Arrow #2.11 – Blind Spot
By Anna – 22 January 2014
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We left off from last week’s episode with Slade (Manu Bennett) having disappeared and having taken the Mirakura. Laurel Lance investigating her suspicions regarding Sebastian Blood (Kevin Alejandro) and the information she found out from Maya, his aunt, who is really his mother. Plus, Roy trying to come to terms with his new abilities.
We begin with Sebastian Blood visiting the mental hospital to see his aunt/mother. Maya would like the nurse to stay as she is afraid of her son. Blood wants to know what Maya and Laurel discussed and she confesses that she told her that he killed his father. He leaves the room only to return wearing the skull mask and kills her for betraying him.
Arrow is still tracking down criminals to try and locate the skull masked man and information on the Mirakura.
Our first flashback on the island is Oliver and Sara (Caity Lotz) searching for Slade back at the plane. Sara wants to find the Mirakura and give it back to Ivo so they can get off the island. Sara believes that Ivo is not evil as he kept her safe and taught her a lot but Oliver doesn’t believe her and he learnt that you cannot trust anyone.
At the DA’s office Laurel is popping secretively her pills. She gets a phone call from the hospital advising that Mayo had a heart attack and died. Laurel asks the ADA Adam Donner if he would investigate Blood on her suspicions that Blood killed his mother to cover up that as a child he killed his father. Donner doesn’t believe there is any evidence and doesn’t want any part of it.
Oliver goes to see Roy who is in the alley at the back of Verdant to thank him for saving Moira’s life. He questions him about the incidence and how he feels.
Back in the lair Oliver says to Diggle and Felicity that Roy won’t let on anything as he is uncomfortable about discussing his feelings. Diggle makes a wise crack at Oliver about discussing feelings “not like you and me”. Oliver needs a new plan to locate the skull masked man other than going after low life. Lance calls Arrow to set up a meeting for Laurel.
Arrow meets with Laurel on a rooftop and asks for his help after informing him of Blood’s past and that he is dangerous and that Arrow is the only one that can stop him. Oliver is unsure on the accusations made against Blood as he is his friend at the moment.
At Queen Consolidated Oliver, Diggle and Felicity discuss Blood. Felicity believes Laurel is on to something about Blood but Diggle is not so sure and it could be another trap Laurel is setting up for the Arrow.
Roy meets with Sin (Bex Taylor-Klaus) and shows her his new strength. He tells her what happened with him when looking for Max and being injected with the serum. He needed to confide in someone as he doesn’t want to tell Thea yet.
Felicity has found a file on Blood but it is over 20 years old no digital copies are made back then so she cannot hack the file. The file is kept at the City Archives. To get the file Oliver will need help and goes to Laurel for assistance.
At Laurel’s apartment she is popping the pills when Arrow appears to ask for her help regarding Blood’s file.
Back on the island Sara reminisces about missing home and her bed. Oliver is sorry for bringing Sara on the Gambit. Sara tells Oliver about a party she went to and that Laurel stopped any chance she had of being his girlfriend. She said that her sister is not what she seems. While Oliver is asleep Sara takes the walkie-talkie and leaves.
Arrow takes Laurel to the City Archives building to break in. Felicity shuts down the security cameras allowing Laurel to search for Blood’s file. The cameras come back online and they are discovered. The police arrive and there is a shoot-up. Arrow and Laurel escape outside. Laurel opens the file only to find that it is empty.
Felicity tries to find out via the camera footage who took the file but the footage was erased by an insider. Oliver goes to see Blood to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is connected.
At Verdant Thea is giving Roy the cold shoulder for not telling her what is going on with him. Sin arrives with some information on the Starling Slasher who terrorisers his victims who are prostitutes. Roy wants to catch him and test his powers so Sin dresses like a prostitute as bait.
Oliver goes to visit Blood at campaign headquarters to ask how Laurel is doing. Blood thinks Oliver is a jealous ex-boyfriend. I don’t think Oliver trusts him now.
Sin is dressed like a prostitute and is picked up in the car by the Slasher. He takes her to a parking garage. Just as he produces a serrated knife Roy comes to the rescue. He rips the car door off with his new strength and drags him out and kicks him to a pulp nearly killing him. He is zoned out when Sin comes to stop him. It’s only when he knocks her to the ground that he comes to his senses.
Blood gets a visit from Slade about his past. He is not happy that the vigilante nearly destroyed everything because Laurel is the problem. Slade tells Blood that he has been sloppy and to fix the problem.
Laurel arrives home to find her apartment trashed. Officer Daily just happens to be waiting for her there (one of Blood’s men). They arrest her for possession of a controlled substance. She is obviously set up by Blood.
At the police station Laurel confides in her father (Lance) that Blood is behind her setup to discredit her. Her father doesn’t believe her and that she has a drug addiction. You can clearly see that she is having withdrawal systems. Oliver arrives and takes her home.
On the island Sara calls Ivo. Ivo wants Sara to come back and save him from his darkness.
At the hospital the Slasher is severely injured. Thea arrives and wants to know what is going on. Roy doesn’t know how to deal with the changes mentally and physically.
At Laurel’s apartment Oliver is helping Laurel clean up the mess. Oliver goes to get Laurel a glass of water when is knocked out by Brother Blood. Brother Blood and two of his men grab Laurel. He leaves a note on the wall for where she has been taken the Starling Cannery.
At the Cannery Laurel confronts Brother Blood before Arrow arrives. Arrow fights with Brother Blood but Blood gets the upper hand over Arrow until he puts an arrow in his knee. Brother Blood then pulls a gun on Arrow. Just when Brother Blood goes to shoot Arrow, Laurel shoots several shots killing him. Laurel needs to be sure that it is Sebastian Blood under the mask, but when it is pulled off to her shock it is Daly.
At the police station there is a tender moment between her father and Laurel. Adam Donner advises Laurel that the drug charges are being dropped and that Daly’s shooting was in self-defence. He also tells her that she is fired from the DA’s office.
So Blood has succeeded in discrediting Laurel’s judgment about him and now she has to deal with the consequences of her drug addiction. She has hit rock bottom. Blood is off the hook for now.
Back at the lair Oliver tells Felicity and Diggle that Laurel saved his life. He finds it hard that Laurel had him believing that Blood was a criminal mastermind as he is Oliver’s friend and he only believed her because she is Laurel. He has a “blind spot” where Laurel is concerned, not any more. They think with Daly out of the picture the serum is destroyed and it’s over. But it isn’t, there’s Roy.
Oliver finds Thea and Roy at Verdant. Thea tells Oliver about Roy putting a guy in the hospital and that he won’t listen to her. Oliver knows someone who he will listen to.
Back on the island for our last scene, Sara tells Ivo that she now feels lucky that she is free from him and wasn’t one of the unlucky test subjects. Ivo is not happy and says he will hunt them down and torture them. Oliver comes up to Sara and they go find Slade.
Blood and three of his men go to see Slade to tell him that Daly sacrificed himself for the cause. Slade appears dressed as Deathstroke and kills Blood’s men and puts a blade to his throat and tells him that he will be next if he fails again.
Arrow goes to visit with Roy. He tells him about the Mirakura serum that it twists your mind and turns you into someone you don’t recognise and dangerous. Arrow offers to teach Roy to control his new ability and control himself with Roy’s response “when do we start”.
So Brother Blood has survived to continue on with building his army for Slade (Deathstroke), Laurel has hit rock bottom and needs to pull herself out, we see the first glimpses of Deathstroke and the training begins for Roy to become Red Arrow.
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