By: Anna – 5 February 2014
This episode brings Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law), the daughter of Ra’s al Gul (leader of the League of Assassins). In actual fact she is called Nyssa Raatko in the DC Comics. She has come to Starling City to bring Sara, the Black Canary, (Caity Lotz) back to the League of Assassins. It focuses mainly on Sara/Black Canary this episode.
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Sara is back in town to try and help her sister Laurel. Alex Kingston as Dinah Lance makes an appearance. We have some flashbacks scenes into the life of the Lance family. No island flashbacks this week.
We begin at Starling City International Airport with Nyssa Raakot going through immigration with an A.R.G.U.S security alert. When approached by security she takes them out and continues on her way.
At Queen Consolidated. Moira and her family are discussing strategies with Walter Steele and Mark Francis for her campaign. Felicity goes to Walter to advise him that Moira’s Tempest account held offshore has been used. Felicity is doing her own investigating into Moira. Oliver can no longer support Sebastian Blood in his own campaign.
Oliver gets a call from Quentin Lance advising him that Laurel has been admitted to hospital. Laurel’s mother, Dinah Lance and Quentin Lance are with her trying to persuade her she needs to go to rehab. Oliver goes to visits and notices something wrong with Laurel’s eyes. Laurel tells Lance that before she blacked out she saw Sara standing over her.
Back at the lair Felicity and Digg watch over Sara doing the Salmon Ladder. Sara wants to leave Starling City as the League is still after her and she believes Laurel is now getting the help she needs. Oliver wants her to stay to help her family and stay for him. Oliver gets Digg to have Laurel’s blood work tested.
Lance phones the Arrow as he knows his daughter, Sara, is with him.
Our flashback is with the Lance family. Sara comes home from college to spend some time with the family for the weekend. But in actual fact is going away with Oliver on the Gambit.
Sara meets her father at a restaurant but explains that she can’t stay because of the League of Assassins is still after her. Lance also wants Sara to stay as she can’t keep coming and going from their lives.
As Sara walks down the street we see Arrow watching over her. Out of nowhere Nyssa descends from above and approaches Sara holding a knife but greets her with a passionate kiss. Nyssa knows that Arrow is watching over. She tells Arrow that she is the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, heir to the demon. She wants Sara to return home to the League. Arrow does not want Sara to leave.
At the Queen Mansion Felicity visits Moira. She goes to tell her about Tempest, that she doesn’t trust her and has found out that she paid a substantial amount of money to her OB. Felicity tells Moira that she knows that Thea is Malcolm
Merlyn’s father. She feels that Oliver should have the chance to hear it from his own mother about Thea. Moira wants her secret kept for Oliver’s sake so the only way is to manipulate Felicity with guilt. Moira says she has noted how Felicity looks at Oliver and if she tells him it will rip his world apart and he will always blame Felicity and hate both his mother and Felicity.
Nyssa wants Sara to go home with her but Sara doesn’t want to go as she can’t take the killing anymore even though she swore an oath to the League. Nyssa took Sara in and saved her life and Sara stayed with Nyssa because she loved her. Sara wants Nyssa to ask her father to release her. Sara knows that she has come to kill her but she can’t do it.
A shirtless Oliver is working out with a sledge hammer on a truck tire with a temper concerned that Sara has not been in touch with him. Felicity is daydreaming when Oliver asks her if she is okay. He notices things are not right with her lately. We know she is worrying over what Moira said to her. Sara storms into the lair saying that the League will not release her. Digg comes in with Laurel’s blood results advising that she didn’t OD but was poisoned by a Tibetan pit-viper.
Flashback to the Lance family where Sara asks Laurel how her relationship is with Oliver.
Dinah Lance is at the hospital with Laurel and is kidnapped. Arrow and Black Canary go after Nyssa. We have a great motor cycle chase, we get to hear the Black Canary’s sonic voice and lots of arrows being fired. Nyssa gets away. Sara goes to her father explains the situation and that the kidnapping was to have Sara go back to her not the League. Nyssa gives Sara one day warning to make her decision or her mother dies.
In a flashback scene, Laurel and her father discuss apartment hunting when a newsflash goes over the TV advising that the Gambit has gone down.
Sebastian Blood calls Oliver to say he knows he is pulling his support from his campaign and that blood is thicker than politics. Oliver is glad that Sebastian understands and hopes it doesn’t affect their friendship as it is important to him. Moira finds Sebastian Blood in Oliver’s office at QC and tells her to get out of the race.
Lance, Sara and Arrow go to meet Nyssa. Lance asks Sara where she met Arrow and she tells him in the “Vigilante Club”. Sara tells her father that she loved Nyssa and whether he is upset. He supports her and that he was glad that she found someone to care for her. A henchman arrives and we have another great fight scene with the Arrow, Sara and Lance hits the man with a right cross. Unfortunately, before they can get any information out of him, he poisons himself.
At the campaign launch Oliver asks Digg to continue to pick up the trail on Dinah’s kidnappers. Digg doesn’t appear to be getting much time in this episode. Moira and Thea arrive and Oliver notices the icy vibes between Felicity and his mother. Oliver wants the truth. She says you notice that I talk a lot which Oliver acknowledges but she doesn’t talk a lot about her family. The thought of her losing Oliver brings back memories of her own family and she opens up to him that her father abandoned them and it hurt. She can’t face the thought of losing someone important to her again. She starts to cry. Oliver says she won’t lose him and asks if she is upset because of her family but she says it is about his family. Walter introduces Oliver to the campaign supporters to say a few words about Moira. He looks disturbed after hearing the news that Felicity shared with him. As Oliver introduces her to the supporters he whispers in Moira’s ear that he knows.
Time is up for Sara. Sara agrees to go back with Nyssa so her mother can be freed. Sara calls Lance to meet her at the docks.
Back at the lair Oliver wants Felicity to trace Sara. He had put a tracer on Sara so she wouldn’t disappear again. Oliver doesn’t want Sara to kill Nyssa or everyone will pay for her death from Ra’s al Ghul.
At the docks Lance frees Dinah from Nyssa. Sara is reunited with her mother to say goodbye. Sara took the snake poison rather than go back to the League. Arrow arrives to stop Nyssa from killing the Lance family. Great showdown between Arrow and Nyssa. Arrow gives Sara some herbs which saves her life. Sara begs for her life from Nyssa and in the name of Ra’s al Ghul she releases her. Laurel arrives at the docks to find Sara.
At the Queen Mansion Oliver tells Moira that he has stood by her side for the past year and believed that she was not the monster she is and that he still had a mother. Oliver believes that she lies because that is what she does and didn’t do it just to protect Thea. He tells his mother she “is liars” and because she has made a liar out of him there is no relationship between them now. He will keep up appearances for Thea’s sake and publicly support her campaign but they are both done.
The Lance family have a reunion. Laurel is not happy to see Sara and she blames her for everything has happened in their lives. Laurel blames her for stealing her life and to get out. Laurel goes back to the alcohol.
Flashback to Moira going to see Lance and Laurel to tell them that Sara was also aboard the Gambit.
Slade tells Blood not to underestimate Moira Queen and that he is to do nothing and that he will take care of it.
Oliver is pounding into the dummy working out frustration cause of his mother. Oliver wants to know from Sara what now is for the both of them. Sara says she is home. Oliver and Sara make out. Being an Olicity fan it’s not what I would have wanted but I did read from the producers that Oliver does have a relationship with someone he knows. How will Felicity feel about this? This will be dealt with in the coming episodes.
Where does this leave us now with the League of Assassins?
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