The Tomorrow People #1.09 – Death’s Door
By: Anna
This is the mid-season finale for The Tomorrow People. We begin where we left off last episode with John being captured by Ultra and is now in their custody. The Founder wants answers from John as to where his rebel friends are hiding out. He is telepathically tortured when Stephen intervenes. Unfortunately, the Founder forces John to tell Stephen that he killed his father. Cara sense something just happened and Stephen is hiding it from her. He won’t tell her only that they need to get John out.
Meanwhile, Cara wants to locate Morgan and kidnap her using her as a bargaining tool against Jedikiah to free John. Stephen looks for clues of Morgan’s whereabouts in Jedikiah’s office. Russell and Cara locate Morgan at a cabin. She does not give up without a fight.
Cara teleports into Morgan’s apartment where she finds Jedikiah and bargains with him to free John for Morgan.
Stephen goes to see John while he is in his cell and asks him as to why he killed his father. He says he was told that his father had gone off the reservation and Jedikiah said he had become a danger to all The Tomorrow People. John tells him the whole story of how he killed his father. Stephen tells John that “he is a fraud” letting The Tomorrow People think that Roger would be coming back, when he killed him. Stephen will keep John’s secret for now as he believes that his father is still alive and Thanatos is real.
Back at home, Stephen starts asking questions to his mom about his father, but she does not want him involved as they are safer without him.
Jedikiah goes to say goodbye to John. In what we believe to be a touching moment he looks like he whispers something to him and says “goodbye son”, but John spits in his face.
In Jedikiah’s office, Jedikiah asks Stephen to look at some video footage of him supposedly giving Cara the serum injection to take away her powers. He wants to know why she still has her powers. Jedikiah thinks Stephen stopped time and swapped the serum for saline. He thinks Stephen has a soft spot for Cara and John. Stephen admits that he love’s Cara. Jedikiah confesses to Stephen that he is attached to one of his kind. Jedikiah wants Stephen to set John free as he can’t do it with the Founder watching over him.
Stephen takes John his last meal. John escapes and takes Stephen hostage. We learn that Jedikiah’s farewell was to help John escape by giving him a key to the cuffs and telling him to wait for Stephen. The rouse works and John and Stephen teleport out of Ultra.
As promised, Cara hands Morgan back to Jedikiah. Jedikiah wants Cara to take Morgan to their hideout where she will be safe. He doesn’t want the Founder to find her. The Tomorrow People don’t trust him.
Stephen tries to find his father by stopping time through mid-teleporting with the help of John. But it is not working. John tells Stephen that Cara needs to be told about Roger as she will find out as they are emotionally connected.
Stephen goes back home to ask his mom if she knows about Thanatos. She denies anything about it, but Stephen reads her mind and she knows otherwise. She says to him “she knew this day would come because he is a seeker just like him” and gives him a box of his father’s research materials.
The Founder is not happy that John escaped and confronts Jedikiah about it or he will have his mind read. Jedikiah says he is hiding a personal relationship and tells the Founder about his Tomorrow People affairs of the heart. The Founder tells Jedikiah to tie up loose ends.
John confesses to Cara that he killed Roger and that Jedikiah ordered him to kill his own brother. Cara is disgusted with John that he lied. Is their relationship doomed?
Stephen goes through his father’s notes. While doing so he finds a photo of his father with Professor Crick and a flash card in the back of the frame. He asks TIM to load the film of the Thanatos project. The video tells of an alternate way to reach Limbo. So Stephen decides to visit Professor Crick. Crick knows Stephen is special like his father. To be in Limbo you must be between life and death. So this is why Roger may still be alive when John shot him. Crick is shot by Ultra men on the request of the Founder.
Stephen goes back to the subway and informs The Tomorrow People that Crick was killed by Ultra. He also says to get to Limbo he must die. Stephen wants John to kill him. He tells them that they tracked him down as the chosen one to find his father so they must believe in him to kill him to find Roger.
Stephen asks his mom if he can have a few friends over for dinner. His mom is curious if Stephen found anything in the box. He has his dinner party with The Tomorrow People and Astrid. A dinner party for Stephen’s last supper. Astrid asks Cara what is going on, she knows something is up. Stephen tells Astrid he is going away to find his father and bring him home. He promises to come back.
Morgan teleports into her apartment to meet with Jedikiah for one last fling. Jedikiah does the unthinkable while she is sleeping and puts a pillow over her head and shoots her. He looks emotionally upset after having to execute this plan.
The Founder confronts Jedikiah if it is done. He tells him to read his mind. The Founder has no time for Jedikiah but it is only for Stephen that he keeps him around to groom for the Founder’s purpose. We find Morgan is still alive and teleports to the subway. It was all a show for the Founder’s benefit. Cara reads Morgan’s mind that Jedikiah faked her death. Evil genius.
The final scene for the episode is to kill Stephen with a lethal injection and just before he flat lines to go into Limbo before being revived. Stephen flat lines but we don’t know if he actually stoped time. Cara is concerned as she cannot read his mind and is worried that they cannot revive him. All indications are that he is dead. John looks on as he can see the love Cara has for Stephen. This is going to complicate their relationship even more. All of a sudden Stephen comes back to life. He says he saw him and they have to find his body. So we will still be looking for Roger, but what did Stephen actually see.