The Tomorrow People #1.08 – Thanatos
By Anna
This week’s episode we learn more of the backstory between John and Jedikiah plus trying to find out what happened to Stephen’s father.
We begin with a flashback 6 years earlier where John is the first to be experimented on to enable him to kill. Jedikiah tries to talk John out of it. You get the feeling there is more of a bond between the two of them.
In present day Jedikiah wakes up from his nightmare. He comforted by Morgan his Tomorrow People girlfriend. We learn that he met her at Coney Island where she was doing physic readings.
Back at the subway Stephen goes on about the code word “Thanatos”. Stephen has been doing some digging at Ultra into their files and learns that there was a secret research program his father was apart of. Jedikiah had it buried. Cara suggests she can get into Jedikiah’s head when he is at home asleep. John thinks this is a bad idea.
Russell goes with Cara for backup and breakin to Jedikiah’s apartment. Cara reads Jedikiah’s memories but only about the experiments with John. Russell disturbs something in the apartment awakening Jedikiah. Cara manages to teleport out but Russell is caught. Russell needs to get out as Ultra are on their way. They fight and to escape Russell teleports back to the subway with Jedikiah in tow. This is going to have consequences for them all.
Cara wants to interrogate Jedikiah but needs to be careful that he doesn’t find out she still has her powers. But unfortunately, she can’t read his mind, he is blocking her.
Jedikiah tries to blackmail John to letting him go because if they read his mind The Tomorrow People will find out more of what John can do. We then go to flashback where John is tested to make his first kill which is only a test in which he passes. He is then given his first real assignment. His first assignment will be to kill the man who trained him.
Stephen is back at Ultra where they are on high alert to find Jedikiah and his kidnappers. He is confronted with the news about him missing. We meet the Founder where Stephen first heard his voice at the mansion. Ultra are using teleports to help locate Jedikiah. We learn that Roger, Stephen’s father was one of the founders of Ultra.
Stephen goes back to the subway to warn The Tomorrow People that they need to get Jedikiah out as Ultra are searching for him. Cara wants to try and read Jedikiah’s mind again. Cara knocks Jedikiah out to read his mind. They find out about Morgan. She senses John in his head and that he is covering something up. She also reads that Jedikiah treated John as a son.
Stephen goes back to Ultra to inform them about Morgan. They go to her apartment to capture her with Stephen standing by outside. He apprehends Morgan but she tells him that she loves Jedikiah and lets her go.
Russell and Cara confront Jedikiah about his affair with Morgan and want to know about Thanatos. It is a nickname for Professor Aldus Crick “Dr Death”. Apparently, Stephen’s father, Jedikiah and Professor Crick did experiments at Ultra in which the subjects usually died.
The Founder is not happy that the Outbreak escaped. He kills one of the telepaths and hooks himself up to the tracking machine. Obviously he must be a Tomorrow People but with capabilities to kill.
The Tomorrow People find Dr Crick. The organisation was formed with Jedikiah and Stephen’s father to find and protect species but it all went wrong. Jedikiah was jealous of Stephen’s father as he didn’t have powers. Stephen learns that his father could stop time like himself.
Back at the subway Russell is watching over Jedikiah who tries to escape. There is a struggle between them and to save Russell’s life Cara intervenes showing Jedikiah that she has not, in fact, lost her powers. This will cause consequences for Stephen.
The Founder learns that Jedikiah is being held in a subway station. Ultra prepare to go after them.
John teleports Jedikiah out with a gun knowing he has to kill him.
Back in flashback, we learn that John’s assignment was to kill Roger, Stephen’s father, in a car explosion but Roger teleported. We thought he was dead from that explosion. He is met by John in the street where he shoots him.
Back in the present, John tells Jedikiah he was like a father to him and he used him. John shoots at Jedikiah but didn’t kill him. The Ultra team move in and capture John after a resistance fight. He is being dragged into Ultra. What will happen to him now?
We end at flashback where Roger wants John to protect others and find his son. He promises to do this for him.