By Anna (@traveller15)
Barry comes face to face with his mother’s killer the Man in the Yellow Suit aka Reverse Flash. It is also a time for sharing with the Christmas spirit.
It is Christmas time in Central City. Barry is running up against Reverse Flash.
One day earlier, Joe and Barry are trimming the Christmas tree. Joe gets a call from the DA’s office and leaves Barry and Iris to finish the Christmas decorating. It is a tradition in the West household to open a present early. Barry gives Iris a replica of her mother’s wedding ring and Iris gives him a microscope. The magic moment between the two of them is interrupted with the arrival of Eddie. Eddie suspects that Barry may like Iris. Eddie asks Iris to move him with him by giving her a key to his apartment.
At S.T.A.R Labs Barry arrives bearing gifts for the Flash Team as well as eggnog.
While Caitlin has been Christmas shopping and in the car garage she spots a man who she believes to be Ronnie Raymond. To scare her off he ignites his head and hands – Firestorm (Robbie Amell).
At Mercury Labs there is a breach and a man in a yellow suit kills the security guards. Barry believes that the deaths were caused from someone travelling at a high speed. The witness saw a blur. Barry is anxious to learn more as this is the man who killed his mother. Joe tells him that he has been in town for some time as he has threatened Iris if he didn’t stop investigating the death of Nora Allen.
Joe and Barry go to S.T.A.R Labs for help from the rest of the Flash Team. A Dr Tina McGee is developing prototypes for the technology for the future, Tachyon particles. So the yellow blur is after them. Why we don’t know?
Caitlin goes to see Iris at Jitters regarding her blog where reports have seen a man ignite their hands and head for information. Iris also asks Caitlin about Barry as he seems different around her.
Barry asks Dr McGee (Amanda Pays) if she would lend her prototype to capture the yellow blur. She won’t agree to help as her and Dr Wells are rivals.
Cisco works out a plan to set up an electronic barrier with a force field to capture the “opposite flash”. Caitlin tells Cisco that she thinks Ronnie is alive. She wants his help to find him.
While at CCPD, Barry goes back to flashback as a child when he last saw his mother alive. She told him that he would never be alone even in the dark. He remembers when he saw her being killed by the yellow blur.
Iris visits Barry at the station to tell him that Eddie asked her to move in with him. She tells him that Eddie believes that Barry likes her romantically. He totally denies it. Barry is upset. While looking out the window, Barry sees the yellow blur on a rooftop as if to luring him after him. Barry goes after to him and asks why he killed his mother. To find the answer he has to catch him. They race the streets of Central City to a football stadium. Barry is not fast enough and gets beat up. The yellow blur tells Barry that it is his destiny to lose to him just as his mother was to die that night. “They have been doing this a long time”. The yellow blur escapes.
Barry tells Dr Wells that this yellow blur is the fastest man alive and how is he going to capture him. Joe gets a court order for Dr McGee to hand over her Tachyon prototype. Barry blackmails her for the Tachyon device.
Eddie pushes Joe that his task force is going to find the blur.
Cisco helps Caitlin locate Ronnie. Ronnie does not believe he is who he is but is Firestorm. Cisco is going to help Caitlin find Ronnie again but she doesn’t want him locked up like the other meta humans. She now wishes he had died not to become the meta-human he has become.
Cisco has the Tachyon in place to work which is bait for the yellow blur. Joe and Dr Wells do not want Barry around to capture the yellow blur. His head is not in the game.
Barry goes to see his father in prison to tell him that he has found the man in yellow but he got away. There is an emotional exchange of words between the two that it is not Barry’s fault for the yellow blur getting away and for not pursuing his life with Iris.
At the West household, Barry goes and tells Iris that he loves her and over all the years he was afraid to tell her and that he might lose her if he did. Iris is silent.
The trap is set to capture the yellow blur. With Joe, Eddie and the task force at S.T.A.R Labs they go to see what they have caught. Joe wants answers why the yellow blur killed Nora Allen. Dr Wells is curious to know why he wants the Tachyon particles. The force field fluctuates and Dr Wells is thrown into the trap with Reverse Flash and he beats him up. Caitlin calls Barry for help. Flash goes up against Reverse Flash but is no match. A surprise help from Firestorm saves the day but Reverse Flash gets away. Caitlin approaches Firestorm but he tells her to never to look for him again.
Eddie wants to know what is going on from Joe and he tells him about the meta-humans. Joe wants Eddie to keep the secret. Eddie wants to know if Joe knows the Flash. He doesn’t reveal his identity but only says he saves their lives tonight. What will Eddie do now especially has he has just had the task force put in place?
Dr Wells gets patched up by Caitlin. Once Dr Wells finds out about Ronnie, he promises her on his life that he will bring Ronnie home.
At CCPD, Barry opens up to Joe that he has been scared his whole life of the man in yellow. The both reminisce over the past years. Barry admits he has been scared of the Man in the Yellow Suit his whole life and that is why is lost. Joe tells Barry to never lose the light that he brings to others. They go home to the West household where the Flash Team, Iris and Eddie are celebrating. Cisco tells Joe that he believes the night Barry’s mother was killed there were both yellow and red blurs visible by the young Barry and that there was another speedster present that night. The Christmas tree is lit. I get the feeling that Iris is having some second thoughts about Barry.
We end the mid-season finale with Dr Wells in his secret chamber with a lightning bolt ring which opens a door to the Reverse Flash suit. He places a Tachyon on the suit in which Dr Wells wishes the Flash a Merry Christmas in Reverse Flash’s voice.
So is Dr Well’s Reverse Flash from the future? We will have to wait and see. Plus there were plenty of emotional scenes with the Christmas spirit between everyone.
Flash returns on January 20, 2015.
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