By: Dan
I’ve just had the pleasure of watching the latest episode of Nikita, ‘Black Badge’.
A CIA agent named Naomi comes across a file detailing Madeline Pierce’s involvement with Division and turns it over to the Director of the CIA, Morgan Kendrick. When Kendrick is killed shortly thereafter, Amanda frames Sean for the assassination and the CIA takes him into custody. Nikita promises Alex they will free Sean and comes up with a plan that could either save him or cost him his life.
They send in a lawyer to act as part of the plan to get Sean to either agree or disagree to being killed and waking up in Division – the same thing that happened to Nikita. Sean agrees, ends up getting shot, and then dies (via alternate methods). Naomi turns out to be working for Amanda, but Nikita kills her mercilessly, and Sean is revived by Alex. The episode ends with Sean waking up to Alex in Division, and Nikita and Ryan talking about how Division will have to move forward.
It was a good episode, which further incorporated Sean into the team, and also brought back the true menace of Amanda. I can’t wait to see what happens in the coming episodes.
Thanks for reading.