Mardon before he hurts anyone else.
Barry goes looking for Iris at Picture News where he bumps into Mason. Mason asks Barry about Wells and tells him that he believes Wells killed Stagg. Mason tells Barry that he has the digital evidence to backup his theory as Barry doesn’t believe him.
Barry goes home to find Iris. Iris tells Barry that she doesn’t feel that Linda is the right girl for him. Barry asks her who the right girl is.
Joe goes tracking down Mardon at one of his old hideouts. Joe gets blown out of the window by Mardon and is now tied up on the waterfront badly injured with a broken leg. Mardon calls Iris for her to go to the waterfront alone and not to call the police. As Barry is with Iris at the time of the call, he goes with her.
While Caitlin distracts Wells for coffee at Jitters, Cisco recreates the night they tried to capture the Reverse Flash in the containment field. Wells takes off his glasses and then disappears from his wheelchair. Caitlin suspects Wells is not who he seems to be. Back at the Lab, Wells walks in on Cisco and says he is the Reverse Flash. Wells introduces himself to Cisco Eobard Thawne a distant relative of Eddie. Cisco now believes Joe that Wells killed Nora Allen. It was never Wells’ intention to kill Nora but to kill Barry. Wells has been marooned for 15 years and the Flash and his speed is the key for Wells to return to his world in his time. Wells tells Cisco that he has grown quite fond of him and that he is like a son to him but as he goes to kill him placing a vibrating hand through his chest Wells says “forgive me, but to me, you’ve been dead for centuries”. No, Cisco can’t be dead?
The relationship with Barry and Linda is rocky because he spends time with Iris.
Barry and Iris arrive at the waterfront. Mardon creates a weather storm causing a tsunami. Iris confesses her love to Barry. They kiss. Barry then calls Caitlin on how to stop the tsunami. He would have to stop it by creating a vortex barrier with a wall of wind by running backwards and forwards. Barry’s identity as the Flash to Iris is revealed as he begins to try and save the city. With his excessive speeds Barry goes back in time.
So if Barry has gone back in time, has he re-written the pages of the future and that Iris will has not found out the identity of the Flash and Cisco is not dead.
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