By: Anna
We begin this week where we left off last week’s episode with Laurel capturing The Hood in her office. Laurel is still adamant The Hood needs to be brought to justice and for killing Tommy. Just when you thought there was no hope of escape the Black Canary comes to rescue The Hood with a supersonic noise. Once freed the Black Canary disappears.
Back on the island Shado has brought one of the Japanese corpses back to the plane to study. We learn that she was once a med student. In the meantime, Slade and Oliver hike to the top of the mountain to bond.
This episode focuses more of the Lance family in this episode and reconciliation. A serial killer Barton Mathis has escaped from Starling City Prison in which Quentin Lance put away 6 years ago. He was known as the
Doll Maker as he would coat and drown his victims in a polymer that hardens turning them into dolls. The Doll Maker wants to repay Quentin for putting him away in prison. As the police force will not allow Lance to get involved in the case he seeks the help of The Hood.
In the meantime we have Diggle and Oliver (shirtless) working out while trying to find out information on the
Black Canary. Oliver gets Roy to do some investigation to find out who the Black Canary is and finds Sin who is a friend to the Black Canary. Sin is calling Roy “Abercrombie”.
Moira’s trial is coming up. Thea’s visits her mother in prison bringing her clothes to wear. Moira is ready to accept her punishment for the 503 people that died. Her attorney is Jean Loring (Teryl Rothery from Stargate SG1).
We have Lance and The Hood working closely together to find Mathis. They make a great team. Quentin notices a connection between the earlier cases and the new ones that all women used a skin cream which is only sold in certain stores. Felicity offers herself to be bait. Oliver is not happy with this and she tells him “it is my choice. How can it be more dangerous than going undercover in a mob casino or jumping out of a plane”. Felicity is in communication with Oliver and Diggle through their comm links. She goes to various stores and makes purchases. Love the line that “I want to be reimbursed for all the creams I bought and I saved all the receipts”. Felicity decides that maybe being bait was not a good idea after all “The next time I offer to be bait for a serial killer, please turn me down.” She bumps into Mathis who drags Felicity into an alley way. She tries to escape and is pushed into a crate hitting her head. Oliver, Lance and Diggle are to the rescue.
Unfortunately, Mathis gets away and Lance gets arrested for obstructing justice.
Moira’s hearing is up and the DA is determined to seek the death penalty for her destruction in the Glades. Oliver will do whatever he can to keep his mother alive. Moira does not want to go to trial as she does not want her children to learn secrets she is hiding regarding the Undertaking.
Back on the island Slade spots a ship which is firing on the plane. Oliver runs relentlessly back to plane to save Shado dodging explosions. Oliver is deafened by the explosions and see Slade on fire and passes out with all the confusion.
Laurel gets her father off the charges for obstructing justice. Lance tries to talk to Laurel to stop her vendetta against the Hood. It was not his fault that Tommy died. Lance has changed his mind about The Hood that he is now trying to help the people of the city. So we now find out what Oliver is to be called and who better to name him “Arrow” was Lance.
Roy finds Sin and chases her to the Clock Tower and his knocked out. When he awakens the Black Canary is there to question him. When he is to be hit Roy says “not the face I have a disapproving girlfriend”. Luckily for Roy he gets a text from Thea about the kidnapping of Lance and Laurel and Roy is set free.
Lance and Laurel are abducted by the Doll Maker. It was horrible to see Laurel to be the next victim, nerve racking for Lance to see his daughter in this predicament and nothing he could do but watch her die. Just as we horribly watch the polymer go to choke Laurel the Arrow comes to the rescue. Mathis gets away but not for long when the Black Canary shows up and kills him.
We learn that there is a past to the Black Canary when a Dark Archer shows up to take her back to Ra’s Al Ghul – League of Assassins. She slits his throat as she is not going back. Could she be Sarah who was rescued by Ra’s Al Ghul and taught her what she knows today.
The ordeal that Laurel went through has made her realised that she is to blame for Tommy’s death as she was told to stay out of the Glades the night of the Undertaking. We still don’t know whether she will continue her vendetta or not.
Also with Lance working so close to The Arrow surely he has figured out who he is really is with his disguise. We will learn in the episodes ahead.
Back on the island Oliver awakens locked up in a cage on what seems to be the freighter. There is no Slade (could this be the start of Deathstroke as we saw Slade get burnt) and we do not know the whereabouts of Shado. At least he is off the island, but what lies ahead for him now. Is this where he meets the Russian Bratva Mob?? Questions.