The Tomorrow People #1.07 – Limbo
This is episode is more about the consequences of what happened between Stephen and Cara in their one night fling and how this will affect the relationship and friendship with John. Stephen having fun with his powers at parties and playing basketball.
It is also about trying to stop a breakout who is a rapist.
We begin with a girl working to her car late at night with the outbreak taunting her until he teleports her and no doubt rapes her.
Stephen wakes up in a hotel room. Cara is in the shower. Stephen would like to continue where they left off last night but Cara pushes Stephen away. Cara feels they made a mistake and puts an end to what should never have started. Stephen doesn’t feel this way. Cara says they need to vacate the hotel room as the new guests are arriving. She teleports out but Stephen is caught still in the room when the guests arrive. Oops.
John and Russell are back from their trip. John reveals to Cara that Russell has a musical talent of being a pianist. Irene tracks a new breakout who is a rapist which especially upsets Cara. John says that “our powers do not make us good, they make us powerful”. John would like Cara to contact Stephen for his help but would prefer to get a read on the outbreak first. So John decides to contact Stephen himself.
At Ultra people are turning on Stephen because he has lost 2 Ultra agents. No-one wants to work with him. Jedikiah intervenes that everyone must work together to find the new dangerous outbreak. Stephen storms out and Jedikiah follows when Stephen admits that he feels toxic and a liability to Ultra. Jedikiah agrees for some time away from the agency but with a warning not to go rogue.
Stephen is at a diner contemplating his life and John teleports in to his surprise. John wants his help regarding the breakout that Ultra needs to capture. Stephen tells John that he is taking some time off as “his boss/uncle” thinks he is stressed and it is getting to him. Stephen thinks Jedikiah only knows half of his life at Ultra but he also has the whole survival of his species to depend on him. John tells Stephen “he gets it that it is a lot of pressure that their world can be a little intense, but it is up to you, you can’t choose your destiny only you can fulfil it or fail it”.
Now that Astrid knows about Stephen’s powers he confides to her that his powers should be cool by reading minds etc. She tries to cheer him up and encourages him to have fun with his powers. So he goes off to play basketball winning game for the team so the coach places him on the varsity game.
John, Cara and Russell roam the streets topside looking for the breakout. John tells Cara it was wrong of him not to tell her that he can kill and knows he has to win her trust back. He tells her that he loves her. John still has no idea about Stephen and Cara.
Stephen teleports Astrid back to his house and finds Cara waiting for him in his bedroom. Astrid is introduced to Cara. How awkward was that. Cara wants Stephen back at Ultra to help find the outbreak. She tells Stephen that the two of them should never have happened and it was a mistake. Stephen feels there was always something between them from the beginning before they met and when Cara was only in his head.
The day before the big basketball game the team needs a place to have their “PEP party”. So Stephen has the party at his place while his mom is working. He is in with the cool crowd now and a brunette wants to make-out with him in his room.
Cara says to John that they should always tell the truth to each other. So she confesses to him that she made a mistake and slept with Stephen. She is so sorry and terrified of losing John. There is a lot of tension between them.
The party is getting out of control and the police arrive. Astrid tells Stephen that he sucks at being a superhero. She told him to have fun but not to be a jerk. Stephen reads Astrid’s mind and finds out that she is in love with him. She is not impressed with him for invading her mind.
Meanwhile, Cara senses the outbreak is about to attack another girl, so John, Cara and Russell go to her defence. They fight with the outbreak but he gets away but save the girl.
Jedikiah arrives at Stephen’s house after finding out about him misusing his powers and in public. So now Stephen is going to feel what it is like not have his powers. Jedikiah puts a suppression cuff on his wrist and he loses his powers. The cuff will not come off until Jedikiah says so. Apparently the suppression cuff was created by Stephen’s father.
Stephen goes underground to see if the suppression cuff can come off. Russell tells Stephen that the cuff does not come off until Jedikiah says it comes off. They cannot help. John says for him to lay low and that he will take him back topside. Query how did Stephen get underground without teleporting when John had to take him back topside?
At the basketball game Stephen sucks without his powers. John says he will help him out and watches from the bleachers. Instead of helping him he makes him play bad by having the ball hit him in the face and him fall down. After the game John confronts Stephen about sleeping with Cara and a fist fight erupts. Cara intervenes. Cara says to both of them that it was her fault and a onetime mistake and she is with John. Fighting each other is a path to extinction. The fight ends.
Stephen has a flash and realises that the outbreak takes his victims to the sewers. He goes on his own without powers to confront the outbreak. He is no match for this outbreak. Apparently even though Stephen has no powers he can still communicate with Cara for help. Stephen gets knocked unconscious and pushed into the water floating face down. Cara and John teleport in. Cara fights the outbreak but is no match and she would like to kill this guy. Russell teleports in and knocks him out. Meanwhile, John goes to save Stephen. Stephen sees a vision of his father who tells him to stay back, save yourself and to save the world “Thanatos”. This is the name of the next episode. Hopefully we learn more about this in this next episode. John gives CPR to Stephen to revive him.
Stephen brings the outbreak into Ultra so they can deal with him. Jedikiah is impressed that Stephen caught a violent outbreak on his own without powers.
I’m sure Jedikiah suspects that he had help from the others and is protecting him from the powers above.
Stephen would like his powers back and Jedikiah is curious to know what changed his mind and he says “it is not my destiny to choose, I can only choose to fulfil or fail it”. Jedikiah would of removed his powers permanently if he had to. He removes the suppression cuff.
John and Cara are good. John tells Cara that Stephen is in love with her, which she already knows, and that it is a problem. She says that we have to all work together as without Stephen there is no end game. John asks Cara if she loves him and she says yes. How will this relationship survive?
Stephen goes to give a peace offering to Astrid. Astrid tells Stephen that Cara is in love with him no matter what Cara has said to him.
Stephen goes underground to Cara. She tells him not to go without his powers again. She said that she shouldn’t have heard him when he had the suppression cuff on but somehow they are both connected. Stephen tells both John and Cara they he saw his father and is alive. They need to figure out how to find him.