By Parish Hodges
Regina gets Angelo’s life insurance money while Daphne is still blaming her for his death & thinks she doesn’t deserve the money. Bay finally gets an MRI. Katherine invites Regina to her New York trip. Emmett gets accepted into a film school & Melanie tells him about her new project. The gang decides to skip school and go to Hawkeye Ranch, while Travis is busy signing papers to drop out even though graduation is a few weeks away. At Hawkeye Ranch, alcohol isn’t allowed and since Daphne is now a “bad girl” she texts Nacho to bring beer. Nacho arrives with his “girlfriend” and Daphne gets jealous. Bay confronts her about being friends with Nacho. Oddly… Bay also runs into the real Mandy who tells Bay she broke up with her boyfriend because the sweet notes Emmett wrote the fake Mandy. To keep a guy she wrote about in her book from flirting with her, Regina & Katherine pretend to be lesbians in New York and end up kissing. Bay returns a call to Dr. Larkin to find out her results, at the same time Emmett runs into Mandy. Scared of what her results will say Bay lashes out on Emmett & Mandy. A drunk Daphne kisses Travis on the Ferris wheel, but he pushes her off because he has a girlfriend. Bay confronts Daphne about her behavior. A heated argument occurs & Daphne ends up pushing Bay to the ground. Bay’s test results came back negative When Melanie knows about Travis dropping out and secretly re-enrolls him, and tells him about her new project when he finally gets home. Travis will be going to college. Bay tells Emmett to go to USC & she will come to Los Angeles to be with him. In the final scene Daphne and Regina have the biggest fight yet. Daphne tells Regina she’s not her Mothe,r never has been, and storms off.