Teen Wolf 3B Episode 20 “Echo House”
Lexie Gerson —February 24, 2014
Teen Wolf season 3, episode 20, “Echo House,” aired last night on MTV.
Last night’s episode begins with Sheriff Stilinski (Linden Ashby) driving Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) to Eichen House, a mental institution. Upon their arrival, Scott shows up. Scott (Tyler Posey) doesn’t want Stiles in there because he will not be able to protect him. But Stiles says it’s his decision, and if they can’t figure out how to get the Nogitsune out of him he will have to make sure that he never leaves Eichen House.
Sheriff Stilinski escorts Stiles inside and begins to regret his decision to leave him. Stiles comforts his father and assures him that he will be fine. After the Sheriff leave, Stiles is taken to his room and sees one of the other patients commit suicide. He also sees the Nogitsune. Stiles wants to make a phone call to share what he has seen but the orderly refuses and takes him to his room.
We soon see that Dr. Deaton (Seth Gilliam) and Papa Argent (JR Bourne) are working together to get the letharia vulpina lichen (last episode). Over the phone Deaton tells Argent that the effects will only last a few day and then the Nogitsune will return. In the meantime, they need to find a scroll that will tell them how to exorcise the Nogitsune from Stiles. Allison (Crystal Reed) and Scott listen with as Deaton and Argent talk about the scroll. Allison thinks she knows where they can find it.
Back at Eichen House, Stiles is introduced to two new characters. Oliver, his roommate, and Meredith, a patient who is talking into a dead phone. As Stiles waits to make a phone call her overhears Meredith say, “One of them is standing right behind me.”
At Eichen House, we also see a few familiar faces including Malia and Ms. Morell. Stiles attempt to say hi to Malia (Shelley Hennig, The Secret Circle) but she quickly responds unenthusiastically by punching him in the face. Ms. Morell (Bianca Lawson), shows up and pulls Stiles aside.
Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) and Papa Argent are still in jail. The two discuss Stiles and the possibility of having to kill him in order to stop the Nogitsune. Argent talks about Berzerkers, which are people who use animal skins in rituals and literally become crazed and animalistic. He tells Derek that in the end the Berzerkers had to be killed because they were no longer themselves.
Derek proceeds to ask Argent if he would feel any remorse for killing Stiles. He says he would but he also says he wouldn’t regret killing a Nogitsune.
Ms. Morell begins to conduct a session with several patients. During the session, Stiles keeps seeing the Nogitsune in bandaged form. Stiles begins to scratch and his neck, which capture Ms. Morell’s attention causing her to end the session and pull Stiles aside.
Morell tells Stiles that the marks forming on his neck called the Lichtenberg Figure. These are the result of the letharia vulpina Stiles was injected with.
Ms. Morell tells Stiles that when the marks are gone, the lichen will have worn off, and the Nogitsune will have returned. Because Stiles is more vulnerable when he’s asleep Morell gives him pills to keep him awake. Unless, his friends figure out what is wrong with him, she will be forced to keep the ‘balance’ by giving him an injection that will kill him.
Stiles attempts to clear his mind in the men’s bathroom but he’s not alone. Malia is taking a shower and the image quickly catches Stiles attention.
Stiles wants to get into the basement of the mental institution because he knows he’s been down there before. However, he’ll have to steal the keys from the head orderly. In the bathroom, Malia tells Stiles that she wants to learn how to turn back into a coyote. Stiles knows someone that can help her but first she has to help him.
Scott, Allison, Lydia (Holland Roden), and the twins (Charlie and Max Carver) work together to figure out how to break into an armored truck in order to obtain evidence from Katashi’s body, the scroll.
Malia manages to get the keys for Stiles, but unfortunately he is caught before he can make it to the basement. The orderly places him in the “quiet room,” and gives him a sedative. He pleads but is unsuccessful, causing him to fall asleep.
Kira (Arden Cho) shows up at Scott’s house. She wants to help and thinks that she has something to bring to the table. She shows Scott her quickly developing skills of wielding a katana. Thoroughly impressed, Scott agrees to let her tag along.
Stiles enters a dream with the Nogitsune but is quickly woken up by Malia, who has broken into the “quiet room.” Malia tells him that there is another way to get to the basement and the two make their way to the closed unit.
Stiles’ friends are trying to get the scroll but are having some difficulties. Kinkade, Katashi’s former bodyguard, shows up and they must fight him off in order to save Stiles.
At the station, Argent meets with his ‘lawyer’, but it’s really the leader of the group of hunters from South America. She tells Argent that she is displeased with his decision to change the code and that she would like to talk to Allison.
Malia takes Stiles to the basement. They quickly find the ‘symbol for self’ (backwards #5) carved on the wall. They search through the stored paperwork, but are unable to find anything useful. The two get close on an old couch. They share a kiss (Malia’s first) before proceeding to make love.
As they lie on the couch, Malia realizes that the wall with the symbol on it is hollow.
Back at the armored truck, Kinkade has managed to throw Kira, Allison and Scott to the ground. Just when you think that he is going to get away with the scroll, the twins show up. Before they can kill Kinkade, Scott tells them to stop, saying that they’re there to save a life, not take one. Scott takes the scroll, and they leave Kinkade behind.
Stiles breaks through the hollow wall and uncovers the body of the Nogitsune. Malia takes out a piece of paper from his satchel, and when Stiles looks at it, he tells her he needs to get it to Scott.
Unfortunately, Oliver shows up and tases Malia and Stiles and also injects Malia.
Oliver restrains Stiles and coughs up blood and flies. In that moment, Stiles realizes that the Nogitsune has gotten inside his head. The Nogitsune tells Oliver to start with Malia. We then see the Nogitsune appear. He tells Stiles that he will let Malia go if he lets the dark kitsune in again.
Stiles agrees.
Back at the vet’s office, Dr. Deaton reads the scroll. He uncovered that the only way to save Stiles is to change the body of the person hosting the Nogitsune. But how do you change Stiles’ body? Scott realizes what it means: Stiles must be turned into a werewolf.
At the end of the episode, Malia leaves Eichen House in search of Scott. Ms. Morrell tells her where to find him. When she leaves she looks up and her eyes turn blue. Has she been a coyote this entire time?
Only four episodes left of this season so be sure to tune in to MTV’s Teen Wolf Monday’s at 10/9c