The Tomorrow People #1.05 – All Tomorrow’s Parties
By: Anna
We begin this week with Stephen and his handler, Darcy, chasing an outbreaker. Stephen goes after the outbreaker on his own which breaks protocol. We learn that this is a training session by Ultra and Stephen fails.
The head of Ultra wants to now meet with Stephen. Jedikiah doesn’t seem too pleased but has no choice to obey.
Stephen meets Astrid after some time that they had not been speaking to each other. The reunion is a little awkward. Stephen asks Astrid to the Homecoming dance.
Cara asks Stephen to watch Mark Mendez who is next to be injected with the cure of his powers. She actually wants him to be injected as he used to teleport murderers from prison. They want Stephen to watch so he can steal some of the serum. There genetic person, Irene, may be able to find out how the serum works.
Jedikiah informs Stephen that the head of Ultra wants to meet with him. He takes him to a mansion where he leaves him. We learn that the head of Ultra is a Tomorrow Person like him who is hunting his own kind. We don’t get to see him but telepathic talks to Stephen. He wants to be on the side that is still standing. He also wants to see how alike Stephen is to his father and learn what he is hiding from Jedikiah.
John confronts Kurt one of their newest Tomorrow People who goes back home to see his mother. He is jeopardising be exposed by Ultra and risking everyone if they find out their hideout.
Cara wants to go topside to a party and be like normal people, that they need to experience some life outside. John totally disagrees to this and thinks Stephen has an influence over her. So they both agree to fight and whoever wins gets to either go topside to the party or not. Cara wins.
Russell lets all The Tomorrow People know the rules of not getting caught when they go to the party.
The Tomorrow People all go to their party except for John who thinks it is a bad idea but relents and turns up dancing with Cara.
Meanwhile, Jedikiah comes and picks Stephen up from his home. He tells him that the head of Ultra is suspicious of him and he has to prove himself. Astrid sees them go and follows them in a taxi. She is not happy about being stood up again. Jedikiah takes Stephen to the party to watch as the hit squad enter. Cara cannot use her telepathy powers. John discovers that it is an ambush at the party and some Tomorrow People are killed.
While Astrid investigates she gets caught by Darcy.
Stephen helps by using his powers to blow the fuse box so that The Tomorrow People can escape. Irene is shot. Jedikiah sees John and shoots at him before he escapes. Cara sees John kill an Ultra agent while protecting her and Irene who now leads her believe that John has the ability to kill where the rest of the Tomorrow People cannot kill.
Back at the hideout Irene is badly bleeding. John is refusing to take her to the hospital for fear of breaking protocol and being found out. Stephen teleports Irene out to the hospital.
Cara feels guilty for going to the party after 3 of their people were killed.
Cara confronts John about killing and learns that John was part of the Annex Project and is not happy that he has kept this secret from her.
Cara needs to find out who the traitor was who told Ultra. Stephen feels he may have compromised them with the head of Ultra got into his head. We learn that it was Kurt as Ultra caught him visiting him mom. He made a deal with them so they could kill John. Cara gives Kurt the serum to take away his powers.
At the end of the night Astrid is waiting for Stephen at home in his bedroom. She confronts him again about the train track and what she saw tonight. Stephen has blood on his shirt which makes her even more curious. Stephen tells Astrid that he saw something awful and is having problems dealing with it. She wants to help. So we have Stephen saying to Astrid to trust him as he teleports her to the place they first met. What will happen next in their relationship?