Teen Wolf 3B Episode 15 “Galvanize” By: Lexie Gerson —January 20, 2014
Teen Wolf season 3, episode 15, “Galvanize,” aired last night on MTV.
The episode began with the notorious Shrapnel Bomber, William Barrow (Doug Jones) arriving at the hospital for surgery. A fearful Melissa McCall (Melissa Ponzio) must do his pre-op interview. Melissa enters the dark room, medical chart in hand. As she listens to Barrow’s heart rate he tells her that she should ask the question that is really on her mind. Melissa asks him why he committed all those murders and he tells her that he killed those kids because their eyes were glowing.
Meanwhile, Scott (Tyler Posey) and Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) are busy planning their Mischief Night shenanigans. Of course, our beloved Coach (Orny Adams) is the target and he definitely won’t be happy.
Ethan (Charlie Carver) and Aidan (Max Carver) show up at Beacon Hills and tell Scott that they need an Alpha. Stiles and Isaac make it clear to them that they do not trust them and Scott agrees. They decline to allow them to become apart of there pack. Scott, Stiles and Isaac (Daniel Sharman) make their way to class while Aidan convinces Ethan to return to high school in order to show Scott that they have changed. Ethan says no but Aidan reminds him that everyone they have crossed will come for them once they find find out they do not belong to a pack. Aidan doesn’t appears to be getting anywhere with Ethan, that is until he spots Danny (Keahu Kahuanui) across the way. Back to high school they go!
Back at the hospital, Barrow is under anesthesia and on the operating table. The doctors, Mama McCall included are busy working on his tumor when suddenly it bursts and a swarm of flies begin to disperse. Barrow wakes up, stabs the doctor with a scalpel, and escapes in an ambulance.
The episode then moves to Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) and Peter (Ian Bohen). Derek sews up Peter’s finger and then dumps out the contents of the box with the triskele on it. We soon learn that the contents are some of Talia’s claws, the only thing left over from the Hale house fire. Derek says he needs to communicate with her, and this is the only way he knows how.
All day, Lydia has been hearing buzzing at school but she doesn’t know where it’s coming from. Aidan shows up and although she declines his advances and says that nothing will happen from this point forward the two end up making out in Coach’s office, which is trashed thanks to Stiles and Scott’s Mischief Night shenanigans.
After the two leave to find a new make-out corner we see that Barrow had been hiding behind the door. He uses the office and the stapler on the floor to stitch himself up. Can you say…Crazy!
Beacon Hills is on lockdown as everyone realizes that Barrow is somewhere on site. Mama McCall brings Scott an article of clothing from the hospital so he can get Barrow’s scent for tracking. Scott, Stiles, Lydia and the wolves then go on to search for the serial killer while Allison heads home to search the bestiary for a lead on the flies. Along the way the twins come across Danny with a new boo. As Lydia and Stiles come to the realization that Barrow must be in the basement. The two realize that the wolves those so called glowing eyes are also in the basement. In an attempt to stop Barrow from blowing up the school, Stiles pulls the fire alarm. After the alarm goes off no one can seem to find Barrow.
Mr. Yukimura (Tom Choi) is three for three when it comes to embarrassing Kira (Arden Cho). This time, he’s invited Scott over to thank him for saving his daughter from the coyote. What could have been a nice gesture turns awkward when Mr. Yukimura doesn’t tell Kira of his plans. Scott arrives and tries to play it cool when the Yukimura’s offer him sushi. During the meal we see some cute and funny moments from chopstick lessons to Scott’s wasabi/guacamole incident. Mr. and Mrs. Yukimura also takes the time to enlighten Scott on their family’s legacy. Apparently Kira’s mother, who is Japanese, has quite an interesting family legacy.
Mr. and Mrs. Yukimura got married in Japan. Kira’s father ended up taking her mother’s last name because she was the last in her family line. That’s why Kira has a Japanese last name, even though her father is Korean. Although a sweet anecdote I have a feeling this information will play an important role in unveiling the true identity of Kira.
Back in Stiles’ room, we see he has been keeping tabs on all the unsolved crimes. Lydia is also there and is feeling quite guilty since she was unable to help find Barrow. Stiles comforts her and seems to have hit the nail on the head. Stiles says they are going to the school to look again; Stiles believes Barrow used chemicals to cover his scent. Their theory is right. While there, Lydia finds numbers written on the chalkboard that correspond with certain elements on the periodic table. They put the elements together and learn that the elements spell out Kira’s name. Guess, we finally know who Barrow is after.
Peter stabs Derek in the back of the neck with Talia’s claws in order to help the younger Hale communicate with his mother. Derek is able to communicate with her but once he comes to it appears that he didn’t learn anything good. A worried Peter appears to think that Talia told Derek something about him. We can only imagine what secrets Peter is hiding.
Allison and Isaac continue to search the bestiary for any clues as to what the flies represent. But we quickly learn that Isaac has something else on his mind. Isaac attempt to kiss Allison but she rejects him, saying that she would never want to kiss him or another werewolf. He quickly returns her rebuff by taking off his shirt. She soon follows and removes hers. Just when we think we are going to get a steamy make-out session Papa Argent (JR Bourne) walks in. Awkward. Double awkward. Papa Argent asks to talk to Allison in the other room, “where I keep my guns.” We then here him shout “Another werewolf!” Classic.
Back at the Yukimura residence, Kira and Scott continue to bond over pizza. Kira escorts Scott to his bike outside. As he prepares to leave, Kira thanks him for remembering her name. So cute! Everything is all happy-go-lucky until Barrows comes out of nowhere and hits Scott over the head with a tire iron. He then proceeds to take Kira.
Stiles and Lydia arrive and find Scott on the ground. When he comes to the three of them try to come up with a plan for saving Kira. Lydia is frustrated and doesn’t understand how she is suppose to use her powers. She goes on to say that she just wants to scream. Stiles tells her to do just that. Once Lydia gives us one of her infamous screams she figures out that she hasn’t been hearing flies buzzing, she’s been hearing electricity. They now know where Barrow took Kira.
As Barrow prepares to kill Kira, believing she’s one of the kids with glowing eyes, Scott shows up. Unfortunately, he is no match for the amount of electricity Barrow is wielding. Barrow jolts Scott and he hits the ground and returns to finish off Kira. In an attempt to protect Scott and her, Kira decides to take matters into her own hands. Literally.
Kira stops Barrow by absorbing all of the electricity. All over Beacon Hills, the lights go out.
In the last scene of the episode, we see a group of men in black masks show up at Allison’s apartment and attack Isaac. Allison and Papa Argent try to get into her room, but fail.
This episode sure was crazy! We can’t wait to find out more about Kira and her powers. And what’s the fate of Isaac? Only time will tell.
Tune in to Teen Wolf next Monday 10/9c on MTV
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