Rachel is staring down at her “dead” body, and the sheriff is wondering how it’s possible. Thousands of the returned are now in Arcadia and are gathering at the church. The scene then switches to Maggie with her mother at her lovers house. She returned about a week ago which makes Maggie upset, because she didn’t come to her. Barbara doesn’t want to see Fred and tells Maggie she doesn’t know everything that happened and Fred is a dark person. Maggie demands she go see him and tell him she’s there.
Henry and his wife have now taken in the family Jacob was hiding out with. They appear to be from the early 1900s as the man worked for Henry’s father. They were behind the woods, because it is where they died in a flood. They are looking for their son Robert. Robert has a crescent shape birthmark on the back of his neck. Henry tells them he will let the sheriff know to keep a look out on him
When Fred finally sees Barbara he’s overjoyed. She tells him it’s too late for him to make things right and she will continue staying with Sam. Though Fred looks okay on the outside, on the inside he snaps and goes ballistic. The next day at the church, the Army comes in to help out not knowing these people were previously dead. Fred tells the Army Colonel about the people coming back from the dead and convinces him to try and get rid of them. Talk about Scorned!
Henry gets a call to bring returned ones to the school where they will get an ID, flu shot, and info packet. Bellamy tells the Langstons they don’t have to be there and offers to bring home Jenny’s family when they’re done. When he tries to take them outside and talk to t hem he’s stopped by a cop. Fred has ordered them to not let any returned leave. Bellamy now knows this is a trap and tells Maggie. They pull the fire alarm to get them out.
Sheriff Langston freaks out and orders the other cops to go get them because they are escaping. The officers thought they were holding them to protect them. While others go to capture, one turns in his badge. Needing more help, Fred lets Gary out of jail. Bellamy goes to the Langstons and tells them they need to leave. Since Bellamy is the government, Lucille tells Bellamy to take Jacob and protect him. Henry tells them where to go to hide. On the way there. Back at the gym Colonel Stone has everyone on lock down, including Fred’s officers. Maggie refuses to turn over info and is arrested.
Tom takes Jenny and her family to where his wife is staying with her sister. In the final scene Jacob and Bellamy driving. The ground is filled with dead cicadas and one flying in the air. They have been found and Bellamy picks up Jacob to try and run away, but it’s too late. While Jacob is holding on to Bellamy we see a crescent moon birthmark on his neck. Bellamy is Jenny’s brother!
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