The latest episode of Revenge kicks off with a 2003 flashback of David Clarke in prison and how the white haired man “killed” him. David is then seen in an ambulance with Malcolm Black’s men. In present day he’s reading an article in the newspaper about Malcolm Black’s death. Only there’s one problem, Malcolm Black isn’t dead and is in the Hamptons searching for his daughter. Louise’s brother shows up to pay her a visit, but she thinks he’s up to something which he is. Meanwhile Emily and David are making plans on how to make Victoria’s future murder look like a suicide. Malcolm Black finds Jack and questions him about his daughter’s whereabouts. After he leaves Jack quickly calls David. FINALLY Louise and Emily meet. Ems tells Nolan she and her dad are leaving The Hamptons. It seems she’s finally going to get her happy ending. Nolan asks Ems to join them for dinner so she can meet Lyman and give her opinion on him. Victoria is reminiscing over baby pictures of Daniel. Now that David knows Malcolm is alive he tells Jack to act normal and stay away from Emily. As Emily returns back to the beach club after a brief convo with Ben she overhears Louise and her brother talking about Louise’s medications and crazy episodes. After telling Nolan he just thinks she’s had a tough life and still wants to help her, which Emily agrees. When David calls Malcolm from Kate’s phone. he tells that Kate is fine and alive but he can’t see her because he was never allowed to see Amanda when he was under his watch. We then get another flashback of David working for Malcolm and Malcolm giving him pictures of the fake Amanda when she was a stripper. We still don’t know what’s on the flash-drive, but it must be something very important because David threatens that if Malcolm doesn’t leave the country after finding Kate’s whereabouts he’s going to turn the flash-drive over to authorities. David then informs Jack he’s going to meet with Malcolm and plans on killing him, but if something goes wrong he must give the flash drive to Nolan to give to authorities. Margaux being a snoop creeps up on Ben leaving Emily a voice-mail. She gets mad and begins yelling. She must have forgotten she was pregnant and stress is not good for her body right now. When she walks off, she collases and Ben takes her to the ER. Dr. says she has high blood pressure and needs to de-stress. While at the hospital Victoria shows up and tells Margaux everything. And we mean EVERYTHING! Even the part about Emily really being Amanda Clarke. To make matters worse Ben is outside listening to the whole thing. At Nolan’s dinner Louise’s health is questioned. She starts having hallucinations of her mother berating her. She lashes out at her mother but accidentally slaps Nolan. Lyman takes her away and Emily starts to see something is up with him. Emily and Nolan go up to Louise’s room to tell her that the medication she’s been getting from the family doctor is Xanax mixed with Lariam which causes confusion and hallucinations. Emily finds a photo of herself in what we now know was what was in that envelope from last week. Victoria’s evidence that was given to Kate. Now it’s on and Emily wants Victoria dead now more than ever. Jack tries to stop David for killing Malcolm. he tells him the flash drive has been turne din to the police and they’re outside to arrest him. Later on Jack finds out the precinct that Malcolm was turned over to released him for lack of evidence. Wrong move Jack, you should have let David kill him! David sends Victoria a text to meet at the lighthouse, but it was actually Emily wanting to confront Victoria about the photo. They get into an argument, then both are hit by darts. Malcolm comes out from the shadows and finds out that Emily is really Amanda Clarke just as she slips into the sedation.
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