We first learned about ‘Lost Girl’ from our fearless leader Amy, she couldn’t stop talking about this Canadian show she found out about thanks to some of our Canadian friends. We were over the moon when Syfy announced they were going to start airing ‘Lost Girl’. For us this meant we could start our ‘Lost Girl’ reviews show. Over the years we’ve because friends with a few of the cast members and in 2010 Amy and Gina went to the first Comic Con Panel for ‘Lost Girl’ there were about 10 people (Fans) in the panel. In 2011 the ‘Lost Girl’ Comic Con panel room was packed and hard to get into!
We were excited when Dragon Con announced a few of the ‘Lost Girl’ cast members were going to be at Dragon Con this year!
Here is our video interview with Kris Holden-Ried , K.C. Collins, and Paul Amos. This interview is just a few friends sitting behind the panel room hanging out and answering a few of our listeners questions.