By Anna (@traveller15)
Barry’s begins to question his team mates. Felicity comes along to help Barry and give him some advice to the team.
Barry Allen is finding his days off are now different from being at the Lab or just chillin. He is at S.T.A.R Labs with his friends multi-tasking by playing ping pong with Cisco, operation with Caitlin and chess with Dr Wells all while testing his abilities.
Meanwhile, there is an armed vehicle robbery which the police radar goes off. Flash goes to stop the robbery but he rescues a shot guard taking him to the hospital letting the robbers get away. Joe and Eddie are investigating the crime scene but nothing is missing and Barry arrives to investigate. Barry saw one of the robber’s faces so he can id him. They were after the Kahndaq Dynasty diamond enroute to the museum.
At CCPD, Joe shows mug shots to Barry in whom he identifies Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) who will be The Flash’s greatest rogues. Barry is starting to call himself in the third person “The Flash”. They are interrupted by Iris bring coffee. Iris confides in Barry that her dad is not happy with her since he found out about her and Eddie. Iris has started a blog about the Streak. She is hoping Barry will help her with her blog. A surprise visit is waiting for Barry in his Lab, Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards).
Snart and his men are trying to find out who the Blur is and stopped the robbery.
Felicity and Barry catch up with each other. She thought he would have contacted her to tell her he was out of the coma and visit her. She knows he is the Flash as she heard Barry and Oliver talking on the rooftop in Starling City. She wants to see his speed.
An excited Barry takes Felicity to S.T.A.R Labs where the Team track any criminal activity using their own satellite. Of course, Felicity already hacks into their satellite from time to time. In which Barry responds “rude”. Caitlin has her defences up as to how much Felicity should know about them. Barry blabs to Caitlin and Cisco that Felicity works for the Arrow. Cisco is curious if Felicity knows who the Arrow is, does Barry? He denies any knowledge with a smirk on his face. Arrow has a similar set up but with more pointed objects. Dr Wells welcomes Felicity and he knows all about her.
Barry shows off his speed capabilities to Felicity on the treadmill. Felicity questions what and how the lightning changed Barry and Dr Wells lets her know that he is in good hands at S.T.A.R Labs.
Joe and Eddie stakeout a bank waiting for Snart. Eddie tries to bond with Joe and how his relationship with Iris is. Not going to happen.
Barry takes Felicity to CC Jitters where they meet Iris. Iris organises a double date for Trivia Night.
Snart is with a weapons dealer to obtain a state of the art smart weapon, something that slow things down speed. He has just the weapon which was stolen from S.T.A.R Labs after the explosion which submits a white flame and submits cold. Snart eliminates the weapons dealer.
It’s Trivia Night. Felicity walks in totally overdressed. Felicity and Barry make a good team on the night. Iris pushes Barry to go after Felicity.
Cisco realises that the cold weapon is missing and Dr Wells has found out and is not happy. Cisco needs to locate the gun.
Snart stakes out the museum for the diamond. The curator calls Joe about seeing Snart. He is spotted and runs. Eddie gets the alert to go to the museum. So Barry heads off but needs an excuse. Felicity comes up with a bad case of diarrhoea Joe chases after Snart but he is too cool. Stopping a police car by freezing the road. As he is about to shoot Joe, the Flash arrives and pushes him out of the way. Flash is hit and the cold burns his skin due to the heat from his speed. This machine can kill the Flash. Snart kills a police officer.
Barry finds out that Cisco built the gun because speed and cold are the opposites. He built the cold gun as a precaution against Barry as they didn’t know his capabilities and for protection if he would harm them. Because of the cold gun they all have to live with it killing someone that night. Now that the cold gun has fallen into the hands of Snart, Cisco realizes it was not a great idea to build and that he needs to take responsibility for his actions and learn from them.
Joe arrives home and is still giving Iris the cold treatment. He is not happy that his partner, Eddie, is now his daughter’s boyfriend as it stops him from being 100% focused on his job if he gets hurt.
Snart is going back to the museum to steal the diamond and is ready for the Flash.
Barry blames himself for the death of the police officer. Felicity explains to Barry that it took time for the Arrow team to come together and it didn’t happen overnight. She knows it is a lonely path and for him not to make it any lonelier.
Cisco works out how to stop Snart. He calls him Captain Cold. Cisco always comes up with names for the meta-humans. Felicity helps by hacking into the Central City Network. They locate Snart. Barry turns his ear piece off as he doesn’t feel like talking. Felicity talks sense into Caitlin and Cisco to go and help Barry.
Joe and Eddie locate Snart at the subway but he gets away on the train and derails it. Can Barry save the train and the passengers? Snart has learnt the Flash’s weakness to kill him. Cisco comes to the Flash’s rescue with a prototype cold gun. Actually it is S.T.A.R Labs’ vacuum cleaner. Snart gets away but with the cold gun. Cisco and Barry have made up their differences.
Felicity says her farewells to the Flash Team and to Barry as she heads back to Starling City. They all agree that she is a remarkable young woman and special.
Dr Wells puts the fear into Cisco not to do anything what he did ever again.
At the CCPD, Iris goes to see her father and apologise for her relationship with Eddie and her. Joe is grateful that Eddie saved Joe’s life that night. Iris and Joe say “no more secrets”. Except Joe will always have one “Barry”.
Felicity is on the train heading home when she is startled by Barry. Felicity brings up when Barry told her about having a little experience about liking someone who didn’t see you the same way, she said that was Iris. Barry brings up just like her and Oliver. Barry and Felicity are so perfect for each other but they pine for people they cannot have. Barry says “I guess what they say is true, opposites do attract”. Barry and Felicity agree to be there for each other and kiss and he speeds off.
Snart wants a new crew to stay in Central City and goes to see an old friend, Mick, who is a pyromaniac. So it isn’t the last we have seen of Captain Cold.
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