A winter-themed party takes place in Mystic Falls, but amongst the celebration Caroline and Stefan argue with Tyler over what to do with Klaus and his hybrids. Tyler wants to use a witch to put Klaus in his body and bury himself whilst the hybrids escape. Stefan and Caroline don’t like it, as Klaus has the sword to decode Jeremy’s mark. After a discovery from Damon, they agree with the plan, but improve it to putting Klaus in Rebekah’s body. However, it was all a ruse by Hayley, who snaps Caroline’s neck. April finds her, and Caroline compels her when she comes round – not knowing that she’s wearing vervain. Klaus finds out about the hybrids and slaughters them all. April finds them in horror, but also discovers Rebekah. Stefan also hears from Caroline just how together Damon and Elena were, and shows his frustration by destroying the room.
Meanwhile, Elena and Damon go to the Gilbert Lake House to help Jeremy face some dangerous inner demons with the help of Bonnie and Professor Shane, who shares a piece of ancient history that leaves them all speechless – he knows where the cure is, so they don’t need Klaus or the sword. They just need to grow Jeremy’s tattoo. After a failed attempt at making it safe for Elena to be around Jeremy again, Damon concocts the idea of using Bonnie as an anchor, and this works. Damon breaks the sire bond with Elena, and they part with Damon staying with Jeremy to teach him how to hunt properly.
The episode ends with Carol Lockwood looking for Tyler, and being found by Klaus. Klaus kills her in revenge for Tyler making him kill all of his hybrids.
It was a brilliant mid-season finale for the show, showcasing one of the best parts about the show – Klaus’ murderous tendancies. I can’t wait for the first episode back, not least because Rebekah is clearly back, but also another favourite returns – Kol. Bring it on.
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