The Tomorrow People #1.11 – Rumble
By Anna – 22 January 2014
This week we have a flashback of Cara’s life as a young girl six years earlier in New York City where she meets Julian Masters (James MacKay) who takes her in and cares for her after being chased by Ultra agents. It is also about Ultra trainees who are given a test to see if they can make the cut to be an Ultra agent. If they don’t make it their powers are stripped.
We begin with a flashback of Cara running through the streets of New York from an Ultra agent and are teleported by Nelly to Julian Masters who are both Tomorrow People.
At Stephen’s house, Astrid (Madeleine Mantock) and Stephen are studying. Stephen tells Astrid about Peter, his mom’s new boyfriend, who he doesn’t like. He knows he is one of Tomorrow People as he telepathic pushed him out of his head. They are interrupted with a call from Jedikiah for Stephen to get to the office.
At the Underground Cara is trying to show her authority as leader to the Tomorrow People. She tells Russell that he is lazy and should be training their kind in readiness against Ultra.
Cara goes to John for advice as no-one has any confidence in her leadership. John reassures Cara that she will do fine. Meanwhile, the new outbreak Charlotte (Madeleine Arthur) is disrupting everyone with her telepathic nightmares and wants her gone. John takes her under his wing to teach her with her powers.
At Ultra we see a trainee being depowered as she was too weak for the cut. Jedikiah lays down the law to Stephen and two trainees, one being a new recruit Hilary Cole (Alexa Vega), that if you don’t make the cut you get the needle to lose your powers which he would gladly give to them all but if it weren’t for their powers.
Julian Masters is back on Ultra’s radar who is back in town and recruits the trainees to catch him to prove themselves. Stephen wants to know Julian’s M.O other than he recruits young and impressionable paranormals to his criminal gang.
We have a flashback of Julian, Nelly and Cara breaking into an elite man’s home to rob him and then bash him up.
Stephen goes to Cara and John to tell them about Julian as he is on Ultra’s alert. Cara confesses that their paths have crossed. She doesn’t want to get involved but will monitor the situation. John goes along with Cara but would prefer to chat with Julian and get him to crawl back where he came from.
Flashback – Julian explains to Cara about their kind and teaches her powers by torture.
Back in the present day, Cara calls Julian out for a meeting on the train. She warns him about Ultra’s radar to leave. Julian thinks he owns the town from humans. Russell provokes Julian and the rest of Julian’s’ breakouts teleport in. John, Cara and Russell teleport out.
Cara wants to lay low from Julian and let Ultra deal with him, so Russell volunteers to keep tabs on Julian.
Cara keeps having flashbacks of her past with Julian from when they robbed a house and the owner shot Nelly.
At Ultra training Stephen goes up against Hilary who beats him in round 1.
Charlotte has another panic attack. John teaches Charlotte to master her fear.
While Russell is spying on Julian, we learn that he wants to go after the owners of Central Park West apartments. He reports back to Cara when she confesses to John and Russell that Julian thinks humans are weak, that he is superior and he will terrorise, torture and beat them to near death. As he can’t kill he beats them half to death to get an adrenaline rush. Russell would like to put a suppression cuff on him. Cara telepaths with Stephen on Julian’s whereabouts and his next move.
Stephen goes after Julian at the downtown apartment but Hilary intervenes allowing Julian to escape. Hilary has a problem working as a team.
Russell is back at the house on his recon mission and is caught spying on Julian. Russell fights with Julian but is no match for him until he is almost killed. After Julian is finished with Russell the other outbreaks join in on the attack.
Russell makes it back to the Underground and knows the beating is a message for Cara from Julian.
Cara decides that it is time to go after Julian to show him that she is not weak.
While Cara fights Julian, the rest of the Tomorrow People fight with the outbreaks. In the middle of the fight the Tomorrow People teleport out leaving Cara. Cara’s secret weapon, Charlotte, teleports in and uses her panic attack power to render the outbreaks useless. Cara and Charlotte leave and Stephen and the Ultra agents turn up but Julian gets away.
Back at the Underground everyone is proud of Charlotte and don’t want her to leave.
John says that Cara gave the Tomorrow People hope.
Jedikiah is impressed with Stephen for the capture of the outbreaks. Stephen tells Jedikiah that it was a team effort with the other recruits. Can Hilary work as a team as this seems a hard process for her?
Stephen checks in on what is happening in the Underground and gives Cara a pep talk as well as check on Russell.
Stephen meets up with Astrid for their calculus exam. Stephen is failing and would have to go to summer school but he tells Astrid that he would read her mind to pass. They teleport to school with Stephen not realising that Hilary was watching them. What is she up to? There is more to her than we know.
We end with Julian up to his old tricks recruiting a young outbreak.
Next week’s episode we learn more about Stephen mom’s boyfriend, Peter.
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