Mike ‘the movie guy’ Pierce and DJ Wicked are back! It’s the ARROW Part 2 mid-season finale – THREE GHOSTS. A lot of things happened in the mid-season finale. Oliver is forced to face his demons, Barry and Felicity share a moment, cops die, Brother Blood kidnaps Roy, the Flash is born, we meet a super villain and a whole lot more!! Listen to the guys as they discuss and share their favorite clips of the show. It’s the mid-season finale – GET READY!
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By: Anna
This episode is the midseason finale. We left Oliver last episode in “The Scientist” fighting off Cyrus Gold (Graham Shiels) only to be injected with a drug which is killing him. Felicity did the one thing she could and go to Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) for help to save her friend even if it meant him finding out his identity. This episode feels a little bit like a “Christmas Carol” with Oliver hallucinating seeing friends in his lifetime as he fights the effects of the drug as the cure goes through his body. I was so happy when one of those ghosts was an old friend which I knew they would bring back.
Barry Allen works on Oliver to save his life. He is not used to working on a living person. He narrows it down that his blood is not clotting and is like maple syrup. The serum injected into him is a strong blood coagulant. He finds some rat poison and injects it in to Oliver. While on the table Oliver hallucinates and sees Shado who tells him “not to fight it but to stay with her”.
Oliver awakes and sees Barry and strangles him but Diggle stops him.
Oliver is really upset with Felicity for telling Barry his secret identity. It wasn’t her secret to tell and it is Oliver who gets to decide who knows his identity. They argue over his identify but Felicity stands up to him that he should be thankful for Barry saving his life. Barry tells Oliver that he won’t reveal his secret and he should stop being a jerk. Oliver is not very thankful.
Felicity says to Barry “never meet your heroes, right”!
Barry took a sample of oil from Oliver’s neck and says he will try and find a fingerprint from it.
Oliver rushes home to the mansion after receiving a call from Moira. Moira is decorating the Christmas tree in which Oliver didn’t even realise it was Christmas. She tells him that Thea is locked in her room. Oliver goes and finds Sin and an injured Roy with an arrow in his leg. Oliver pulls the arrow out and makes a call to Diggle to come to the mansion as Roy has been shot with an arrow. He says it is a long story and to bring the first aid kit. Oliver tells them all to leave Max’s death alone but Thea is not giving up.
As Oliver goes down the hall of the mansion he starts to hallucinate again and sees Shado who warns him not to fight what is coming. Oliver says he wears the hood to honour Shado’s father and her. She wants him to stop fighting to live or everyone he loves dies.
Our first flashback is on the submarine where we see Oliver has given Slade the serum and his eyes have bleed and he is dead. Ivo and his men arrive, find the serum and take everyone back onto land. Ivo makes Oliver decide which girl lives, Shado or Sara or they both will die.
Barry is having a fanboy moment in the lair. He suspected that the Arrow had partners and pretty much knows all about Arrow and his escapades. Oliver enters and wants to know what side effects the rat poison has and is ask if he is having hallucinations and excessive sweating. Felicity is being very cool with Oliver but is also concerned about him. While Barry is taking some blood from Oliver he asks him why he uses greasepaint as it is a poor identity concealer. So Oliver tells him to find a mask that fits his face perfectly and does not affect his ability to aim while on the run.
Felicity tracks down Cyrus and Diggle plans to go on recon and Oliver insists on going as backup.
Thea and Sin ask Laurel for help to find out more on the blood drive.
Diggle goes into Cyrus’ apartment while Oliver waits in the car reluctantly. He finds a book of poetry on the benchtop opened to a poem “Solemn Grundy” born on a Monday christened on Tuesday which symbolises the 7 stages of life from birth to death. Diggle is greeted by Cyrus but manages to jump out the window down the fire escape.
Lance is called for backup where the Arrow meets him to give him information about Cyrus. Oliver sees his second hallucination which is of Slade.
Back on the island, Oliver is pressured to choose which girl will die. As Ivo points the gun at Sara, Oliver jumps in front and then shoots Shado, killing her.
Laurel visits the mansion to bring some information to Thea. She tells her that Sebastian’s blood drive saved lives but the subjects had a psych evaluation by Langford Institute.
Barry is performing a chemistry experiment while waiting for Oliver’s blood tests. He asks Felicity is she likes Oliver and she says she doesn’t, but Barry says if she did he is a billionaire by day and saves the city by night. He recognises that Felicity does have some feelings for Oliver. Barry, of course, has a crush on Felicity. In the background there is a story about S.T.A.R Labs and the particle accelerator.
Lance tells his ex-partner Lucas about Cyrus. Officer Daly wants to go along as well (who is Blood’s mole in the police force).
Oliver goes back to the lair as he wants some privacy. So Felicity and Barry go to Big Belly Burger to watch the countdown of the particle accelerator. Oliver starts to hallucinate with Slade.
Lance and the police force go after Cyrus. They are no match for him. Lance is injured, Lucas is killed as well as the other police officers.
Slade fights Oliver in his hallucination. Slade says his charade is to atone for his sins, not a hero, friend or brother. Oliver is too weak to fight him.
Laurel gets a call while Christmas shopping with Sebastian Blood that her father is in ICU. What is happening between these two???
While at the hospital Blood visits to check up on Laurel and Lance plus make contact with Daily.
Oliver cleans up the broken glass after his hallucination. His blood analysis comes back clean but is caused through physiological effect. He needs to confront his guilt.
Felicity learns about Lance being in hospital and Arrow makes a visit to him. Lance tells Arrow that “not every death in the city is on him”. Lance gives Arrow a key which he took off Cyrus. He wants Arrow to kill him for him and Lucas.
Back at the lair Oliver confides in Diggle by telling him he thinks he is losing his mind. He tells Diggle about Slade and Shado who are both dead because of him and he blames himself. Diggle says he brought ghosts home from Afghanistan “survival guilt’. Oliver needs to find out what his ghosts are trying to tell him to get rid of them. His guilt would be the death of Shado and injecting Slade.
Felicity scans the key and finds it is for a gate on Crescent Circle in the Glades. Felicity doesn’t want
Oliver to go out and wants him to promise to come back. A touching moment between the both of them as Oliver looks into Felicity’s eyes. You can sense she is scared for him and their feelings for each other are starting to show through. As much as she likes Barry, Felicity knows there is more than friendship looming with Oliver and Barry can see this.
Roy breaks into the psych ward looking for information on Max where he finds his file marked with “Mirakuru”.
Roy is caught by Cyrus. Blood has his face covered with his mask who injects Roy with the serum. Arrow arrives to fight Cyrus. Roy dies from the injection with his eyes bleeding. Blood says another test failure. Arrow is knocked to the ground and starts his third hallucination of Tommy. Yah. I knew Tommy would be one of the ghosts. Tommy doesn’t want Oliver to die. Oliver confesses he is sorry for letting him die and Tommy tells him he fought to save him. He tells him he is not a murderer, that he is a hero by beating the island, his father and wants him to fight. This will no doubt change the way Oliver thinks about Tommy as his sole purpose was to honour the memory of his friend.
Arrow now has the strength to fight Cyrus, killing him and destroying the serum. Another great fight scene put together by the stunt team. Arrow then goes to the aid of Roy to begin CPR as he is not letting anyone else die.
We then find Roy recouping in Thea’s bed.
Blood announces his run for mayor on TV.
We have a new villain in town. I know that voice and it is Slade well and truly alive. Blood is working for him and he tells Slade that the serum and centrifuge were destroyed. Slade is using his blood to mass produce the serum. Slade is out for revenge for the death of Shado. He knows who is under the hood, his friend. Death is too good for him as he wants Oliver to suffer by tearing everything away from him, destroy who follows him, corrupt those he loves and when everyone is lost and everything he values is gone will put an arrow through his eye.
What happened to Slade on the island and the anger and hurt made him survive the transformation from the serum.
On the island Slade awakens. He yells for Shado and goes looking for her. He has strength, speed and agility and kills Ivo’s men. Slade says whoever killed Shado is going to suffer. He probably is going to blame Oliver as well that’s why in present day he is after him.
As Oliver returns back to the lair he is greeted by a hug from Felicity. They seem both happy to see each other as Oliver looks into her eyes. Sorry I’m an Olicity fan. Oliver says they have other problems and will have to keep an eye on Roy as he was injected with the serum. Roy could go to the bad side or can Oliver turn him around to be good. Cyrus Gold died on Saturday and buried on Sunday. He was working with a man wearing a skull mask who is creating a super strong army to start a war.
Oliver notices that Barry is not around who went back to Central City to watch the particle accelerator be turned on. He left Oliver a present.
Felicity gets a call from Barry to say he missed getting in to S.T.A.R Labs. Barry says to Felicity that if she ever gets over Oliver would she go out on a date with him.
There is a storm with lightning and the power goes out in Barry’s lab. He is struck by lightning and collapses and energy light goes through his body. The beginning of the #Flash. It would be great to have some cross-over when it starts.
Oliver opens his present. Our first glimpse of his mask. Felicity does the honours and places it over his face. Perfect fit. Felicity says ”Looks like a hero”.
What a great episode and one of their best. The second half of the season is going to be facing off with Slade.