The Tomorrow People #1.04 – Kill or Be Killed
By: Anna
This week is focussed on John who leads The Tomorrow People. We learn his story about when he was with Ultra and his connection to Killian McCrane (Jason Dohring) who is a former Ultra recruit and also when he was a child.
After a number of bombs are being set off, Stephen asks for John’s help to capture McCrane.
This episode also focusses on Stephen at home when his mother (played by Sarah Clarke) confronts him about working for his uncle, Jedikiah. So to find out more about what is going on she invites Jedikiah to dinner. It seems like Stephen’s mother is prodding for information as if she knew about her husband’s life but not letting on.
How will McCrane’s return affect John and The Tomorrow People?
We begin with John Young’s backstory. John’s foster father is a drunk and he has to steal so the other children do not have to starve. Jedikiah Price arrives at the house to take John away for a better life at Ultra. At Ultra he is taught how to use his powers. He is also taught about killing and that it is “kill or be killed”. As we know The Tomorrow People do not kill.
Back in present day at the hideout John is trying to teach Stephen the ways of the Tomorrow People and to make him forget what Ultra is teaching him in the handbook. He has 3 hours of teleport training to teleport people.
Stephen’s mum is getting suspicious of him and confronts him why he has an Ultra employee badge and says “think before you answer”. Stephen answers that he is working after school with his uncle to spend more time with him to know him. So she wants Stephen to invite Jedikiah to dinner as family. Of course, Jedikiah does not want to go to dinner.
There have been 4 explosions in the city and the suspect is Killian McCrane. McCrane was once a test subject of an Ultra experiment of super powered soldiers called the Annex Project. So now Ultra is trying to compile his next move. Stephen wants to help stop this person and begs Jedikiah to let him on the mission to capture Killian. Things don’t go so well.
A bomb is set off in Jedikiah’s car and Stephen teleports him out of the car just as it explodes. Everyone things that McCrane is now after Jedikiah but in actual fact it was a diversion to steal John’s file from Ultra. So why does McCrane want John’s file?
We learn that McCrane wants John for unfinished business. They were once friends but not anymore as McCrane thinks John betrayed him and wants revenge.
John’s vision is to do what Stephen’s father wanted to do to save the Tomorrow People. Jedikiah wants The Tomorrow People experimented on and Stephen’s father opposed this and wanted a safe place for all.
John agrees to meet with McCrane and Stephen goes along. This time 6 bombs are rigged to blow at a youth orchestra concert. With Stephen’s help by cutting one wire, John teleports to disarm the remaining 6 bombs.
Meanwhile there is the family dinner which Jedikiah agrees to go to because Stephen saved his life. Stephen’s mum wants answers as to why Stephen comes home with bruises and Jedikiah smooths talks his way by saying that it is just the usual internship of getting coffee, filing etc. She also confronts Jedikiah as to what happened to her husband, Roger, when he worked at Ultra as he was not same person after working there. She is not convinced.
Jedikiah asks Stephen to get John to help to take down McCrane. John says that Jedikiah was the closes thing he had to a father that’s why he is willing to help him. There is a ceasefire temporarily.
John goes to fight McCrane but it is a setup by Jedikiah with Ultra’s kill squad. John teleports McCrane outside where they confront each other. John does the one thing he believes should not be done and that he kills McCrane. This is why he left Ultra as he was taught to kill just like McCrane and he didn’t want to kill. To hide what he has done John buries McCrane. We know now that John can kill.
We learn that Stephen’s mum is hiding something, Jedikiah does not want to protect the human race but find a gene for killing them and John believes that by killing he will lose his soul.