Switched at Birth begins with a flashback from 15 years ago, when Angelo has a DNA test. Though Regina didn’t have an affair, Daphne is not his so Angelo leaves. Back in real time Angelo was severely injured in a car crash and has surgery. The next day is the SATs, but Daphne doesn’t want to leave Angelo, but somehow Regina talks her into going. Before she leaves she asks Toby to text her if Angelo gets worse. While taking the test Daphne’s phone keeps going off and she’s unable to focus, because of Angelo’s condition, so she runs out without finishing her test. Back at the hospital Bay is talking to Angelo who still hasn’t awakened, all of a sudden his brain starts hemorrhaging so he goes back into surgery. Bay donates blood to help Angelo. She gets a little quesy and starts to having flashbacks. Well it’s not actually a flashback, because it’s a look at her future with Angelo. She is giving birth to twins and Angelo is by her side. When her future baby daddy walks in, it fades to white and it’s back to real time and she looks up and sees Emmett. When Daphne gets back to the hospital her and Bay argue about her leaving. During the argument Daphne can read the doctors lips as he tells the nurse that Angelo is brain dead. John tries to find a different hospital to try and save Angelo, but they all agree that there’s nothing more they can do. Dr. Larkin talks to Daphne about donating Angelo’s organs. When she tells Bay, Bay lashes out and tells her she doesn’t know what he would want because he’s not even her dad. Later on Bay and Emmett go to Angelo’s house to look for his Mother’s phone number. While looking Emmett finds Angelo’s will. In it,says if hes to be on life support then he wants to be removed. Back at home Daphne is thinking of her future wedding and Angelo telling her how beautiful she looks. When Regina sees it, they all agree that they have to let him go. In a meeting they find out his hemorrhage was because of a ruptured aneurysm. One of the main causes of an aneurysm is anger and before the accident Angelo and Regina got into a big fight. With Angelo’s Mom being in France, she is unable to come see him, so Bay holds the phone to Angelo’s ear so she can tell him goodbye. Knowing that she’s about to lose him, Regina has flashbacks of when Angelo left, and instead of letting him walk away she opens the elevator and they both apologize and agree to figure it out together. In the final scene Angelo’s body is taken away and Daphne tells Regina that this is all her fault.
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