Teen Wolf 3B Episode 14 “More Bad Than Good” “
By: Lexie Gerson — January 13, 2014
After five agonizing months, our MTV obsession has returned. The ever so popular series Teen Wolf premiered last night, and it certainly did not disappoint.
Last night Teen Wolf returned with another pleasing episode entitled “More Bad Than Good.” This week’s episode began with shirtless Peter (Ian Bohen) and Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) still prisoners. The two are electrocuted, and we learn that they are being held by an unknown group of people. Derek and Peter are threatened for information, which they say they do not have. Due to their lack of cooperation, Derek is nearly decapitated. An unknown woman steps in and asks the Hales, “Where the she wolf is.” Derek responds, “We don’t know any she wolf.” She then proceeds to cuts off Peter’s fingers when he does not provide her with a name.
As we make out way to the woods we see Scott (Tyler Posey) running with a flashlight. Scott runs into Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) and the two are startled by one another. They proceed to search for Malia and discover a coyote’s den with her jacket. Scott decides that he must track her but he is worried that if he turns he will not be able to turn back.
Sheriff Stilinski (Linden Ashby) arrives at the den. Scott and Stiles explain their theory in which Malia caused the car accident because she turned and lost control. Full of guilt, they believe that she ran off and eventually transformed into a coyote. As Sheriff Stilinski explains the ridiculousness to theory Scott has a vision of him attacking Malia in her human form. After a brief moment he comes to and his father Kyle (Matthew Del Negro) arrives with Mr. Tate (Todd Stashwick, The Originals). Sheriff Stilinski and Kyle McCall have a tense conversation about the case. We then see the coyote running through the woods. It comes to a halt stares at the moon and gives a nasty growl.
At school, Scott, Stiles and Allison (Crystal Reed) plot to capture Malia. As Allison makes her way to her classroom Scott heads to his seat. Just then, he bumps in Kira (Arden Cho) who is flustered by his presence. The two have a cute and awkward encounter in which Mr. Yukimura (Tom Choi) embarrasses Kira. ”You forgot all that information for that boy you like.” The two share a smile and make their way to their seats. Mr. Yukimura calls Stiles up to read. He stares at the page and sees that the words have become blurry and scrambled. Stiles begins to sweat and panic. Scott makes his way to the front of the room and escorts Stiles to the bathroom.
Stiles stumbles into the bathroom where he thinks he is dreaming although, Scott assures him that he is awake. In order to prove he is awake the two count to ten. Apparently, you can’t count in a dream. Stiles calms down but feels as though there is no way to get rid of this current dilemma. Scott attempt to reassure him that they can try.
Back in the classroom, Kira notices that Scott and Stiles have left their backpacks so she goes to return them. As she wanders through the halls we see the coyote, Malia. Malia chases Kira into the locker room, jumping through the glass door. Luckily, Scott comes to the rescue. This scene ends with us seeing an eye poking out of Stiles’ backpack.
Derek and Peter are still chained up unable to escape. Just then gunshots go off on the floor above them and we hear someone running down the stairs. Who could it be? Surprisingly, it’s a familiar face. Braeden (Meagan Tandy) who saved Isaac (Daniel Sharman) back in season 3, episode 1, entitled “Tattoo” is back to save Derek. Sent by the Deucalion, Braeden has returned in order to help save Derek and without much desire Peter. As they go to leave Derek says, “I’m not leaving without it.” What’s it?
Back at school, Sheriff Stilinski has arrived with animal control in search of the coyote. If found he say that they will have no choice but to shoot. In the locker room, Kira and Mr. Yukimura discuss what happened as Scott and Stiles discover what Malia was looking for. A doll. In fact, it is the doll that Stiles took from the crash site. Mr. Tate arrives and sees the doll; he confirms that is was his daughter’s and demands that Sheriff Stilinski catch the “thing.” Sheriff Stilinski asks Mr. Tate to leave but not before he discovers that he is carrying a concealed weapon.
Allison prepares to help capture Malia. While at the veterinary, Dr. Deaton (Seth Gilliam) provides Scott, Stiles and Isaac with tranquilizers used for horses. The plan is in place. Allison will shoot Malia with the tranquilizers so Scott can help her transform back into her human form. Isaac shows concern for Allison since she is no longer a good shoot and Scott since he is not confident in transforming. Stiles makes a witty remark regarding Isaac’s scarf, which provides some wit to the scene. Scott proceeds to say that he can get Malia back to her human form but he needs help. Since Derek has been tied up (pun intended) Scott needs to seek help elsewhere. As a ”wolf with performance issues” Scott must look to the only other werewolves he knows, the twins. Although, the twins aren’t alphas anymore their knowledge can help Scott transform into the Alpha he must become to save Malia.
Lydia (Holland Roden) brings Scott and Stiles to the twins. As they make their way inside, Scott is jumped and beaten. The twins provoke Scott to turn. But in in order for him to transform and be in control Scott must give into the power and strength of being an Alpha. This scene transitions to a scene where we see Mr. Tate preparing traps for the coyote.
At the Argent residence, we find Isaac and Allison preparing the tranquilizers. Allison is shaky with the syringe. She drops it, picks it up and stands up to find herself in another hallucination. Once again, she is in the morgue. She makes her way over to the body lying on the slab. She uncover the body, sees herself and becomes the body. Allison is being operated on by her Aunt Kate (Jill Wagner), she is dead, and the cause of death is alluded to werewolves. Her chest is cut open but her heart still beats. Kate takes her heart and the doctors unveil themselves as werewolves. They all begin to feed on her insides.
Back to reality. Allison is holding a bow to Isaac. In an intimate moment, she apologizes and he agrees to help her.
Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Allison and Lydia gather in the woods in preparation to save Malia from her father who has taken matters into his own hands.
At the Tate residence, Sheriff Stilinski talks to Mr. Tate about the danger his traps could cause. We then see a hole in the screen door. ”It’s in the house.” Mr. Tate and the Sheriff search the house for the coyote. Tate finds her in yard standing over the doll. Mr. Tate storms out with his gun in hand and begins to shoot.
After a suspenseful commercial break, we return to see Scott riding off on his bike after hearing the gunshots. Isaac runs after him and Stiles calls his father to see what happened. Sheriff Stilinski informs Stiles that the woods are full of traps and that the coyote ran off into the woods with the doll. Stiles repeats, “It’s the doll? It’s the doll.” Once again we hear gunshots. Stiles and Lydia look at photo of Malia and her sister and discover that the doll wasn’t Malia’s it was her sister’s. Stiles figures it out, “I know where she’s going.”
Allison and Isaac run threw the woods. Isaac gets caught in one of the traps causing him to scream in pain; Scott hears his pain and falls off his bike. Allison catches up to Isaac just in time to stop Mr. Tate from shooting his daughter. At first she misses but she after a few deep breathes she manages to shot him with the tranquilizer. Malia runs off.
Stiles calls Scott to let him know that Malia is heading to the site of the accident. The reason: Malia wants to return to doll to her sister’s grave. Like flowers at a tombstone, Malia used the doll as a sign of respect. As Stiles talks on the phone, we see Lydia startled in the background. She call his name and he turns to find Lydia standing on a trap.
Lydia panics and tells Stiles to check label on bottom of trap. He asks why there would be instructions on the bottom. “Because animals can’t read.” Stiles attempts to read the label but once again he only see jumbled words; he cannot read. In an ever so touching Stydia moment, Lydia assures Stiles that he can find a way out of the situation because he “always figures it out.” In a suspenseful moment, we see Stiles attempt to set Lydia free. As always, he is successful and the two embrace each other with a tight hug. Boy, do we wish we were Lydia in this moment!
Scott chases Malia back to the scene of the car wreck. Now in his wolf form, Scott and Malia faceoff and exchange a few snarls. Scott gathers up his strength and releases an Alpha roar that can be heard by all. Isaac releases himself from trap and we see that Malia has transformed back to her human form. Now a teenager, Malia (Shelley Henning, The Secret Circle) examines her body, which lies naked on the ground.
Sheriff Stilinski brings Malia home. In an emotional reunion, Stiles watches from the car as father and daughter are united. We then see Stiles take a look at the side view mirror, which reads, “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.” Relieved. He realizes he can read.
Derek, Peter and Braeden make their way to dark room. They approach a table and find a box made from a ruin tree, mountain ash wood. Inside, we see mountain ash surrounding a circular container with the Alpha spiral symbol.
In the last scene of the episode, we see an unidentified person walking around the Nemeton. They toss a plant and walk away. Just then, hundreds of fireflies appear in human forms. WHAT!?
This episode sure was an action packed. And while we have no idea where it is going we are certainly loving every minute!
Tune in to Teen Wolf next Monday 10/9c on MTV
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