Lexie Gerson —January 15, 2014
It’s hard to believe that there are only two episodes left in this season of American Horror Story: Coven. While last night’s episode surely did not disappoint there are still so many questions that have not been answered.
For one, who will be the next Supreme?
Last night, the episode entitled “Protect The Coven” began with another backstory of Madame Delphine LaLaurie (Kathy Bates). In a flashback to 1830, we see that when LaLaurie moved to New Orleans, she did not have slaves to help her, she had to do work for herself. For instance, we see her beheading her own chickens. LaLaurie found serenity in the blood and it wasn’t until a bleeding slave gratified her thirst that she began to her torture.
In present, we see that Delphine and Queenie (Gabourey Sidibe) are alive as they make their way to Nan’s (Jamie Brewer) funeral. Queenie is angry and holds a grudge. Fiona (Jessica Lange) and Marie (Angela Bassett) are neither sad to see Nan dead or happy to see Queenie alive. The coven’s troubles are far from over and they regroup at Chez Robicheaux.
Delphine, who has been tortured by Marie for some time is forced back into servitude. In a voiceover, Delphine recalls her youth as a psychopath who began torturing animals out of fascination. She married up, surprising everyone, but “the thick African blood satisfied a desire that was just deep inside of me.”
As Delphine makes her way around the house doing her work she catches a glimpse of a black gardener who’s has cut himself of shears. She offers to clean his wound, but secretly tricks him up Spalding’s room, her new torture chamber. One by one she sings “This Little Piggy,” and cuts off each of his toes. Despite her recent growth it is clear that Delphine is entrenched with evil and always will be.
In order to find out who killed Nan, Zoe (Taissa Farmiga), accompanied by Kyle (Evan Peters), does a spell over the tub and realizes Fiona and Marie were both behind it. Zoe tells Madison what she has discovered but Madison’s brushes it off, too focused on becoming the next Supreme.
Zoe and Kyle share a connection, which upsets Madison (Emma Roberts). Madison makes advances towards Kyle with Zoe in the room. Kyle rejects Madison and proclaims his love for Zoe. Ah! So sweet! This infuriates Madison and she throws a hissy fit, using her powers to break a mirror and fling a lamp at Zoe’s head. Kyle runs to Zoe’s aid and the confrontation is incepted by Myrtle.
Fiona and Marie agree to meet with the hunters, and have their own plan ready to be executed. Before they attend the meeting, Fiona meets with her lover, The Axeman (Danny Huston), for some quality time. He agrees with her that they need to get rid of the next rising Supreme. He entices her with life in a cabin, living out the rest of their days. She agrees, but first she must deal with the witch hunters.
Spalding (Denis O’Hare) appears to help Delphine clean up. Does everyone come back to life on this show?
At the Robicheaux, Cordelia (Sarah Paulson) tries to put together the remaining pieces of her fractured coven. She apologizes to Queenie who is still hateful and takes her wheatgrass shots to restore her “sight.” Desperate to save the coven, Cordelia puts a brown potion on her eyelids and takes out her eyes gardening clippers.
Fiona rushes home to see Cordelia but is stopped by Myrtle who warns her that Cordelia is such a ‘hero’ she took out her own eyes. “Put motherly hands on your wounded daughter’s flesh and watch your filthy secrets lain bare,” she says. Fiona says she has no secrets, but stops short of going to Cordelia’s room, out of caution.
Spalding offers to make a deal with Delphine. He says that he will help her get rid of Marie if she brings him a token. The two make the deal and Spaulding provides Delphine with a potion that will make Marie temporarily mortal: Benadryl. Well played, Spalding.
In a private conversation Myrtle tells Zoe that it is time for her and Kyle to leave. Since Zoe is the only potential Supreme who has not died and has the chance for love she must go. At first, Zoe refuses. Myrtle then pines her own lost love, Egon von Furstenberg. “Without Egon’s support Diane Von Furstenberg never would have created the greatest invention of this century, the wrap dress!” Myrtle proceeds to give Zoe some jewelry to pawn for money and two tickets to Epcot. The two embrace each other with a hug and Zoe agrees to go.
Before Delphine can use her magic potion, Fiona and Marie must rid themselves of enemies, in particular the Witch Hunter Inc. The head of the Witch Hunter arranges a meeting with Fiona and Marie in hopes of calling a fake truce.
Fiona and Marie attend a sit down with the Witch Hunter Inc. They offer their terms: the witches restore the company to its former prominence, the witch hunters will pay Marie for the damage done to her shop, and they’ll agree to a 100-year truce. The witch hunters counter and offer the following: the Witch Hunter Inc. disbands, Fiona gets his house after it has been remodeled and Marie gets his private jet. Of course this is a no-go. Instead of agreeing to regroup, Fiona sets her lover on the hunters. In a nasty attack, Axeman chops away at the hunters. The last one to go is the head honcho. Before he is killed he takes a final sip of his tea and says his death won’t end the war. The Axeman then lets Fiona take the last swing, smashing his head in. But of course it wouldn’t be a moment without Marie snapping a picture of the finale.
Back at the academy, Delphine takes her potion from Spalding and doses Marie’s nightcap. With a drowsy Marie spread out on the bed, Delphine stabs her in the chest with a large knife. But when Marie pulls the blade out of her chest all Delphine can do is run. Marie chases her around the house until Spalding hits her over the head with one of his dolls. Spalding then proceeds to tell Delphine that Marie cannot die for she is immortal. In panic, Delphine does not know what to do with Marie’s body for she can practically get herself out of any situation she may come up with. Spalding tells Delphine to make sure that Marie can never crawl out of her grave.
He then takes Marie’s stolen baby and dresses her as his twin, complete with nightgown and bonnet. Creepy!
Zoe begins to pack her things as Kyle sits on the bed. Kyle says he isn’t going. In an intimate conversation Kyle expresses his fear of hurting Zoe or other people. Zoe comforts and assures Kyle that she is not afraid of him and he agrees to run away with her.
In the last scene of the episode we see Zoe and Kyle holding hands while running through the bus station. The two make it on to the bus safely and are happily in route to Orlando.
So what did you think? Will our former coven members Nan and Misty be returning before the season comes to end? Where is Delphine taking Marie? Will we ever find out who the next Supreme is?
Tune in to American Horror Story Wednesday’s 10/9c on FX
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