By: Lexie Gerson —July 8, 2014
Last night, The Fosters returned with a new episode entitled, “Say Something.”
The episode begins with a reveal. The mystery is out. Lena (Sherri Shaum) unintentionally let it slip that the kids were going to be expecting a sister soon. It all came out after the children were helping to clean out the garage and Lena inquired as to whether they ought to keep a portion of the things for when “she” tags along.
The the children were all excited by the news. Particularly Mariana (Cierra Ramirez) who’s already thinking about all the adorable outfits she’ll put her sister in. But unfortunately, the child wont be there’s completely. The sperm donor, Timothy (Jay Ali), has conversed with his legal advisor and he has set out to be more than just a donor to the child.
In spite of the fact that his timing is flawless. Stef (Teri Polo) indicated to Lena that Timothy dropped the lawyer on them right before her huge meeting for the vice principal position, almost as if he planned it.
During her interview, Timothy question Lena about her recent work and even set out to ask her the means by which her pregnancy will effect the new position. But Lena certainly had a couple of words for him later on.
After the party the kids threw a week ago, a lot of things have changed at school. Jesus (Jake T. Austin), for one, has his eye on his drunken hookup, Hayley (Caitlin Carver) but still hasn’t called her since that night. This causes her to ask Mariana what was up with Jesus, letting the cat out of the bag about their hookup.
Mariana scorns Jesus and makes him call Hayley. She wasn’t going to have him break her friend’s heart like he did in the past.
As for Callie (Maia Mitchell), she’s battling with the letter her birth father dropped off. Although she didn’t want anything to do with him passing on an invitation to meet her half sister is another story. Before she can make a decision, she needs to talk to Jude so he doesn’t feel like he’s being replaced and Jude (Hayden Byerly) understood.
Callie agrees to meet her sister, Sophia (Bailee Madison), and Stef goes with her. Dissimilar to her, her sister has never been allowed to get in trouble and she’s been quite spoiled.
Sophia’s mother, Jill (Valerie Dillman), doesn’t like to be reminded about her husband’s past relations. Nor does she enjoys the way Sophia is quick to impress her new sister. Sophia is clearly looking for a connection and invites Callie to see her bedroom and go on a shopping trip.
The girls’ father, Robert (Kerr Smith) is having a hard time relinquishing the past. He still harbors affections for Callie’s mother and went as far to confess to Stef that if his family hadn’t mediated then he would have stayed with her. Tragically, his wife caught the last part of their conversations.
Mariana comes close to getting in trouble with the dance team. They were searching for another member to join and she voted in favor of the captain’s friend instead of the girl who was better. Mariana said that she did because she thought she was supposed to. But truthfully she didn’t want another ethnically diverse dancer to outshine her. Luckily, Hayley covers for her.
Hayley wants Jesus and she is brilliant enough to understand the most ideal approach to get to him is through Mariana. Mariana arranged for her to come to the house and soon the new couple were at it again. This left Mariana in the uncomfortable position when Emma (Amanda Leighton) arrived in search of Jesus and she lied to get her to leave.
But Mariana never needed to stress over losing her position on the dance team. They picked her because her mother was the temporary principle. They figured their funds and program wouldn’t get cut if she was on the team. But now that Lena hasn’t received the full time position Mariana has to work harder to stay on the team and avoid cuts.
After a long day, Stef decided to change her mind regarding Timothy and his involvement with the baby. She believes that just because they are the parents of the child doesn’t mean they should deprive her of more love. Stef is ready to let their child have an “uncle.”
Callie came back home with her mind made up. She decided she was ready to let Brandon (David Lambert) go completely and commit herself to Wyatt (Alex Saxon).
But something off with Jude and nobody in his family has noticed until they receive a call from his teacher—Jude hasn’t spoken a word in days.
Tune in to season 2 of The Fosters Monday’s 9/8c on ABC Family