Arrow #2.1 – City of Heroes
By: Anna
It has been a long wait for season 2 but Arrow is back.
From last season where we see the Hood crossing off people’s names from the List who have failed “Starling City” and not caring who he kills and then trying to stop the Undertaking destroy the Glades.
We start this season back on the island of Lian Yu where Oliver has escaped to after the destruction of the Glades.
Diggle and Felicity parachute onto the island to find Oliver. Felicity is not too keen to jump out of the airplane. On the island Felicity steps onto a landmine and it is a shirtless Oliver to her rescue.
It will be interesting to count how many times we see a shirtless Oliver this season. Actually we get to see Felicity and Oliver fly through the air twice in this episode. Love the quote “God, your really sweaty” with Oliver lying on top of her after saving her from the landmine. I must say I am an Olicity fan.
Diggle and Felicity convince Oliver to come back to Starling City as Queen Consolidated is going to be taken over by Isabel Rochev’s company played by Summer Glau.
Laurel Lance is now working for the District Attorney (played by Dylan Bruce from Orphan Black). She witnesses at an event the killing of the Mayor by the copycat vigilantes. Laurel tells Oliver that them sleeping together was a mistake and that she will take down the Hood for Tommy’s death.
Thea has taken over Verdant in Oliver’s absence and Roy is working for her. In the evenings Roy is fighting crime in the Glades as he wants to be like the vigilante. Thea does not like this.
The copycat vigilantes interrupt Oliver and Isabel Rochev’s meeting . We see Felicity save Oliver by hitting one of the copycat vigilantes over the head only for Oliver and Felicity flying out the window.
Oliver goes and his mother, Moira, in prison and for some help in saving Queen Consolidated. Moira says there is always family to help save Queen Consolidated.
Oliver doesn’t want to be the vigilante because of Tommy’s death as he said he was a murderer. He wants to honor the memory of his friend’s death by not killing. Felicity says to find another way to help people. We see the new lair including the salmon ladder. In which Felicity says to Oliver “I like watching you to that”. Thea is kidnapped by the copycat vigilantes and goes to the Oliver rescues by putting on the greens to rescue Thea. By doing this he realizes that he can make a difference without killing anyone and be a hero.
Thea hates her mother and won’t go see her in prison but when the copycats kidnap her she changes her mind and later goes to visit her mother in prison.
With regard to the flashback scenes there is a new enemy on the island in which Slade, Shado and Oliver find and Shado is abducted by the men. When Oliver sees that the man holding Shado is going to kill her he rushes in a beats the guys head in with a rock. This is the first time we see Oliver kill and what consequences this will have on him. Walter Steel who is now CEO of Starling National Bank comes to the rescue to save the Queen Consolidated.
Roy is still trying to save people in the Glades and we see the introduction of the Black Canary come to his aid. We see Oliver saying at the end Ï don’t want to be called the Hood any more in which Dig says “What do you want to be called”.
We have the transition of Oliver now becoming “Arrow” or “Green Arrow”.