Anna – 4 February 2014
From last week’s episode we learnt that Luca has the powers and this will addressed in forthcoming episodes. This episode focuses on Stephen and the lessons learnt on making deals.
We begin with a girl robbing a bank who seems to have telekinesis powers and leaves a message on the wall “hi dad”. Stephen awakens from a nightmare. He has sensed a breakout.
Stephen’s mom, Marla Jameson (Sarah Clarke) is concerned, as Astrid’s father is getting worried for her whereabouts. Stephen cannot let on where she is.
At the Underground John is still recovering from his gunshot wound. Cara is helping John with his wound. Cara seems jealous of Astrid. John tells Cara that it was her that he thought of while he was laying wounded and kisses her.
Stephen barges into Jedikiah’s office confronting him that he sent Ultra agents to kill his best friend, Astrid. Jedikiah says that protocol was broken and she is a threat. Stephen is very annoyed and as Jedikiah won’t let him erase her name out of Ultra’s system on the hit list and says he is done with him and quits.
Astrid is frustrated that she cannot contact her father to let him know that she is okay. Astrid wants TIM to be programmed to call her father but John won’t allow this as it is not safe for her and she needs to stay off the grid. Astrid also goes to Cara to see if she will help. Stephen tells Cara that he quit Ultra and that Jedikiah went too far this time. He also tells Cara about the girl breakout and that he can feel her. Cara is going to get a sense for her as well.
The Founder (Simon Merrells) has learnt that Stephen has gone AWAL from Jedikiah like his father. The Founder goes after Stephen but he cannot get away from him. The Founder wants to help Stephen as he knows the burdens he is going through. He says he will help him and take the kill squad off Astrid if he goes after a rogue breakout, Cassandra Smythe, who is extremely powerful and dangerous. If Stephen is successful, The Founder will clear Astrid’s name. The reason he wants Stephen to find the breakout is because she is The Founder’s daughter.
Stephen goes to the lair for some intel from TIM on the breakout. We learn that this breakout is a synergist. A synergist is a breakout whose both parents are paranormal. So they have heightened powers.
At home we see Luca doing tricks with his fork at the dinner table. Jedikiah comes to the home to visit with Stephen to tell him that some in the organisation are not happy about quitters that if the Founder contacts him to tell him. The Founder is not to be trusted and won’t hold up to the promises that he makes. But Stephen doesn’t trust Jedikiah as well.
Stephen tells his mom that he quit Ultra because he wants to spend more time with his friends. His mom doesn’t believe him. His mother believes that Stephen is living a separate life just like his father.
Cara cannot get a read on the breakout but Stephen can read her telepathic. Stephen and the breakout seem to have a connection. He goes undercover to meet her at a hotel to try and place a suppression cuff on her and capture her. Russell is giving Stephen pointers what to say to her. He picks up the breakout but it is her that has picked him up. On their way to the rooftop he succeeds in placing the suppression cuff on but she was waiting for him to do it. She knew all along what he was up to. They are both confronted by Ultra agents but Stephen manages to teleport them out back to the Underground in which Cassie believes is an Ultra safehouse. Cassie knows that she is a rogue paranormal using her powers in public and that she wants to be injected to have them taken away. She explains to Stephen about her family and growing up with powers and that she has learnt that her father is a monster and he wants her to be the same. She doesn’t want to work with him so the only way is to become human.
John wants Cara to talk to him about their feelings for each other but Cara cannot be partial for the Group when she is with him.
Stephen goes topside to meet with the Founder regarding the handover. Cara doesn’t want the trade to happen, Cassandra for Astrid. She believes that there is more to it with the Founder why he wants his daughter back.
Marla Jameson barges into Jedikiah’s office at Ultra to find out why Stephen quit. She knows Stephen is telling lies and she also wants to know where Astrid is. Jedikiah’s response is “what is an Astrid”. Jedikiah denies anything to do with who and where Astrid is. She threatens Jedikiah if anything happens to Stephen and Astrid that she will go to the police and the media to take him and Ultra down.
Cara asks TIM to bring up data on Cassandra Smythe but she doesn’t seem to be who she thinks she is. Cara interrogates Cassie. Cassie cannot remember all of her past but Cara can read her mind. She learns that the Founder was messing with her mind. Cara wants to know what they were using her for and gets Stephen to go back to Ultra to find out about the experiments.
Stephen breaks into Ultra in the room where the experiments were conducted only to be approached by the Founder. He knocks Stephen is out.
John and Russell believe that Stephen has been compromised and wants to save him. Cara and John argue on this as she does not want Cassie taken back to the Founder.
Stephen is strapped to a chair and the Founder is not happy that he has complicated things which do not concern him. The Founder is going to fit Stephen with a port so he can have direct access to read his mind plus other secrets.
Cassie senses that the Founder has Stephen and is going to be tortured. John goes against Cara’s wishes and teleports Cassie to Ultra so she can save Stephen’s life. Now that The Founder has Cassie he says that Astrid shouldn’t fear her life ever again from Ultra.
Stephen goes to the Underground to take Astrid home. She is so happy. Astrid thanks John for saving her life. Astrid and John have formed a special friendship.
Cara is not happy with John for overriding her leadership in front of everyone. Cara believes the Tomorrow People will not respect her decisions if John doesn’t. Cara puts an ultimatum on him that if he defies her again he is out. John is going to do whatever he thinks is best for his people even if it is out of line. To our shock, Cara kicks John out.
Back at home Stephen’s mom tells Stephen that Astrid is home but she says “you already know”. She wants to know what is going on but Stephen has no idea how to begin to tell her that he is in to something dangerous and bigger than he imagined working for Ultra. Mom says that they are the “iron triangle” and no-one breaks the triangle and they will get through it together as a family.
Back at Ultra, the Founder injects Cassandra to erase her memory. The Founder is going against his word and is going to eliminate Astrid. Cassie telepaths to Stephen to warn him what is going down. Ultra agents arrive at the restaurant where Marla, Astrid and her dad are and begin shooting up the place. Marla tells Astrid and her father to get behind the table. Stephen teleports in thinking he will find a dead mom only to see her standing stopping time with the bullets. She has powers as well.
What a shock to learn that Stephen and Luca are synergists as well from two paranormal parents. That Marla has had powers all this time.
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