By: Dan
I’ve just had the pleasure of watching the latest episode of Being Human US, ‘Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Mouth’.
Each of our main characters had their own storyline to deal with this week, and they were all equally entertaining. Josh and Nora are looking for runaway Erin, but have their own issue when Liam shows up again asking questions. After being told by Josh what the money his son paid him was for, he sends his wolves to atatck Aiden, who skillfully fights them off. Liam witnesses this and follows Aiden home. He tells Josh and Nora to kill Aiden, or he’ll kill them. Josh categorically tells Nora that it isn’t going to happen (the fact she considered it was a little annoying), and he went round to Liam to tell him (with a gun) that it won’t happen. Liam let him go, and later brought Erin back to them, saying he thinks Josh was very brave.
Sally had a drama of her own with her increasingly strong feelings for her boss, Max. There’s a lot of flirting, and once Sally disperses of ghosts, she can flirt back too. Max’s mother (a ghost) appears and talks to Sally about her son, and on their first date things go well despite the ghost being around. The 2 even have sex in the funeral home the next day, but Max’s mother isn’t happy and posseses Sally and quits the job. Angry at what happened, Sally goes to exorcise his mother, but stops when she realises she’s trying to look out for Max in her own way. Sally manages to reconcile with Max over what his mother did, and his mother looks on happily.
That leaves everyone’s favourite vampire, Aiden. He’s making friends with the boy-in-the-bubble, and using him for small vials of blood to stop him from halucinating about the people he’s killed in the past. When another nurse come sin asking for blood, the boy realises that Aiden might be a vampire, and sets about trying to test it with sunlight, mirrors and a cross. It doesn’t work, and he asks Aiden, who brushes him off and denies it. The boy apologises, but Aiden says he has nothing to apologise for, and sits to watch tv with him. Aiden then dreams about the other nurse accusing him of stealing blood, and snapping her neck. He wakes up with his fangs out and his eyes black, and looks up to see the boy staring at him, before he runs out.
It was a great episode, with a perfect mix of drama and fun. I’m really liking the way that this seaosn is shaping up, and I can’t wait for more.
Thanks for reading.