By: Lexie Gerson — January 15, 2014
Revolution Season 2 Episode 11 “Mis Dos Padres”
In a nutshell, last nights episode entitled “Mis Dos Padres” was an hour full of reunifications. Conner (Mat Vairo) joined Monroe’s (David Lyons) team, Aaron (Zach Orth) and his former wife Priscilla (Maureen Sebastian) are reunited and apparently parents to the nanites, Charlie (Tracy Spiridakos) and Gene (Stephen Collins) are now in the midst of a typhus outbreak produced by the Patriots’ oranges, Rachel (Elizabeth Mitchell) and Miles (Billy Burke) are still in love and Jason (JD Pardo) has been taken into custody by the Patriots after he is caught stealing the Mayor’s documents.
Aaron arrives in Spring City and finds Grace, who lives in the town by herself ever since the Tower. She tells Aaron that shortly before he showed up a strange woman showed up. The woman turns out to be Aaron’s former wife, Priscilla.
The two wonder why they have been brought together and to Grace. Grace explains to Aaron that the nanites have brought them there. Both of them (along with a man named Peter) were responsible for writing the code that created the nanites. For that reason the nanites view them as their parents. Grace continues to tell Aaron that the human brain is just a cloud of neurons constantly talking to each other, and the nanites are like millions and millions of brains.
Major Tom (Giancarlo Esposito) grows suspicious of his wife, Julia (Kim Raver). Tom believes that she is more concerned with power than their family and plan. Fed up with his parents’ lack of initiative Jason breaks into the Mayor’s office and steals documents that prove Mr. Doyle is behind the reeducation camps and wants to create more. Jason shows these documents to his father. Major Tom wants to get in Doyle’s office to look at his files but Julia says it will compromise their plan. Jason goes in anyway but ends up in Patriot custody when Doyle realizes someone has broken in.
Charlie and her Grandpa Gene spot the Patriots setting up a camp outside the Willoughby borders. Gene spots one of his good friends being taken inside the camp and becomes determined to save him. Gene sneaks into the camp one night and finds the body of his friend. Upon trying to leave the camp he is caught until Charlie comes to his rescue. Shortly after the two are surrounded. The Patriot commander takes them to a tent full of dying people. There has been an outbreak of typhus and the commander asks Gene and Charlie to help him contain the epidemic. Little do they know the Patriots are the ones who started the epidemic. On purpose!
Back in Mexico, Monroe is taken to the head honcho Mr. Nunez’ house. We soon learn that Nunez has been Conner’s fatherly figure ever since his aunt and uncle died; he took him in and raised. Connor and Nunez decided that Monroe’s punishment should be selling the criminal to the highest bidder.
Before the auction can happen Miles sneaks to save Monroe who is being held as a prisoner in a cell. Monroe warns Conner of Nunez and his deceitful ways but Conner does not want to hear it. During their conversation Miles sneaks up on Conner and knocks his out. Monroe, however, won’t leave his son to take the fall for his escape so he tells Miles to run and locks himself back in the cell. Monroe tells Conner to take the credit for capturing him upon his attempt to escape. Miles is caught trying to leave and is thrown in the same cell with Monroe, and the happy couple is back together again. Nunez doesn’t believe Conner’s story about capturing his father so he has him whip Monroe in front of a group of partygoers.
After flirting her way into the party where Monroe is whipped. Rachel begins her search for Miles and Monroe. She manages to break into a room where Conner gives her a key and tells her to break them out, without mentioning his name. She agrees but not before some partygoers overhear the conversation and rat Conner out to Nunez.
Rachel manages to set Miles and Monroe free from their cells but before they all manage to escape Nunez catches them and places a knife to Conner’s throat. Nunez says that Conner must be punished for going against him and for turning on the only father he has ever known. Just as Conner’s throat is about to be cut he gives a head-butt and a fight breaks out. Monroe, Miles, Connor and Rachel manage to kill everyone except Nunez and they escape unharmed.
As the episode makes its way to an end we see that Miles, Rachel, Monroe and Conner have escaped El Dodgo. Miles and Rachel share a moment by the campfire while Monroe tells Conner that if he stays with him they can reclaim the Monroe Republic. Conner agrees.
The promo for next week’s episode shows Rachel returning to help Charlie and Gene fight the typhus epidemic, only to find out that the Patriots were behind it all along. So where will the epidemic lead? What do the nanite children want from Aaron and Priscilla? Will the Monroe and Conner succeed in reclaiming the Republic? Only time will tell.
Be sure to tune in to Revolution next Wednesday 8/7c on NBC to see what happens.
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