By Anna (@traveller15)
The Flash comes up against an old enemy Captain Cold who has joined forces with Heat Wave and wants to set a trap for the Flash.
We left Barry mid-season finale coming up against the Man in the Yellow Suit who we know will be Reverse Flash and was the one responsible for his mom’s death.
The opening of this week’s episode begin with Barry telling us that he is not the fastest man alive but belongs to the man who killed his mother but hopefully not for long. Barry is training to get more speed so he will be ready when he again meets Reverse Flash. Barry is training against drones which have live ammunition. As one of the drones looks like it may take out Barry, Dr Wells is preparing himself to walk. No doubt to be Reverse Flash to save him. Barry performs and stops the drone.
Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) is back and is joined with Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell) who is a pyromaniac who will become known as Heat Wave. They break in to a car garage with expensive cars setting off the silent alarm to lure the Flash. Captain Cold wants pay back and he has the cold gun weapon. As the Flash is not coming they escape before the police arrive. The police arrive to investigate and Barry realizes that Snart is back in town to set a trap for the Flash. Snart and Rory are organizing a robbery to steal the Fire & Ice painting.
Barry wants to go after Snart but Dr Wells wants him to continue with his speed training saying that Reverse Flash is a bigger threat than Snart. Dr Wells will work with the police to try and capture Snart.
Iris visits Eddie at CCPD as they discuss the lead up to Iris moving in with Eddie. Barry finds Joe in his lab and tells him that he can’t go after Snart as he has to get his speed up to catch his mother’s killer. Cisco is working on a way to protect the city from Snart.
Iris packs her belongings up to move out of home. Joe is going to miss his baby girl. Barry arrives to collect an old backpack from Iris. Joe is sensing the tension between them. Barry tells Joe he told Iris about his feelings for her.
Dr Wells and Cisco arrive at CCPD. Cisco looks like something from Ghostbusters, to show them that he has a solution to help capture Snart by outfitting their riot shields with a heating element against the cold gun. Joe confronts Dr Wells about Barry’s decision not to help capture Snart and that his priorities are about capturing his mother’s killer. To Joe he believes this is Dr Wells telling Barry what to do rather than his own decision.
Caitlin is looking into Firestorm. We learn that it is an acronym. It has to do with the transmutation which is the process of altering the structure of an element by unzipping atoms to create a new element. They learn that Jason Rusch (Luc Roderique) a grad student at the University was working on the Firestorm project under a Professor Martin Stein which was shut down by the army and may be able to help them about Ronnie. Caitlin meets with Jason Rusch about Firestorm who is hesitant to discuss it at first.
Snart and Rory intercept the Fire and Ice painting but are apprehended by the police. His cold gun will not work on the police. Unfortunately, the police are not ready for Heatwave and the pair gets away with the painting. Snart wants to take over Central City but he needs to eliminate the Flash first.
To get the attention of the Flash, Snart and Rory kidnap Caitlin.
Back at S.T.A.R Labs, Dr Wells asks Barry that he hopes they are not enemies because he is pushing him to training rather than helping the police. Barry is happy to be making his own choices and that he is friends with Dr Wells.
Snart challenges the Flash to come out to save Caitlin on National television. Caitlin is tired up with a bomb. The showdown begins between fire and ice. The Flash needs to get the cold and fire beams to cross each other paths which will cancel their guns out. The Flash is not doing so well. He eventually cancels their guns out and captures Snart and Rory with the help of Eddie. Meanwhile, Cisco and Joe find the warehouse where Caitlin in being held and rescue her.
Moving day arrives for Iris and she says her farewells. Barry agrees to move back home and live with Joe.
As Snart and Rory are being transferred to prison they are freed by Snart’s sister. So we haven’t seen the last of Snart.
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