Revolution Season 2 Episode 14 “Fear and Loathing”
By: Lexie Gerson —February 26, 2014
Last night, Revolution returned from the Olympic hiatus with a new episode called “Fear and Loathing.”
Three weeks ago, we saw Monroe (David Lyons), Connor (Mat Vairo) and Charlie (Tracy Spiridakos) attempting to buy mercenaries from Monroe’s former associate, Duncan Page (Katie Aselton), and they tried to steal a batch of diamonds. Unfortunately, the trio was caught.
Monroe and Charlie are forced to fight each other to the death. Charlie gets grabbed and forced to work as a prostitute. During a father-son moment Monroe insists that Connor must be the one to live, he must kill his father. Monroe tells Connor that he wants him to find a girl, have children and take back the Republic. But of course, he doesn’t want that girl to be Charlie.
Charlie, who has flourished into a strong woman, does not allow herself to be degraded or mistreated. She kills the man who comes to rape her, escapes, saves Duncan and manages to rescue Monroe and Connor. Thanks to her kick-ass performance they all escape.
In Willoughby, Neville (Giancarlo Esposito) has successfully convinced Miles (Billy Burke) and Rachel (Elizabeth Mitchell) that he’s there to help them fight the Patriots. As they keep tabs on the Patriots they see Doyle helping to unload barrels. Jason (JD Pardo) tells his father it looks like they are beginning to build a re-education camp. He tells him that the barrels are used as punishment. Suspicious of Doyle, Miles makes a plan to kidnap him for questioning. But before he can capture him Neville somehow gets the word out to Doyle. Miles quickly realizes that Neville is not really working with him. Miles puts a gun to Tom’s head forcing Jason to pull a gone on him. Rachel steps in and threatens Jason and Tom. Tom finally comes clean, and tells them that he is there only to kill Monroe so he can save his wife, Julia. He tells them that if he turns over Monroe he will return and help them and help kill all the Patriots. Miles tells him that Monroe is now working with them; Neville is hesitant to believe him.
Aaron (Zak Orth) and Priscilla (Maureen Sebastian) are still being held prisoner by their former nanotech creator and friend, Peter. Cynthia appears in front of Aaron and tells him “We’re dying. Help us.” Priscilla has the same experience except she sees her father. Aaron and Priscilla come to the conclusion that there’s a problem with the computer code. If they leave it alone, the code will eventually lose power and die out. Peter says that they must fix it but there are not a lot of computers accessible. Peter believes that faith will help them but Aaron reiterates that it’s a Nano, not a God. A scared Priscilla does not want to help, she thinks it is too powerful and she does not want to die. Peter responds with threats leading Aaron to agree to help. Just as Aaron agrees the computer in the room turns itself on and codes start to scroll on the screen.
The three of them frantically cover the walls writing out pieces of code. Aaron finds the problem and says that he can fix it. Peter heads over to Aaron to try to help but before he can, Aaron knocks him out. Priscilla then realizes he’s entering a virus into the code.
Aaron wakes up in his pre-event apartment. He is in bed next to Priscilla, his then wife. His alarm clock is blaring. Aaron quickly realizes that there must be something wrong.