Sam and Dean infiltrate the world of LARPers as they work a regular monster-of-the-week case that reconnects them with Charlie from Season 7′s “The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo.” Yes, live action role-playing is the name of the game and Supernatural went all out to bring it to life.
Charlie isn’t the only one to make a return engagement in “LARP and the Real Girl” (although it was really great to see her working with the boys once again). We were also reunited with Adorkable Dean. Emphasis on ‘dork’. He’s able to channel his inner geek and tap into his fun side for this case. At first, you can tell Larping intrigues him, but he keeps his interest on the down low. Soon, he’s giving Charlie some strategy advice and when he dons that handmaiden outfit, it’s all go. Sam’s still feeling the effects of ending his relationship with Amelia. He’s down about it and Dean’s being really supportive of the whole thing.
But finally lets go and joins Dean in that Braveheart moment that freeze frames before going to credits. So many times, he’ll maybe crack a smile at something Dean says. But usually he’s forgoing a drink at the bar. Or not getting into the fun of a situation.
Plus, Sam hasn’t lost his mojo, that’s for sure. When in the tech tent, he enlists the help of a beautiful Larper. Let’s just say she has no problem offering her theories to the hot guy playing “genre mash-up.” Little did she know Sam’s investigation was for real.
Felicia Day can come back anytime as far as I’m concerned. And while I always thought Charlie (who’s been going by Carrie Heinlein) had more in common with Sam, I love how the Queen of Moons connects with Dean. He’s able to open up to her about what has transpired since she saw the Winchesters last. When she explains how she loves being a hero in her little Larping world, Dean explains to her that she was a hero in the real world too. She helped them take down Dick Roman. Charlie’s such a refreshing presence on this show. She interacts effortlessly with Sam and Dean. She’s fun, she’s ridiculously smart, and yes, she’s into girls. In fact, she hooks up with the beautiful fairy — the one the bad guy forces to do his evil bidding. So happy Charlie gets to save the day again along with the brothers Winchester.
Before parting ways, Charlie offers her services to the Winchesters should they need her again, which is much better than what happened the last time they met up, and I hope it happens.
It was a fun episode, going back to the original roots of the show, whilst maintaining the current storyline. I can’t wait for more.
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