Arrow #2.02 – Identity
Roy is still out trying to save Glades when a truck being hijacked by China White for medical supplies from FEMA. In doing so, flips his car. We then see Oliver working out in the Lair trying out the new equipment and as usual it a shirtless Oliver.
Oliver and Diggle are at Verdant and Oliver is excited for the launch of Crusade 2.0 now that he does not have the list. Love when Oliver says to Thea as she didn’t see him arrive at the Club “I had a secret entrance installed when I ran the club … Kidding.” If she only knew that there was one to the Lair.
Laurel questions Roy at the police station about the vigilante to find out his whereabouts. We also have Thea and Oliver concerned for him in his quest for the vigilante.
On the island Slade discovers a map and photo in which the group go to investigate.
Shado comforts Oliver after he questions if darkness lies inside him after he killed the man to save her life.
We have Oliver being confronted by Alderman Sebastian Blood (played by Kevin
Alejandro) at the Glades Memorial who is out there trying to help the people of the Glades. He is making things difficult for Oliver Queen by making him look bad. Not sure if he will be a bad guy or good guy down the track.
There was so much humour with Felicity and Oliver in this episode. Felicity was refusing to be his Girl Wednesday (oh Girl Friday). Love the humour of the Arrow Writers. Coffee was a reference in this episode that Felicity would not be making for Oliver anytime soon, but in the end she weakened and did. Felicity was not going to be his assistant but this was to be her cover and Diggle’s line “It could be worse, my secret identity is his black driver”. Oliver’s cover would be CEO. As the title says it’s about their identities.
We learn that after the Undertaking Dibble and Carly broke up due to him being unable to love her and hate Deadshot who is still out there and to separate the two. The Hood visits Laurel where we learn that her hate is from seeing the Hood with Tommy and not helping him when the devastation of the Glades and saving the people but going off to fight Malcolm Merlyn.
We see a new DC character Bronze Tiger who has teamed up with China White to steal the medical supplies in which The Hood and Diggle stop. Thea gives Roy an ultimatum to be in her life and reconnect with her by giving him Oliver’s Buddhist rock and give up trying to be a hero or take the severance check and go.
Oliver Queen agrees to hold an event with his elite people he knows to raise money for the Glades with Sebastian Blood. Of course, Oliver must decide whether to go to the gala event or stop the stealing of the medical supplies. We all know that the later prevailed. In doing so, Sebastian Blood had pleasure in crucifying Oliver as a rich boy.
Meanwhile, back on the island you get the feeling that there is going to be a love triangle with Slade, Shado and Oliver after Slade warns Oliver not to get distracted by a pretty girl. They find an old cave which the men who invaded the island were looking for. It is full of WWII skeletons of Japanese soldiers. This is where Oliver finds the Buddish rock around one of the dead soldier’s neck.
The Hood shows up in an alley and talks to Roy to be his eyes and ears in the Glades and gave him a red arrow.
Roy will no longer be the hero for now and be back with Thea. The Hood visits Laurel again but this time Laurel has a trap for him. She clicks a button and all these police come out to the Hood’s surprise.
Will the Hood get out of this one?
By the way we still haven’t learnt what the Hood wants to be called yet.