This episode begins where we left off in episode 1.09 with Stephen fighting for his life going into Limbo to try and contact his dad. He contacts him and we have a quick little reunion. Roger tells Stephen that they are all in danger from the Founder. That he needs to find Simon Plame who will have his body to bring him back. Stephen is revived. Cara checks Stephen’s memory to see what he endured but she can’t read anything of his experiences while in Limbo.
TIM (whose voice is Dan Stevens from Downtown Abbey) pulls up records of Simon Plame that he was one of the original breakouts.
Stephen goes home for dinner only to find out with his brother Luca that his mother has a new boyfriend she is dating.
Cara is not happy that Stephen wants to go after his father, she doesn’t believe that he is still alive. On the other hand John does believe Stephen and wants to help find Roger. Cara believes John is trying to obtain forgiveness from Stephen for killing his father. John decides to convene a council meeting to tell all The Tomorrow People the truth.
At the Citadel, a prison and research facility to experiment on people with powers, we find Errol escaping with the help of his fellow prisoners.
Back at Ultra Stephen wants the help of ALICE, a new interface computer but actually tracks down rogue Tomorrow People to locate Simon Plame (I believe the voice is played by Elizabeth Hurley). Unfortunately, if the file was accessed Jedikiah was to be notified immediately. Jedikiah is curious as to why Stephen wants to know about him and where he found his name. But before Jedikiah can pry any more, Jedikiah is alerted to an outbreak at the Citadel. Stephen is shocked that Ultra has a prison but Jedikiah advises it is more like a research facility.
Stephen and an Ultra agent track Errol to his former residence as he is looking for his wife. Errol is too strong for them to take down. Stephen tries to telepathic communicate with Errol but his pushes him out.
At the underground John tells all The Tomorrow People that he killed Roger under the instructions of Ultra, the saviour they have been looking for all these years and that he had lied to them. They think that John is an Ultra freak that he can kill. Cara tries to defend John but they want the leadership challenged and nominate Cara. They vote and Cara wins.
Stephen tells the Tomorrow People about the Citadel and Errol.
Now that Cara is leader she wants to find Errol so that she can help them locate the Citadel and breakout the others held prisoner. She does not want anyone else to have to suffer at the hands of Ultra.
Stephen goes home to find his mum going on a date and meets the guy whose name is Pete. He doesn’t like it knowing that his dad is alive somewhere out there and could come home.
Ultra find Errol. He is scared of what they will do him if he goes back. The Tomorrow People ambush the van with Errol. To make it look real John shoots Stephen in the shoulder.
By: Anna
Back at Ultra Stephen is getting patched up. Jedikiah is smiling that Stephen took a bullet for Ultra and is showing his loyalty.
At the underground we see that Errol is powerful and unstable. Cara reads Errol’s mind. All he wants to do is find his wife but she remarried 3 years ago and lives in Phoenix as she thought he was dead. Cara wants to ensure that Errol does not endure what he went through at the Citadel ever again.
Cara is on a mission to break in to the Citadel. John is against it. John is to stay behind to be the eyes and ears with TIM and hold Morgan as leverage.
Jedikiah has Stephen drugged with pain killers so that he cannot warn the Tomorrow People. He knows Cara’s plan and is suspicious of Stephen telling them. Stephen just manages to warn John before he passes out.
The Tomorrow People break into the Citadel. The plan does not go well as they fight against Ultra operatives. Cara wants to free one of the prisoners Charlotte. She has great trouble breaking the glass but with the help of a fire extinguisher manages to break through. Cara is confronted with Jedikiah. Errol teleports in and takes a bullet to the head to try and save them. It is John that teleports in and saves the day with a gun to Jedikiah’s head. He would have no hesitation in pulling the trigger but not today but one day.
Cara is annoyed that the plan didn’t work and her leadership isn’t the best. She wants to take Morgan and hand her over to Ultra to stand up to Jedikiah. John tells Cara that Morgan is one of them and as a leader you cannot turn your own over.
Stephen awakes from his drug induced sleep and Jedikiah tells Stephen that he covered for him with his mother that he fell asleep at his desk. Jedikiah is suspicious of Stephen whether he was in on the plan. Stephen tells Jedikiah that he is always under a magnifying glass of suspicion and smoke and mirrors and he has the right to be trusted. Stephen wants the truth about Simon Plame. Jedikiah tells him that he was a student of Professor Cricks and that Jedikiah killed Simon for trying to take away Roger’s body from him. He showed him a file with a dead Simon Plame. Jedikiah said he cremated Roger’s body and that was the truth. But can we trust Jedikiah. I think Roger’s body is somewhere.
Stephen talks to the Tomorrow People about being upset over his father’s body being cremated as he can’t bring him back from Limbo. John doesn’t believe that Jedikiah incinerated his brother.
Stephen knows that Cara does not believe in herself with the leadership and tells her that he is going to continue searching for his father.
Back at home Stephen arrives to find his mum’s boyfriend, Pete, for breakfast. He tries to read his mind but he is pushed out. Is he one of a Tomorrow People and what is his agenda? He must know about Stephen?
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